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WasmKit is a standalone and embeddable WebAssembly runtime implementation written in Swift.


Command Line Tool

WasmKit provides a command line tool to run WebAssembly binaries compliant with WASI.

$ git clone
$ cd WasmKit
$ swift run wasmkit-cli run ./Examples/wasm/hello.wasm
Hello, World!

As a Library

Swift Package Manager

You can use WasmKit as a Swift Package Manager dependency by adding the following to your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "0.0.5"),

You can find API documentation on the Swift Package Index.

Implementation Status

Category Feature Status
WebAssembly MVP Parsing binary format ✅ Implemented
Parsing text format (WAT) ✅ Implemented
Execution ✅ Implemented
Validation 🚧 Partially implemented
WebAssembly Proposal Reference types ✅ Implemented
Bulk memory operations ✅ Implemented
Mutable globals ✅ Implemented
Sign-extension operators ✅ Implemented
Non-trapping float-to-int conversions ✅ Implemented
Memory64 ✅ Implemented
Threads and atomics 🚧 Parser implemented
WASI WASI Preview 1 ✅ Implemented


To run the WasmKit test suite, you need to checkout the test suite repositories first.

# Checkout test suite repositories
$ ./Vendor/checkout-dependency
# Run tests
$ swift test


This project is originally developed by @akkyie, and now maintained by the community.