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Dev Installation

sujato edited this page May 26, 2023 · 10 revisions

Development Installation

In development Bilara uses polymer serve for the client content and flask to serve the API.


Clone the repo

I assume that bilara is cloned to ~/bilara

git clone

Setup Node environment

polymer-cli should be installed. I recommend installing nvm: to use a modern version of node which should result in no problems. Once nvm is installed (remember to open a new terminal), run something like:

nvm install node
npm install -g polymer-cli
cd ~/bilara/client
npm install

Setup python environment

The API server uses python3.6+, I reccomend installing pyenv, you can use this command to install pyenv and some useful plugins: curl | bash it may tell you to add some lines to your .bashrc

Once pyenv is installed (remember to open a new terminal), run something like:

pyenv install 3.7.2
cd ~/bilara/server
pyenv virtualenv 3.7.2 bilara
pyenv local bilara
pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup ArangoDB

Make sure arangoDB is installed and running, if using Suttacentral you can start the docker instance

docker start sc-arangodb

You need to create a user and database for bilara, this can be done via the web admin

  • Go to http://localhost:8529
  • Login as root, (password "test" if using suttacentral development environment)
  • Choose the _system database
  • Go to "users" in the side panel
  • Add user, set username, name and password fields to "bilara"
  • Go to "databases" in the side panel
  • Add database, name "bilara", set the user for the database to bilara

Clone the data repository

Note that in development mode bilara does not automatically perform git actions so you must manage the repository yourself

cd ~/bilara
git clone repo

Running development

The quick way:

cd ~/bilara

You can also run ./run-dev-fast this won't install dependencies for Pip or NPM which increases startup time.

Otherwise if you wish to get separate debug feedback from the client and server code, run in seperate terminals:

cd ~/bilara/server
flask run --port 5000 
cd ~/bilara/client
npm run dev

Use the local site

at http://localhost:5000

Build TM

The TM should build automatically first time you run Bilara, but there is also a manual command to (re)index the TM (naturally this requires ArangoDB be running)

cd ~/bilara