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1.6. Organization of This Document

Sai Vittal B edited this page Jul 12, 2020 · 1 revision

1.6. Organization of This Document

This document is meant to serve as a manual for first-time atomeOS users. It tries to make as few assumptions as possible about your level of expertise. However, we do assume that you have a general understanding of how the hardware in your computer works.

Expert users may also find interesting reference information in this document, including minimum installation sizes, details about the hardware supported by the atomeOS installation system, and so on. We encourage expert users to jump around in the document.

In general, this manual is arranged in a linear fashion, walking you through the installation process from start to finish. Here are the steps in installing Ubuntu, and the sections of this document which correlate with each step:

0. atomeOS Compared to Other OSs

1. Welcome to atomeOS

2. System Requirements

3. Installing

4. Next Steps and Where to Go From Here

A. Installation Howto

B. Partitioning for atomeOS

C. Random Bits

D. Administrivia

E. GNU General Public License

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