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FPGA SPI And Register Map

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FPGA SPI and Register Map

FPGA SPI Operation

SPI General Operation

The FPGA access for the S.U.R.F.E.R. FPGA is very similar to other SPI interfaces. However, there are a few quirks that were introduced to reduce FPGA resource consumption.

  • In addition to W/R, Address [A], and Data [D] bits, there are Memory Type [T] bits (explained below) at the beginning of the SPI transfer.
  • Writing is not permitted during memory reads. Memory reads follow writes almost immediately.
  • The final bit sent over from the MCU to the FPGA is "0". That is because this interval is needed to prepare for data transfer from FPGA to MCU.

The FPGA access between the MCU and FPGA uses 4 different pins:

  • NPS: Negated peripheral select. From the MCU (controller) to the FPGA (peripheral). Dictates which peripheral on the SPI bus is to be selected.
  • PCLK: Peripheral clock. From the MCU (controller) to the FPGA (peripheral). Controls timing across the SPI bus.
  • COPI: Controller Out Peripheral In: From the MCU (controller) to the FPGA (peripheral). Send data from MCU to FPGA.
  • CIPO: Controller In Peripheral Out: From the FPGA (peripheral) to the MCU (controller). Send data from FPGA to MCU.

Addressing the Different Memories over FPGA SPI Link

SPI Memory Access

Addressing the different memories over the FPGA SPI Link is done with a modified one-hot scheme in which memories with larger address spaces are identified with higher-positioned one-hot values so as to be able to accommodate their addresses in the 3 bytes available for data transfer from the MCU to the FPGA. The memory spaces are:

  • (1): Waveform Memory: This feature is currently disabled but when active it permits the MCU to access about 1ms of raw I/Q data capture from the SX1257. This feature was intended to use the fairly large amount of available SRAM on the 10M02 FPGA to capture raw waveforms for advanced tag localization techniques. Therefore, it has the largest address space of all of the memories on the S.U.R.F.E.R. FPGA.
  • (01): Radio Memory: This memory is partitioned into TX and RX spaces. Setting bit A[9]=1 selects the RX RAM. Setting bit A[9]=0 selects the TX RAM.
  • (001): TX Cancel Memory: This feature is currently removed, but when active it permits measured data from the tunable microwave network to guide the TX cancellation algorithm.
  • (0001): User Memory: Used to effect various actions, change settings, and to access the SPI bridge to the SX1257 I/Q transceiver ASIC.


FPGA SPI RX to TX Transition

The FPGA interface is designed to support 10MHz operation. However, the internal 27.5MHz clock of the FPGA runs as slow as 22MHz. In addition, transitioning between the TX and RX (COPI and CIPO) states takes a few clock cycles in the existing SPI architecture. In order to accommodate these constraints, the final bit of data from the MCU to the FPGA is ignored, as shown to the right. During this final bit on the COPI line, the data to be sent back to the FPGA is loaded into a shift register and then presented on the CIPO line. Is there a better way to do this? Maybe, but this technique worked for this project.

FPGA SPI Radio Memory Map

The FPGA SPI Radio Memory is an Intel (Altera) "altsyncram" SRAM block that lives on the FPGA. The top level of this block in the Verilog code is "radio_sram_with_mux.v". This SRAM block can be accessed by both the SPI and by the Data Recovery or TX GEN circuit, depending on whether the RX or TX section of the radio is active. In general, the TX GEN data is loaded over SPI at FPGA reset to the TX Radio Memory, and whenever TX command information has to change. The RFID tag response expected length data is usually written by SPI upon FPGA reset to the RX Radio Memory, and relevant data from the tag response is read over SPI from the RX Radio Memory after every successful tag data acquisition.

FPGA SPI Radio Memory Map - TX

The TX Radio memory map shown below shows the start addresses for the data for each of the possible EPC Gen 2 TX commands. The data loaded into the TX Radio SRAM are the opcodes mentioned in the IEEE literature on this project; two opcodes per byte-wise address. The opcodes are, of course, loaded sequentially in the same order as described in the EPC Gen 2 specification.

Address Name Description
0000000000 TXCW0 TXCW0 command information start.
0000010000 QUERY QUERY command information start.
0000100000 QRY_REP QUERY_REP command information start.
0000110000 ACK_RN16 ACK_RN16 command information start.
0001000000 ACK_HDL ACK_HANDLE command information start.
0001010000 NAK NAL command information start.
0001100000 REQHDL Request Handle command information start.
0001110000 REQRN16 Request RN16 command information start.
0010000000 LOCK LOCK command information start.
0010100000 READ READ command information start.
0011010000 WRITE0 Write command information start.
First 16b chunk.
0011011000 WRITE1 Write command information start.
Second 16b chunk.
0011100000 WRITE2 Write command information start.
Third 16b chunk.
0011101000 WRITE3 Write command information start.
Fourth 16b chunk.
0011110000 WRITE4 Write command information start.
Fifth 16b chunk.
0011111000 WRITE5 Write command information start.
Sixth 16b chunk.
0101100000 SELECT First SELECT command information start.
0110110000 SEL_2 Second SELECT command information start.

FPGA SPI Radio Memory Map - RX

The RX section of the SPI Radio Memory consists of 7 slots, one for each type of response that the tag can return to the reader. For each slot, the data stored after the slot head address is ordered as follows:

  • Number of bits of expected data (1 byte, at the slot head address).
    • This is the only part of the RX SPI Radio Memory that is intended to be written over SPI.
    • Having the correct number of bits specified here is needed in this implementation for correctly timing the CRC check.
  • Bits of valid data returned (varies, but up to 17 bytes).
  • Exit code (1 byte).
  • Received signal waveform "I" magnitude (4 bytes).
  • Received signal waveform "Q" magnitude (4 bytes).

Note that the exact position of the data mentioned above depends on the number of bits of valid data returned. Therefore, the MCU firmware needs to know this value in order to compute the SRAM addresses of the other data in the tag response slot.

Address Name Description
100000000 RN16 Post-Initial RN16 Tag Response Information Slot Head and Expected Length of Response.
100010000 RN16_I Initial RN16 Tag Response Information Slot Head and Expected Length of Response.
100100000 HANDLE Handle Tag Response Information Slot Head and Expected Length of Response.
100110000 WRITE Write Tag Response Information Slot Head and Expected Length of Response.
101000000 LOCK Lock Tag Response Information Slot Head and Expected Length of Response.
101010000 READ Read Tag Response Information Slot Head and Expected Length of Response.
101110000 PCEPC PCEPC Tag Response Information Slot Head and Expected Length of Response.

FPGA SPI User Memory Register Map

Below is the memory map for the User Memory. This memory is, in a sense, the control interface of the FPGA. Note that the write and read assignments for each register can be quite different! The user memory register map cap be modified in spi_prphrl.v.

Address 000

Address 000 Write (COPI)

Bit Name Description Values
7:5 N/A N/A N/A
4 use_i Select use of I or Q Clock and Data Recovery Circuit. 1: Use I.
0: Use Q.
3:2 radio_mode Select sequence of EPC Gen 2 commands in
Radio FSM for a macro UHF RFID operation.
11: Program.
10: Undefined.
01: Inventory.
00: Search.
1 irq_ack Acknowledge IRQ from FPGA to MCU. Required
to transition RFIDR FSM to IDLE after
a macro UHF RFID operation.
1: Assert ACK.
0: No Assert.
0 go_radio Execute macro UHF RFID operation, e.g. program a tag. 1: Begin RFID operation.
0: Do nothing.

Address 000 Read (CIPO)

Bit Name Description Values
7 N/A N/A 0
6:5 radio_exit_code Determine outcome of macro UHF RFID operation. 3,2: Undefined.
1: Error.
0: No Error.
4 use_i Select use of I or Q Clock and Data Recovery Circuit. 1: Use I.
0: Use Q.
3:2 radio_mode Select sequence of EPC Gen 2 commands in
Radio FSM for a macro UHF RFID operation.
11: Program.
10: Undefined.
01: Inventory.
00: Search.
1 clk_36_valid Valid 36MHz clock from SX1257 detected. 1: Valid.
0: Not valid.
0 clk_36_running Same as clk_36_valid currently. 1: Clock running.
0: Not running.

Address 001

Address 001 Write (COPI)

Bit Name Description Values
7 clk_36_start Does nothing anymore. CLK36 starts on its own. N/A
6 use_select_packet Use a EPC Gen 2 SELECT command at the
beginning of the next macro UHF RFID operation.
Bit self-clears after operation is over.
1: Set bit.
0: Do nothing.
5 alt_radio_fsm_loop During "Inventory" Mode, after returning
control from MCU to FPGA, use "QUERY"
command instead of "QUERY REP" command.
(i.e. take an alternate state machine loop)
Bit self-clears after operation is over.
1: Set bit
0: Do nothing.
4 end_radio_fsm_loop During "Inventory" Mode, after returning
control from MCU to FPGA, exit "Inventory"
mode loop. Bit self-clears after operation is over.
1: Set bit.
0: Do nothing.
3:0 N/A N/A N/A

Address 001 Read (CIPO)

Bit Name Description Values
7 N/A N/A 0
6 use_select_packet Use a EPC Gen 2 SELECT command at the
beginning of the next macro UHF RFID operation.
Bit self-clears after operation is over.
1: Set bit.
0: Do nothing.
5 alt_radio_fsm_loop During "Inventory" Mode, after returning
control from MCU to FPGA, use "QUERY"
command instead of "QUERY REP" command.
(i.e. take an alternate state machine loop)
Bit self-clears after operation is over.
1: Set bit.
0: Do nothing.
4 end_radio_fsm_loop During "Inventory" Mode, after returning
control from MCU to FPGA, exit "Inventory"
mode loop. Bit self-clears after operation is over.
1: Set bit.
0: Do nothing.
3 wave_storage_running Currently not used. N/A
2 wave_storage_done Currently not used. N/A
1 radio_running From rfidr_fsm.v. Shows whether FPGA is under
control of the Radio FSM or User Memory Interface
1: FPGA is operated by Radio FSM.
0: FPGA accepting command for
new UHF RFID macro operation.
0 radio_done From rfidr_fsm.v. Shows whether the FPGA has
completed a UHF RFID macro operation.
1: Radio operation is complete
and awaiting an ACK from the MCU.
0: Radio operation is not complete.

Address 002

Address 002 Write (COPI)

Bit Name Description Values
7:2 N/A N/A N/A
1 cntrlr_spi_rdy Execute SPI Bridge Controller communication
to SX1257 at next available interval.
1: Ready communication.
0: Do nothing.
0 sw_reset Software reset. 1: Execute software reset.
0: Do nothing

Address 002 Read (CIPO)

Bit Name Description Values
7 N/A N/A N/A
6 cntrlr_spi_pending SPI Bridge Controller communication
to SX1257 is pending.
1: Is pending.
0: Not pending.
5 cntrlr_spi_done SPI Bridge Controller communication
to SX1257 is complete.
1: Is done.
0: Not done.
4 N/A N/A N/A
3 tx_error Error detected in TX Gen inputs. No longer used. N/A
2:0 write_cntr Current "Program" write counter value.
Needed to recover from failure in
the middle of tag programming.
Counter value.

Address 003

Address 003 Write (COPI) AND Read (CIPO)

Bit Name Description Values
7:0 wvfm_offset Offset from start of the UHF RFID
macro radio operation at which waveform
recording begins. Currently disabled.
Offset value in units
of (2^16) CLK36 periods (about 1.8ms).

Address 004

Address 004 Write (COPI)

Bit Name Description Values
7:0 cntrlr_addr_buf Address for SPI Bridge
data transfers to SX1257.
Desired SX1257 SPI address.

Address 004 Read (CIPO)

Bit Name Description Values
7:0 N/A N/A N/A

Address 005

Address 005 Write (COPI)

Bit Name Description Values
7:0 cntrlr_data_buf Data for SPI Bridge
data transfers to SX1257.
Desired SX1257 SPI data.

Address 005 Read (CIPO)

Bit Name Description Values
7:0 cntrlr_rx_buf Returned SPI Bridge
data from SX1257.
Returned SX1257 SPI data.

Address 006

Address 006 Write (COPI)

Bit Name Description Values
7:6 N/A N/A N/A
5 kill_write_pkt While executing "Program" radio mode to kill a tag,
run the Radio FSM slightly differently.
This bit is cleared after the radio operation.
1: Set bit.
0: Do nothing.
4 N/A N/A N/A
3 dtc_test_mode Enter special mode which permits direct control
of digitally tunable capacitor (DTC) values
for tunable microwave network (TMN) characterization.
Currently disabled to save LUT resources.
1: In DTC test mode.
0: In regular mode.
2 clear_cap_vals In dtc_test_mode, clear DTC capacitor state variables. 1: Clear DTC capacitor state variables.
0: Do nothing.
1 incr_cap_val_2 In dtc_test_mode, increment DTC capacitor state variable 2. 1: Increment DTC capacitor state variable 2.
0: Do nothing.
0 incr_cap_val_1 In dtc_test_mode, increment DTC capacitor state variable 1. 1: Increment DTC capacitor state variable 1.
0: Do nothing.

Address 006 Read (CIPO)

Bit Name Description Values
7:6 N/A N/A N/A
5 kill_write_pkt While executing "Program" radio mode to kill a tag,
run the Radio FSM slightly differently.
This bit is cleared after the radio operation.
1: Bit is set.
0: Bit is not set.
4 N/A N/A N/A
3 dtc_test_mode Enter special mode which permits direct control
of digitally tunable capacitor (DTC) values
for tunable microwave network (TMN) characterization.
Currently disabled to save LUT resources.
1: In DTC test mode.
0: In regular mode.
2:0 N/A N/A N/A

Address 007

Address 007 Write (COPI) AND Read (CIPO)

Bit Name Description Values
7:4 sdm_offset DC offset applied to TX Sigma Delta Modulator.
This is the offset on the TX I channel.
This is auto-set in software to maximize modulation depth.
SDM DC Offset Value
3:0 zgn_offset DC offset applied to TX Zero Generator.
This is the offset on the TX Q channel.
This is auto-set in software to maximize modulation depth.
Zero-Gen DC Offset Value

Accessing SX1257 I/Q Transceiver ASIC over FPGA SPI Bridge

  1. Write SX1257 register address to cntrlr_addr_buf (see Address 004 above).
  2. Write SX1257 register data to cntrlr_data_buf (see Address 005 above).
  3. Write "1" to cntrlr_spi_rdy (see Address 002 above).
  4. Poll cntrlr_spi_pending and cntrlr_spi_done (see Address 002 above).
  5. Read result from SX1257 in cntrlr_rx_buf (see Address 005 above).