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4.1. SMIB AVR Step

Julius Susanto edited this page Feb 14, 2015 · 4 revisions

Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) - AVR Step Test

[Downloaded this example here]

This benchmarking study looks at the classical case of a single synchronous machine connected to an infinite bus. The machine is modelled in PYPOWER-Dynamics as a 6th-order machine and has a simple AVR. At t=1s, a 5% step is applied to the AVR voltage reference signal and at t=8s, this step is removed.

The case is benchmarked against an equivalent study in DIgSILENT PowerFactory. The simulation results are quite well aligned although there are some minor discrepancies in the generator active power plots.

Generator terminal voltage:

Generator field excitation voltage:

Generator d-axis and q-axis voltage:

Generator d-axis and q-axis current:

Generator active and reactive power:

Relative rotor angle and frequency: