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Ansible Burp-server


Install and configure Burp backup Server with Ansible. This role is meant to suits my need and is inspired by If you want a more complete role, go check it!

Tested plateform

  • Debian 10 (Buster)
  • Debian 11 (Bulleyes)

Role variables

Boolean variables: Do we force the reinstallation of Burp? Do we enable the autoupgrade feature?

burp_force_reinstall: false
burp_server_autoupgrade_enabled: true

The path where the burp sources will be download and the format of the archive.

burp_download_dir: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/burp"

# .tar.gz, or zip
burp_srcext: "zip"

Burp Version.

# branch or tag github, For exemple: "master", "2.0.46"
burp_version: "2.2.18"

The .configure command line and some path used by Burp.

# Doc CFLAGS here:
burp_configure_line: "./configure"
burp_usr_path: '/usr/local'
burp_bin_path: "{{ burp_usr_path }}/sbin/burp"

burp_src: "burp-{{ burp_version }}"
burp_url: "{{ burp_version }}.{{ burp_srcext }}"

burp_server_etc: '/etc/burp'
burp_data_backup: /data_backup
burp_clientconf_path: "{{ burp_usr_path }}/burp"
burp_clientconf_path_dir: "{{ burp_clientconf_path }}/clientconfdir"
burp_clientconf_path_dir_incexc: "{{ burp_clientconf_path_dir }}/incexc"
burp_client_ca_csr_dir: "{{ burp_server_etc }}/CA-client"

You can describe here your "include" and "exclude" files and then assign those to your client. For exemple here, we create a template for windows7, one for windows 10, one for Debian as a server...

  - name: includeW7
    include_regexp: []
    exclude_regexp: []

  - name: includeW10
    include_regexp: []
    exclude_regexp: []

  - name: includeDebianServer
    include_regexp: []
    exclude_regexp: []

  - name: includeDebianDesktop
    include_regexp: []
    exclude_regexp: []

Variables used to describe the "service" file.

# Service (systemd)
burp_sv_server_command: "{{ burp_bin_path }} -c {{ burp_server_etc }}/burp-server.conf -F"
burp_sv_server_user: "root"

burp_server_ca_conf: "{{ burp_server_etc }}/CA.cnf"
burp_server_address: ""
burp_server_port: 4971
burp_server_status_port: 4972

Variables used in the burp-server.conf files. You must adapt those to suits your infrastructure needs.

# Conf file:
burp_server_listen: "{{ burp_server_address }}:{{ burp_server_port }}"
burp_server_listen_status: "{{ burp_server_status_port }}"
burp_server_dedup_group: global
burp_server_clientconfdir: "{{ burp_clientconf_path_dir }}"
burp_server_protocol: "1"
burp_server_pidfile: "/var/run/"
burp_server_hardlinked_archive: "0"
# resume/delete
burp_server_working_dir_recovery_method: "delete"
burp_server_max_children: "5"
burp_server_max_status_children: "15"
burp_server_umask: "0027"
burp_server_syslog: "1"
burp_server_stdout: "0"
burp_server_client_can_delete: "0"
burp_server_client_can_force_backup: "1"
burp_server_client_can_list: "0"
burp_server_client_can_restore: "0"
burp_server_client_can_verify: "0"
burp_server_ratelimit: false
burp_server_network_timeout: false
burp_server_compression: zlib9
burp_server_version_warn: "1"
burp_server_autoupgrade_dir: "{{ burp_clientconf_path }}/autoupgrade/server"
  - 7
  - 4
  - 3
burp_server_ca_name: myca-ca
burp_server_ca_server_name: myserver
burp_server_ca_burp_ca: "{{ burp_usr_path }}/sbin/burp_ca"
burp_server_ca_crl_check: "1"
burp_server_ssl_cert_ca: "{{ burp_server_etc }}/ssl_cert_ca-server.pem"
burp_server_ssl_cert: "{{ burp_server_etc }}/ssl_cert-server.pem"
burp_server_ssl_key: "{{ burp_server_etc }}/ssl_cert-server.key"
burp_server_ssl_key_password: "ChangeIT!"
burp_server_ssl_dhfile: "{{ burp_server_etc }}/dhfile.pem"
burp_server_timer_script: "{{ burp_usr_path }}/share/burp/scripts/timer_script"
  - 20h
  - Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23
burp_notify_failure: true
burp_notify_failure_email_to: ""
burp_notify_failure_email_from: "Burp_Backup"
  - monitor

A list of client to deploy. You must define a password and you can use a profile, among those you have created with burp_incexc_templates

burp_add_clients: []
#  - name: client1
#    profile: includeW10
#    password: password

A list of client to remove. The certs and csr will be removed

burp_remove_clients: []
# - name: client40

Auto upgrade configuration

burp_autoupgrade_version: "2.2.18"
  - src: "{{ burp_autoupgrade_version }}/burp-win64-installer-{{ burp_autoupgrade_version }}.exe/download"
    dest: "{{ burp_server_autoupgrade_dir }}/win64/{{ burp_autoupgrade_version }}/package"

Local client, use for restoration purpose.

burp_client_pidfile: "/var/run/"
burp_client_password: "changeIT!"
burp_client_ssl_cert_ca: "{{ burp_server_etc }}/ssl_cert_ca-monitor.pem"
burp_client_ssl_cert: "{{ burp_server_etc }}/ssl_cert-monitor.pem"
burp_client_ssl_key: "{{ burp_server_etc }}/ssl_cert-monitor.key"
burp_client_ssl_peer_cn: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"


ansible-galaxy install supertarto.burp_server


GPL V3.0