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1.8. About Copyrights and Software Licenses

Sai Vittal B edited this page Jul 12, 2020 · 2 revisions

1.8. About Copyrights and Software Licenses

We're sure that you've read some of the licenses that come with most commercial software — they usually say that you can only use one copy of the software on a single computer. This system's license isn't like that at all. We encourage you to put a copy of atomeOS on every computer in your school or place of business. Lend your installation media to your friends and help them install it on their computers! You can even make thousands of copies and sell them — albeit with a few restrictions. Your freedom to install and use the system comes directly from atomeOS being based on free software.

Calling software free doesn't mean that the software isn't copyrighted, and it doesn't mean that CDs/DVDs containing that software must be distributed at no charge. Free software, in part, means that the licenses of individual programs do not require you to pay for the privilege of distributing or using those programs. Free software also means that not only may anyone extend, adapt, and modify the software, but that they may distribute the results of their work as well.


The atomeOS project, as a pragmatic concession to its users, does make some packages and scripts available that do not meet our criteria for being free and open-source. These packages are not part of the official distribution.

Many of the programs in the system are licensed under the GNU General Public License, often simply referred to as “the GPL”. The GPL requires you to make the source code of the programs available whenever you distribute a binary copy of the program; that provision of the license ensures that any user will be able to modify the software. Because of this provision, the source code[1] for all such programs is available in the atomeOS system.

There are several other forms of copyright statements and software licenses used on the programs in atomeOS. You can find the copyrights and licenses for every package installed on your system by looking in the file /usr/share/doc/package-name/copyright once you've installed a package on your system.

The most important legal notice is that this software comes with no warranties. The programmers who have created this software have done so for the benefit of the community. No guarantee is made as to the suitability of the software for any given purpose. However, since the software is free, you are empowered to modify that software to suit your needs — and to enjoy the benefits of the changes made by others who have extended the software in this way.


For information on how to locate, unpack, and build binaries from atomeOS source packages, see the Debian FAQ, under “Basics of the Debian Package Management System”.

0. atomeOS Compared to Other OSs

1. Welcome to atomeOS

2. System Requirements

3. Installing

4. Next Steps and Where to Go From Here

A. Installation Howto

B. Partitioning for atomeOS

C. Random Bits

D. Administrivia

E. GNU General Public License

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