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Game Modifications ‐ Rules.ini

Moburma edited this page May 31, 2024 · 8 revisions

This file allows the modification of some elements of the game engine and in-game mechanics. It can be found in the conf directory in the game's root.

Engine Variables

These two variables control the in-game zoom level threshholds. Note that zooming will still behave the same regardless of values set (i.e. weapons with higher zooms will zoom out more than ones with lesser zoom levels), but within the constraints set here. The figures are set from the perspective of zooming in rather than zooming out, so a higher number actually zooms closer to the subjects in the game, rather than showing more of the game area.

ZoomMin - The minimum zoom value. How far the game can be zoomed out. Lower values zoom the view out more, higher values zoom it in more.

Default value is 127.

ZoomMax - The maximum zoom value. How far the game can be zoomed in. Lower values zoom the view out more, higher values zoom it in more.

Default value is 260.

Interface Variables

ShowTargetHealth - In fact the original game was supposed to show the health and shield value of enemies when moused-over via a pair of small bars at the right side of the targeting recticle. This is broken in the original release of the game, but is fixed in the port and can be enabled here (as some might consider the option cheating).

Default value is False

Research Variables

Gameplay elements around scientific research can be controlled with the following variables:

DailyScientistDeathChancePermil - If the player overworks their scientists by increasing research funding beyond the optimal cost/benefit ratio (specifically for each million credits of funding put in), there is a chance per day of researching they will have lab accidents and die, permanently disadvantaging the player. This variable controls the likelihood of this happening. The most common use case for this variable is to disable scientist deaths by setting to 0.

Default value is 20.

ScientistsPerGroup - The game splits up the total number of scientists the player has into groups, and awards research progress against each group. Therefore the fewer scientists set per group, the more times this function will iterate against the same number of actual scientists and usually provide a greater amount of overall research to the player. Conversely, increasing the number means fewer iterations of rewarding progress, trending for the player to get less overall research completed during the game.

Default value is 4.

WeaponDonateResearchIncrPermil - This setting controls a bugged feature of the original game that now works in the fan port. It's possible to donate weapons that have been found in the field but not yet researched to your scientists to give a small boost to the research time of that item. To do this, set the desired weapon as the current research project, then drag the weapon from the Equip screen inventory onto the R&D tab icon at the bottom of the screen. This will donate the weapon, permanently losing it, but gaining a boost to research of that item type. The value set here determines how much of a boost to research is granted, by default 0.125 or 1/8th more research per day. Note that currently this boost is not written to saves, so will not persist between sessions if a game is saved/loaded.

Default value is 125.

DailyProgressRtcMinutes - This setting restores and controls another cut feature. There is functionality within the code to allow the game's clock to work vs the computer's real time clock. This means that the research timer in the game will advance while within the menu system, instead of only while the player is in a mission, like the final game. The setting determines how many real world minutes need to pass to advance the in-game calendar for one day. So, e.g. a value of 60 would mean a real world hour would need to pass for the game clock to increase by one day. A value of 0 disables this feature and prevents time from passing in the menus like the original version of the game.

Default value is 0.