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Using JSON to specify Dialog options

Bart Reardon edited this page Jan 23, 2022 · 10 revisions


Instead of using numerous command line options for construction complex dialogs, you can use the --jsonfile or --jsonstring options to define parameters.

The JSON format uses the same options as specified on the command line with a few exceptions and considerations.

Note: Command line options can be used in conjunction with a JSON file but any options defined in the file will take precedence.


  "title" : "An Important Message",
  "titlefont" : "colour=red",
  "icon" : "/Applications/Remote",
  "hideicon" : 1,
  "infobutton" : 1,
  "quitoninfo" : 1,
  "image" : "/Users/Shared/Pictures/Image 1.jpg",
  "imagecaption" : "Test image 1"

Differences from command line options

Options that can be used multiple times can be entered in as an array.

For example to specify multiple images and image captions, use a image array with imagename, caption

  "image" : [
    {"imagename" : "/Users/Shared/Pictures/Image 1.jpg", "caption" : "Test image 1"},
    {"imagename" : "/Users/Shared/Pictures/Image 2.jpg", "caption" : "Test image 2"},
    {"imagename" : "/Users/Shared/Pictures/Image 3.jpg", "caption" : "Test image 3"}

Checkboxes can be specified as check and/or disabled. The default is "disabled" : false and doesn't need to be specified

  "checkbox" : [
	  {"label" : "Option 1", "checked" : true, "disabled" : true },
	  {"label" : "Option 2", "checked" : true },
	  {"label" : "Option 3", "checked" : false },
	  {"label" : "Option 4", "checked" : true, "disabled" : true },
	  {"label" : "Option 5", "checked" : false },
	  {"label" : "Option 6", "checked" : true }

For multiple textfield options, specify a single textfield with the names of the fields as an array

  "textfield" : ["Text Entry 1", "Text Entry 2", "Text Entry 3"]

Strings and boolean values

Most options will be passed through as string values requiring quotes for the specified values. Some values can be specified as a boolean value though (0 or 1, without quotes). Options that take a boolean value are:

  "button2" : 0
  "infobutton" : 0
  "hideicon" : 0
  "moveable" : 0
  "ontop" : 0
  "small" : 0
  "big" : 0
  "fullscreen" : 0
  "json" : 0
  "ignorednd" : 0
  "hidetimerbar" : 0
  "quitoninfo" : 0

Options not available from json

There are a number of options that are not available to be used from JSON as they do not make sense in a deployed context. They are:

  • --jh - used as a drop in replacement to accept JamfHelper command line options.
  • --listfonts - used during prototyping to display a list of fonts available
  • --help - displays help text and exits. Used during prototyping
  • --demo - displays a dialog using nothing but the default settings. Used during prototyping
  • --version - outputs dialog version info and exits.
  • --showlicense - prints license info and exits
  • --coffee - prints coffee info and exits

Example: generating json in python and passing in as a file or a string


import json
import os

# set to false to generate an intermediate json file
# set to true to pass generated json in as a string
stringinput = True

dialog_app = "/Library/Application Support/Dialog/"

contentDict = {"title" : "An Important Message", 
            "titlefont" : "name=Chalkboard,colour=#3FD0a2,size=40",
            "message" : "This is a **very important** messsage and you _should_ read it carefully\n\nThis is on a new line",
            "icon" : "/Applications/",
            "hideicon" : 0,
            "infobutton" : 1,
            "quitoninfo" : 1

jsonString = json.dumps(contentDict)

if stringinput:
    print("Using string Input")
    os.system("'{}' --jsonstring '{}'".format(dialog_app, jsonString))
    print("Using file Input")
    # create a temporary file
    jsonTMPFile = "/tmp/dialog.json"
    f = open(jsonTMPFile, "w")

    os.system("'{}' --jsonfile {}".format(dialog_app, jsonTMPFile))

    # clean up
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