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Arena Tracker v7.0

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@supertriodo supertriodo released this 23 May 10:07
· 2602 commits to master since this release

Patrons (3$+) will be able to unlock the premium version from the app which implements some extra features: (replays, planning, graveyard, synergies, HSReplay winrate scores and draft mechanics overview).


Join our community at the Arena Tracker subreddit.

AT adds winrates of cards as a new score while drafting. This is a premium only feature, thanks to all AT patrons for all your support!

The assistant that will be used for the average deck score during a draft will be the last one activated through config tab. You can change between the 3 (LightForge, HearthArena and HSReplay) at any moment during a draft.


  • Deck: Disable auto-size as default.
  • Draft: Add winrates score for cards. When talking about cards winrates there are to kind of winrates: (1) Played winrate: It's the winrate of the card considering only the matches in which that card is played. (2) Included winrate: It's the winrate of the card considering all the matches in which that card is part of the deck. In the scores overlay shown below the cards you can see the played winrate. In the draft tab you can see both winrates following this format: (Played Winrate% -- Included Winrate%)
  • Draft: Add deck score average element for new HSReplay winrates.
  • Draft: Let the user choose which deck score average method is used by the last draft method selected in config tab.
  • Draft: Update HSR score image. The old one would make it difficult to distinguish between the best score and the others due to all of them having spikes.
  • Draft: Make scores smallers when showing all 3 plus twitch votes on scores overlay.
  • Draft: Link to, HearthArena and LightForge tier list websites when clicking on the scores of the cards during a draft.
  • Synergy: Update synergies.json
  • Extra: Separate some initial processes in another threads to avoid locking AT at the start.
  • Bug Fix: When detaching a AT window or changing theme while in a draft, the draft tab will dissapear. Now it's fixed.

Top patrons:

  • Al D: $95
  • Mike H: $87
  • Sebastian T: $66
  • King Karuso: $65
  • Etienne M: $53

Top donors:

  • King Karuso: €50,00 EUR
  • Clovis C: €30,00 EUR
  • Morgan K: €20,00 EUR
  • Frossie E: €20,00 EUR
  • Adam S: €20,00 EUR
  • Thomas W: €20,00 EUR

Enjoy Patreon special privileges and unlock the premium version:

