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FAQS & Troubleshooting

Moburma edited this page Apr 4, 2024 · 7 revisions

How do I beat mission X?

For a full walkthrough of the game, see here.

I can't start a multiplayer game

Multiplayer mode is not yet implemented.

I can't configure my joystick

Joystick controls are not yet implemented.

When I run the game I get a dark/corrupt screen

This is a known issue on older graphics cards that do not correctly support 8 bit screen modes. To work around this, try setting the game to use 24 bit screen modes instead. To do this, add the following to the config.ini file in the game's root directory using a text editor. Make sure to remove any duplicates of these lines you may have already added:






The backslash (\) key to group units does not work

This seems to be an issue with some non-standard keyboards (for example Logitech G910). Try binding the control to a different key (e.g. Left Shift)

When I bind actions to certain new keys, I get unexpected behaviour

This is a limitation of the original game. While it allows the player to rebind many actions, in fact a large number of keys are already hardcoded to certain engine features.

In-game I have no music

This is a common issue caused by installing the game from an iso image mounted in a virtual drive. While this is supported, you must choose not to install the music as the ripper tool will fail, and instead you should rip the audio tracks manually yourself to a directory called Music in the root of the install directories. The ripped tracks need to be in Ogg Vorbis format, with the file names track_1.ogg, track_2.ogg, and track_3.ogg.

Older installer versions had a bug where desktop and start menu icons would have the "Start in" property set to the Syndicate Wars\Language directory, which is wrong, and breaks the game finding the music. If you have this issue, remove the "language" part of the path on the icons and save and it will work correctly.

Why is my research slower than in the original DOS game?

The research in the original game is subject to an integer overflow bug that causes many of the more expensive items to research much faster compared to the numbers shown on the screen. This has been fixed in the port, resulting in the more expensive items requiring much more funding to reach comparable research times.

With research being configurable through .ini files, it is possible to emulate the behaviour of the original DOS game. The required numbers can be found here.

I don't like waiting for the menus to draw, can I skip this?

Yes, press the space bar to skip drawing. If you don't want to wait for them at all, go to the Visual Depth menu and set the Projector Speed to Fast

I can't see inside buildings/buildings are blocking my view

There are two ways to assist with this. Firstly try setting Deep Radar to On in the Visual Depth menu. This will make buildings that would occlude the view of the player characters transparent. You can also toggle this on and off in game by pressing CTRL+F6. To actually see inside buildings, hold down the B key on the keyboard. This makes buildings invisible when held, allowing to clearly see enemies inside of a building. Try using the appropriate mist slider setting if you want to get the drop on enemies in hard to see places.

What is a "Mortal Game"?

This is essentially a so-called 'ironman' mode that was present in the original game, but was buggy and poorly explained. In this mode the player cannot manually save the game, instead an auto save is updated once a mission has been beaten (or failed). Failure is not tolerated in Mortal Game mode, and failing a mission results in the Mortal Game save being deleted and thus the entire campaign being lost!

To start a new Mortal Game, it's recommended to log into the game as usual and choose which campaign to play, set any desired options, and then go to the File Storage menu and choose "New Mortal Game" from the bottom of the screen. This will put the game into Mortal Game mode. You will no longer see the File Storage menu to save after this is enabled. The game will save progress automatically and the player just needs to Logout when done (or they fail their current campaign).

To continue a Mortal Game, log in with the same username used to create it and go to the File Storage menu option and there is a special one off save below the list with M in front of it. Click on this and then load to resume the Mortal Game. Note there can only be one Mortal Game active at one time, starting a new one will overwrite an existing one.

If the player fails in Mortal Game mode, they are told to "press space or return" as usual. This is actually incorrect and won't work, you must press the P key for the pause menu and then choose quit, as restarting is disabled in this game mode.

This mode should only be attempted by expert players.