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base64 (npm @swenkerorg/molestiae-officiis)

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Disclaimer: For node versions < 4 use the 1.2.0 version.

This modules can be used to encoding & decoding messages (strings) and files using base64.

I'm trying to add new features based on other packages to get an all in one npm module. Actually @swenkerorg/molestiae-officiis can encode and decode: strings, files and strings with XOR encrytion.

Why use this module?

It's minimalist and focused in the best javascript performance.

Install @swenkerorg/molestiae-officiis module

At cmd, type:

$ npm install @swenkerorg/molestiae-officiis

or to install this package globally, use:

$ npm install -g @swenkerorg/molestiae-officiis

After install run unit tests

$ cd ./node_modules/@swenkerorg/molestiae-officiis/
$ npm install
$ npm test

Do you want a test report?

$ cd ./node_modules/@swenkerorg/molestiae-officiis/
$ npm install
$ npm test  --coverage

How to use?

To load module functionalities, you must use the require.js properties integrated in node.js.


var base64 = require('@swenkerorg/molestiae-officiis');


encode (str)

This method is used to encode a plain-text string to a encoded string in base64.

  • Arguments :
  • str - The string you want to encode.
  • type - Encoding Type (This argument is optional) | Available types: 'MIME'.
  • Result : Encoded string in base64.
  • Example :
base64.encode('@swenkerorg/molestiae-officiis npm module'); // result = YmFzZTY0LW1pbiBucG0gbW9kdWxl
base64.encode('@swenkerorg/molestiae-officiis npm module', 'MIME'); // result = YmFzZTY0LW1pbiBucG0gbW9kdWxl
                                                 // encoded string in base64, using MIME constraints
decode (str)

This method is used to decode a the base64 message to a plain-text string.

  • Arguments :
  • str - The message (in base64) you want to decode.
  • Result : Our message decoded in plain-text.
  • Example :
base64.decode('YmFzZTY0LW1pbiBucG0gbW9kdWxl'); // result = @swenkerorg/molestiae-officiis npm module

This method is used to encode files into base64 string.

  • Arguments :
  • file - The file path of the you want to encode.
  • Result : Encoded File into a string in base64.
  • Example :

This method is used to decode messages and save the result in one file (Tested and functional with PNG Files).

  • Arguments :
  • str - The message (in base64) you want to decode.
  • file - The file path of the you want to save.
  • Result : Decoded File
  • Example :
base64.decodeToFile('ZGF0YQ==', 'result.png') ;

This method is used to encode messages and encrypt messages using a key (XOR Encryption - Fast and "Secure").

  • Arguments :
  • str - The message in plain-text.
  • key - The key you want to encrypt your message.
  • Result : Encoded encrypted message in base64.
  • Example :
base64.encodeWithKey('@swenkerorg/molestiae-officiis npm module', 'victorfern91'); // result = FAgQEVlGSwgbABlfBgRDGQAWEwkX
                                                               //(in plain text is YFK���_��C���	�)
  • Arguments :
  • str - The message in base64.
  • key - The key used to encrypt this message.
  • Result : Deciphered message in plain-text.
  • Example :
//Decoding with wrong key
base64.decodeWithKey('FAgQEVlGSwgbABlfBgRDGQAWEwkX', 'npm module'); // result = zx}14)/}wew/k$.vdcly
//Decoding with correct key
base64.decodeWithKey('FAgQEVlGSwgbABlfBgRDGQAWEwkX', 'victorfern91'); // result = @swenkerorg/molestiae-officiis npm module