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typescript swagger schema definition api auto generate

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Inspired by pont.

When I first had the idea for automatically generate typescript from json schema, I found pont. But it was in an early unstable stage, and I do not like the output code style, and the worst is it can not process some bad defined openapi doc type.

So after some trying and compare some other tools, I deside to make a new wheel -- ts-gear.

Ts-gear parse openapi doc and then generate your service code by one command.

The service code includes request functions and data type definitions.

Ts-gear works with various kind of none standard openapi definition doc with high compatibility.

With this tool all openapi doc definition and request methods would be converted to typescript request functions automatically, and when the doc updates, just rerun tsg, typescript will report any type updates.

If you have tried pont, OpenAPI Generator, swagger-codegen or oazapfts and some other tools, but got errors, just try this.

Killer features ☯

These features make ts-gear different with pont, OpenAPI Generator, swagger-codegen or oazapfts and some others, if you know some thing better, please let me know.

  1. high compatibility with various kind of openapi doc definition.

Most other code generators depends on the standard openapi spec doc.

But in real world, especially in my case, all doc has some definition errors.

  • Many $ref does not has corresponding definition.

  • Many unregular charators occur in names and properties those can not be used as variable or type name, such as "输出参数".

  • Too hard to parse generic types as ReplyVO<PageVO<List>>.

  • Many javascript key word conflict such as Map, Set.

ts-gear try the best to solve all thses issues.

  1. Each request is an independ function, best for TREE SHAKE.

  2. Try the best to generate generic types, if fail, you can update config keepGeneric: false to generate your service that at least can work.

  3. Use prettier to output service files, and the prettier format can be configured.

  4. Use ts-morph for most ast operation, so most error occur in code generating step, not runtime step.

  5. Automatically Support OpenAPI Specification v2 and v3, no need to configure.


A good example is a better doc.

Clone and run to see how ts-gear works.



npm install ts-gear -D
// or by yarn
yarn add ts-gear -D


Initiate configuration file

tsg -i

generate an initial configuration file src/tsg.config.ts.

🐾 Why in src directory ?

Most cases src will be included in typescript system by tsconfig.json. Put it in src will confirm it will be automatically taken over by typescript.

Skip this step if there is already a configuration file.


// default use "src/tsg.config.ts"
npx tsg
// or assign another config file
npx tsg -c other_dir/tsg.config.ts
// or if only need update one project, use -p for the project name
npx tsg -p pet

check service directory

The service directory structure should look like as below.

▾ src/
  ▾ service/
    ▾ pet/

[more directory information](#Directory information)

Use in your code

After the command line operation, use the generated file in service directory.

For example, in src/store/pet.ts

import { getPetPetId } from '../../service/pet'

export const findPet = (petId: number) => {
  return getPetPetId({
    path: {
  }).then(pet => {
    // pet will be the instance of Pet, it has Pet properties.
    return pet

type generated example

Test coverage





Dive into source

process openapi doc steps as shown below.

  • read user config file.

  • filter projects by name if there are command line params.

  • fetch each project swagger doc.

  • translate if transate engine is assigned.

  • format unregular charators in $ref and definitions.

  • process generic type names.

  • assemble requests and definitions to global map variables.

  • prepare project dest directory.

  • generate and write enum and definitions.

  • generate and write request.

  • write project directory "index.ts".

Other similar tools

  • OpenAPI Generator

    Here are many languages support. If the swagger doc is defined generally standard, this tool is enough.

  • oazapfts

    oazapfts use typescript native api to generate ts file, but non-standard swagge doc generated code could not work out of box.


tsg.config.ts example

import { Project, fetchRequester, axiosRequester } from 'ts-gear'

const projects: Project[] = [
  { ... }

export default projects

Config Options

Option name type required default description
name string true your project name
dest string true parent directory of project, relative to tsg.config.ts
example: 'service'
source string true swagger doc url
remote url or local json file
fetchApiDocOption RequestInit | (() => RequestInit | Promise<RequestInit>) false request remote openapi doc parameters for fetch
apiFilter RegExp | (({pathname: string, httpMethod: HttpMethod}) => boolean) false some project mix too mach useless api
use this option could avoid those to be written in your api file
importRequesterStatement string true example: import { requester } from "./myCustomRequester", make sure provide a requester, see Requester
preferClass boolean false false generate class rather than class
withHost boolean false false request with swagger doc host in when invoke the requester func
withBasePath boolean false false request with swagger doc basePath in when invoke the requester func
keepGeneric boolean false true try parse available generic type
translationEngine 'baidu' | 'google' false translate special charators in swagger doc definitions
translationSerial boolean false true translate words serially
translateIntervalPerWord number false 2000 works when translateSerial is true
when too much translate words will definitely result translate request error
add interval time between translate
translationDebug boolean false false show translate debug info
shouldGenerateMock boolean false generate mock data switch
shouldExportRequestOptionType boolean true true should export request function option types
shouldExportResponseType boolean true true should export request function response types
prettierConfig Options false prettier v2 options
generateRequestFunctionName (arg: GenerateRequestFunctionNameParameter) => string false generate request function name method
generateRequestFunction please read the source false use this option to generate your function all by your self
transformJS boolean false false should generate js file
useCache boolean false false use cache
EOL string false false custom EOF
nullableFalseAsRequired boolean false false nullable as required
simplifyRequestOption boolean false false simple type of request option, remove query or body level
stripBodyPropWhenOnlyOneBodyProp boolean false false when request prop only has one prop, and this props is a schema, then remove this level prop.
requestOptionUnionType string false undefined add an union type to request parameter type, read more from src/type, this is conflict with simplifyRequestOption and will make simplifyRequestOption not work
shouldForceSkipRequestHeaderOption boolean false false should force set the header request option to optional
hooks object false undefined see Hooks


requester is a request function made by your condition.

ts-gear has tow example, fetch and axios. Read the code in ts-gear for reference, copy and modify to compatible with your own project. The example code is not out of box.

  • fetch example, write a file in src/requester.ts
import generateRequester from 'ts-gear/lib/requester/fetch'
export const requester = generateRequester({
  ... // some general fetch init config use for each request

Use it in your tsg.config.ts

importRequesterStatement: 'import { requester } from "../../requester"'
  • axios example, write a file in src/requester.ts
import generateRequester from 'ts-gear/lib/requester/axios'
const instance = axios.create({
  ... // some general axios config use for each request
export const requester = generateRequester(instance)

Use it in your tsg.config.ts, same as fetch.

importRequesterStatement: 'import { requester } from "../../requester"'

Note: Important, the requester function must be an async function, or return a promise.

Directory information

  • The definition.ts is generated by the definitions part of swagger spec, includes all the base data structures.

  • The request.ts is generated by the paths part of swagger spec,each request function naming rule is http request + api path,for example:

  "paths": {
    "/pet": {
      "post": { // will generate `postPet` function
    "/pet/findByTags": {
      "get": { // will generate 'getPetFindByTags' function
    "/pet/{petId}": {
      "get": { // will generate 'getPetPetId' function
  • The index.ts is entry file for definition.ts and request.ts.

Each request function parameter type and return type are mapped to the swagger definition.

If you prefer to use your owne request way, you can only use the definition.ts for data type.


Use hooks to inject custom logic between code generate steps.

Errata And Feedback

This tool only has a few kind fixtures for dev and test. Issues are welcomed when you meet some errors, remember to provide your swagger doc for testing fixtures.


typescript swagger schema definition api auto generate






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