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Object-Oriented Programming – Practical Exam

Problem 2 – Trade and Travel API

You are given an API, which supports interactions between different actors (people) and items, occurring in different locations. You are also given a C# file, which has a Main method and uses the API for processing commands from the input.

There are some simple rules the API supports:

  • Everything is an object
    • Every object has a name
  • Every object is at some location (items are sometimes "inside" a person's inventory and are then considered as not having a location)
  • Locations are specified by names and can be several types (e.g. town)
  • A Person can have items and money (every person has "100 money" initially)
    • The items a person has are referred to as his "inventory"
    • A person can drop all of his items at a location (at that moment, any other person can take them)
    • A person can pick up all items at a location
  • A Person can be a Shopkeeper, enabling him to sell things for money
    • A Person can also sell things to a Shopkeeper
    • Any Person can fall in debt – that is, have less than 0 money
  • A Person can be a Traveller, enabling him to move from one location to the other
  • There can be several types of items, the API currently has "armor" implemented
  • Items have "value". Value is what determines the amount of money is spent when buying/selling an item
    • Shopkeepers have the right to determine at what price they sell or buy items
  • There can be several types of locations, the API currently has "town" implemented


**There are two types of commands the Engine supports: **

  • Creation commands – create items, people or locations
    • Creating locations requires a location type and location name
    • Syntax: create location town sofia
    • Creating items requires an item type, item name and location name
    • Syntax: create item armor coolarmor** sofia **– creates an armor type item, named "coolarmor" at location "sofia"
    • Creating people requires a person type, person name and location name
    • Syntax: create traveller Nelson sofia** – creates a traveller type of Person, with the name of Nelson**
  • Person commands – order a person to move, buy, sell, drop, pick up items, etc.
    • Person commands start with the person's name and continue with the type of command
    • A Person can list his inventory
    • Syntax: Joro inventory – outputs all the names of the items in Joro's inventory
    • A Person can show his money
    • Syntax: Joro money
    • A Person can drop all his items, leaving his inventory empty
    • Syntax: Joro drop
    • A Person can pick up all items at his location, placing them in his inventory
    • Syntax: Joro pickup
    • A Person can travel from one location to another, if he is created as a traveller
    • Syntax: Joro travel Gabrovo
    • A Shopkeeper can be bought from or sold to
    • Syntax: Joro buy coolarmor NikiTheShopman – Joro buys the "coolarmor" item from NikiTheShopman, who is a shopkeeper
      • Joro and NikiTheShopman must be in the same location for this to happen
      • NikiTheShopman must have an item named "coolarmor" for this to happen
    • Syntax: Joro sell jorosarmor NikiTheShopman – Joro sells his "jorosarmor" item to NikiTheShopman
      • Analogous rules to the "buy" command


You are tasked with extending the API by implementing several commands and object types. You are not allowed to edit any existing class from the original code of the API. You are** allowed to edit the Main method**.

  • Implement a command to create a Weapon item
    • The Weapon item has a money value of 10
    • Syntax: create item weapon weaponname location - creates a weapon with the given name, at the given location
  • Implement a command to create a Wood item
    • The Wood item has a money value of 2
    • The Wood item decreases its value each time it is dropped by 1, until it reaches 0
    • Syntax: create item wood woodname location
  • Implement a command to create an Iron item
    • The Iron item has a money value of 3
    • Syntax: create item iron ironname location
  • Implement a command to create a Mine location
    • Syntax: create location mine BobovDol – creates a location, which is a mine with the name of BobovDol
  • Implement a command to create a Forest location
    • Syntax: create location forest Cherokee – creates a location, which is a forest, with the name Cherokee
  • Implement a "gather" command
    • Gathering means a Person takes an item from a special location
    • A Person should be able to gather from mines and from forests
    • A Person can gather from a forest only if he has a Weapon in his inventory
      • Gathering from a forests results in adding a Wood item in the Person's inventory
    • A Person can gather from a mine only if he has an Armor in his inventory
      • Gathering from a mine results in adding an Iron item in the Person's inventory
    • Syntax: Joro gather** newItemName** – gathers an item, naming it newItemName if the Person Joro is at a mine or forest, and respectively has an Armor or Weapon
  • Implement a "craft" command
    • A Person can craft items, provided he has some items in his inventory
    • A Person should be able to craft Weapons and Armor
    • Crafting an Armor requires that the Person has Iron in his inventory
      • Results in adding an Armor item in the Person's inventory
    • Crafting a Weapon requires that the Person has Iron and Wood in his inventory
    • Syntax: Joro craft newItemName - gathers an item, naming it newItemName if the Person Joro has the necessary
  • Implement a command to create a Merchant
    • A merchant is a Shopkeeper, supporting all of the shopkeeper's abilities, but can also travel from one location to another
    • Syntax: create merchant Joro sofia – creates a merchant with the name Joro at the location sofia

Input and Output Data

You should not concern yourself with handling input and output data – the engine does it for you. You should only consider how to implement the required commands. See the existing API code for hints. Also:

  • The names in the commands will always consist of upper and lowercase English letters only.
  • In the input, all locations will be created before all other objects
  • If for some reason a command is illegal (i.e. trying to sell to someone in a different location), just skip it



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