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A highly scalable redis-persistent queuing system for vert.x

Getting Started


  • Clone this repository or unzip archive
  • Install and start Redis
    • Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install redis-server
    • Fedora/RedHat/CentOS: yum install redis
    • OS X: brew install redis
    • Windows
    • Other


You need Java 11 and Maven.

cd vertx-redisques
mvn clean install

Dynamic Queues

They are stored as redis lists, thus created only when needed and removed when empty. There is nothing left even if you just used thousands of queues with thousands of messages.

Smart Consuming

It is guaranteed that a queue is consumed by the same RedisQuesVerticle instance (a consumer). If no consumer is registered for a queue, one is assigned (this uses redis setnx to ensure only one is assigned). When idle for a given time, a consumer is removed. This prevents subscription leaks and makes recovering automatic when a consumer dies.

Safe Distribution

There is no single point of control/failure. Just create many instances of RedisQues, they will work together. If an instance dies, its queues will be assigned to other instances.


The following configuration values are available:

Property Default value Description
address redisques The eventbus address the redisques module is listening to
configuration-updated-address redisques-configuration-updated The eventbus address the redisques module publishes the configuration updates to
redis-prefix redisques: Prefix for redis keys holding queues and consumers
processor-address redisques-processor Address of message processors
refresh-period 10 The frequency [s] of consumers refreshing their subscriptions to consume
processorTimeout 240000 The timeout [ms] to wait for the queue processor to answer the event bus message
processorDelayMax 0 The maximum delay [ms] to wait between queue items before notify the consumer
redisHost localhost The host where redis is running on
redisPort 6379 The port where redis is running on
redisAuth The authentication key (password) to connect to redis
maxPoolSize 200 The maximum size of the redis connection pool
maxPoolWaitingSize -1 The maximum waiting requests for a connection from the pool
maxPipelineWaitingSize 2048 The maximum allowed queued waiting handlers
checkInterval 60 The interval [s] to check timestamps of not-active / empty queues by executing check queue operation. checkInterval value must be greater 0, otherwise the default is used.
queueSpeedIntervalSec 60 The interval [s] to check queue speed
memoryUsageLimitPercent 100 Percentage of the available system memory to be used by vertx-redisques. Only values between 0 and 100 are allowed. When the used memory ratio is higher than this limit, enqueues are rejected
memoryUsageCheckIntervalSec 60 The interval [s] to check the current memory usage. memoryUsageCheckIntervalSec value must be greater 0, otherwise the default is used.
redisReconnectAttempts 0 The amount of attempts to reconnect when redis connection is lost. Use 0 to not reconnect at all or -1 to reconnect indefinitely.
redisReconnectDelaySec 30 The interval [s] to attempt to reconnect when redis connection is lost.
redisPoolRecycleTimeoutMs 180000 The timeout [ms] when the connection pool is recycled. Use -1 when having reconnect feature enabled.
httpRequestHandlerEnabled false Enable / disable the HTTP API
httpRequestHandlerAuthenticationEnabled false Enable / disable authentication for the HTTP API
httpRequestHandlerUsername The username for the HTTP API authentication
httpRequestHandlerPassword The password for the HTTP API authentication
enableQueueNameDecoding true Enable / disable the encoding of queue names when using the HTTP API
httpRequestHandlerPrefix /queuing The url prefix for all HTTP API endpoints
httpRequestHandlerPort 7070 The port of the HTTP API
httpRequestHandlerUserHeader x-rp-usr The name of the header property where the user information is provided. Used for the HTTP API
queueConfigurations Configure retry intervals and enqueue delaying for queue patterns
dequeueStatisticReportIntervalSec -1 The interval [s] to publish the dequeue statistics into shared map. Use -1 to not publish at all. In a hazelcast-cluster environment need config Semaphore first, see: [Semaphore Config](#Semaphore Config)
publish-metrics-address The EventBus address to send collected redis metrics to
metric-storage-name queue The name of the storage used in the published metrics
metric-refresh-period 10 The frequency [s] of collecting metrics from redis database

Configuration util

The configurations have to be passed as JsonObject to the module. For a simplified configuration the RedisquesConfigurationBuilder can be used.


RedisquesConfiguration config = RedisquesConfiguration.with()

JsonObject json = config.asJsonObject();

Properties not overridden will not be changed. Thus remaining default.

To use default values only, the RedisquesConfiguration constructor without parameters can be used:

JsonObject json  = new RedisquesConfiguration().asJsonObject();

RedisQues APIs

Redisques API for Vert.x - Eventbus

Evenbus Settings:

address = redisque

RedisquesAPI util

For a simplified working with the Redisques module, see the RedisquesAPI class:


This class provides utility methods for a simple configuration of the queue operations. See Queue operations chapter below for details.

Queue operations

The following operations are available in the Redisques module.


Request Data

    "operation": "getConfiguration"

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "value": <obj RESULT>


Request Data

    "operation": "setConfiguration",
    "payload": {
        "<str propertyName>": <str propertyValue>,
        "<str property2Name>": <str property2Value>,
        "<str property3Name>": <str property3Value>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "message": <string error message when status=error>


Request Data

    "operation": "enqueue",
    "payload": {
        "queuename": <str QUEUENAME>
    "message": {
        "method": "POST",
        "uri": <st REQUEST URI>,
        "payload": null

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "message": "enqueued" / <str RESULT>


Request Data

    "operation": "lockedEnqueue",
    "payload": {
        "queuename": <str QUEUENAME>,
        "requestedBy": <str user who created the lock>
    "message": {
        "method": "POST",
        "uri": <st REQUEST URI>,
        "payload": null

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "message": "enqueued" / <str RESULT>


Request Data

    "operation": "getQueues"

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "value": <objArr RESULT>


Request Data

    "operation": "getQueuesCount",
    "payload": {
        "filter": <str regex pattern to filter queues to count (optional)>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "value": <long RESULT>


Request Data

    "operation": "getQueueItemsCount",
    "payload": {
        "queuename": <str QUEUENAME>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "value": <long RESULT>


Request Data

    "operation": "check"

Response Data



Request Data

    "operation": "reset"

Response Data



Request Data

    "operation": "stop"

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error"


Request Data

    "operation": "getQueueItems",
    "payload": {
        "queuename": <str QUEUENAME>,
        "limit": <str LIMIT>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "value": <objArr RESULT>,
    "info": <nbrArray with result array (value property) size and total queue item count (can be greater than limit)>


Request Data

    "operation": "addQueueItem",
    "payload": {
        "queuename": <str QUEUENAME>,
        "buffer": <str BUFFERDATA>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error"


Request Data

    "operation": "getQueueItem",
    "payload": {
        "queuename": <str QUEUENAME>,
        "index": <int INDEX>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "value": <obj RESULT>


Request Data

    "operation": "replaceQueueItem",
    "payload": {
        "queuename": <str QUEUENAME>,
        "buffer": <str BUFFERDATA>,
        "index": <int INDEX>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error"


Request Data

    "operation": "deleteQueueItem",
    "payload": {
        "queuename": <str QUEUENAME>,
        "index": <int INDEX>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error"


Request Data

    "operation": "deleteAllQueueItems",
    "payload": {
        "queuename": <str QUEUENAME>,
        "unlock": true/false

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "value": <long 1 when the queue was deleted, long 0 when no queue was found>


Request Data

    "operation": "bulkDeleteQueues",
    "payload": {
        "queues": <JsonArray queues to delete>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "value": <Long Amount of deleted queues>


Request Data

    "operation": "getAllLocks",
    "payload": {
        "filter": <str regex pattern to filter locks (optional)>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "value": <obj RESULT>


Request Data

    "operation": "putLock",
    "payload": {
        "queuename": <str QUEUENAME>,
        "requestedBy": <str user who created the lock>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error"


Request Data

    "operation": "bulkPutLocks",
    "payload": {
        "locks": <JsonArray locks to add>,
        "requestedBy": <str user who created the locks>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error"


Request Data

    "operation": "getLock",
    "payload": {
        "queuename": <str QUEUENAME>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "value": <obj RESULT>


Request Data

    "operation": "deleteLock",
    "payload": {
        "queuename": <str QUEUENAME>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error"


Request Data

    "operation": "bulkDeleteLocks",
    "payload": {
        "locks": <JsonArray locks to delete>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "value": <Long Amount of deleted locks>


Request Data

    "operation": "deleteAllLocks"

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "value": <Long Amount of deleted locks>


Request Data

    "operation": "getQueueStatistics",
    "payload": {
        "filter": <str regex pattern to filter queues to retrieve statistics information (optional)>

Response Data

    "status": "ok" / "error",
    "queues": [   <JsonArray of resulting queue statistics>
      "name": <str QUEUENAME>
      "size": <Long Size of queue>
      "failures": <Long Number of current failure count of queue>
      "slowdownTime": <Long Current slowdown time in ms>
      "backpressureTime": <Long Current backpressure time in ms>


Request Data

    "operation": "getQueuesSpeed",
    "payload": {
        "filter": <str regex pattern to filter queues to retrieve the cumulated speed (optional)>

Response Data

    "speed": <Long speed>
    "unitSec": <Long seconds>

RedisQues HTTP API

RedisQues provides a HTTP API to modify queues, queue items and get information about queue counts and queue item counts.


To enable the HTTP API, the httpRequestHandlerEnabled configuration property has to be set to TRUE. When authentication for the HTTP API is enabled, an Authorization request header (basic auth) has to be provided.

For additional configuration options relating the HTTP API, see the Configuration section.

API Endpoints

The following request examples will use a configured prefix of /queuing

List endpoints

To list the available endpoints use

GET /queuing

The result will be a json object with the available endpoints like the example below

  "queuing": [

Get configuration

The configuration information contains the currently active configuration values. To get the configuration use

GET /queuing/configuration

The result will be a json object with the configuration values like the example below

  "address": "redisques",
  "configuration-updated-address": "redisques-configuration-updated",
  "redis-prefix": "redisques:",
  "processor-address": "processor-address",
  "refresh-period": 2,
  "redisHost": "localhost",
  "redisPort": 6379,
  "redisReconnectAttempts": 0,
  "redisReconnectDelaySec": 30,
  "redisPoolRecycleTimeoutMs": 180000,  
  "redisAuth": null,
  "checkInterval": 60,
  "processorTimeout": 240000,
  "processorDelayMax": 0,
  "httpRequestHandlerEnabled": false,
  "httpRequestHandlerPrefix": "/queuing",
  "httpRequestHandlerPort": 7070,
  "httpRequestHandlerUserHeader": "x-rp-usr",
  "queueConfigurations": [{
    "pattern": "queue.*",
    "retryIntervals": [2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37, 42, 47, 52],
    "enqueueDelayFactorMillis": 0.0,
    "enqueueMaxDelayMillis": 0
  "enableQueueNameDecoding": true,
  "maxPoolSize": 200,
  "maxPoolWaitingSize": -1,
  "maxPipelineWaitingSize": 2048,
  "queueSpeedIntervalSec": 60,
  "memoryUsageLimitPercent": 100,
  "memoryUsageCheckIntervalSec": 60

Set configuration

To set the configuration use

POST /queuing/configuration

having the payload in the request body. The current implementation supports the following configuration values only:

  "processorDelayMax": 0, // number value in milliseconds 
  "processorTimeout": 1 // number value in milliseconds 

The following conditions will cause a 400 Bad Request response with a corresponding error message:

  • Body is not a valid json object
  • Body contains not supported configuration values

Get monitor information

The monitor information contains the active queues and their queue items count. To get the monitor information use

GET /queuing/monitor

Available url parameters are:

  • limit: The maximum amount of queues to list
  • emptyQueues=true: Also show empty queues

The result will be a json object with the monitor information like the example below

  "queues": [
      "name": "queue_1",
      "size": 3
      "name": "queue_2",
      "size": 2


To enqueue a new queue use

PUT /queuing/enqueue/myNewQueue

having the payload in the request body. When the request body is not a valid json object, a statusCode 400 with the error message 'Bad Request' will be returned.

Available url parameters are:

  • locked=true: Lock the queue before enqueuing to prevent processing

When the locked=true url parameter is set, the configured httpRequestHandlerUserHeader property will be used to define the user which requested the lock. If no header is provided, "Unknown" will be used instead.

List or count queues

To list the active queues use

GET /queuing/queues

Available url parameters are:

  • filter=: Filter the queues to list or count

The result will be a json object with a list of active queues like the example below

  "queues": [

Attention: The result will also contain empty queues when requested before the internal cleanup has passed. Use the monitor endpoint when non-empty queues should be listed only.

To get the count of active queues only, use

GET /queuing/queues?count=true

The result will be a json object with the count of active queues like the example below

  "count": 3

Attention: The count will also contain empty queues when requested before the internal cleanup has passed. Use the monitor endpoint when non-empty queues should be counted only.

List or count queue items

To list the queue items of a single queue use

GET /queuing/queues/myQueue

Add the limit url parameter to define the maximum amount of queue items to retrieve

The result will be a json object with a list of queue items like the example below

  "myQueue": [

To get the count of queue items only, use

GET /queuing/queues/myQueue?count=true

The result will be a json object with the count of queue items like the example below

  "count": 4

Delete all queue items

To delete all queue items of a single queue use

DELETE /queuing/queues/myQueue

The result will be a statusCode 200 OK when the queue could be successfully deleted or a 404 Not Found when the queue did not exist. Any error will result in a statusCode 500 Internal Server Error.

Available url parameters are:

  • unlock=true: Unlock the queue after deleting all queue items

Bulk delete queues

To delete a custom subset of existing queues use

POST /queuing/queues?bulkDelete=true

The payload must contain an array with the queues to delete.


  "queues": [

The result will be a json object containing the number of deleted queues like the example below

  "deleted": 2

Get single queue item

To get a single queue item use

GET /queuing/queues/myQueue/0

The result will be a json object representing the queue item at the given index (0 in the example above). When no queue item at the given index exists, a statusCode 404 with the error message 'Not Found' will be returned.

Replace single queue item

To replace a single queue item use

PUT /queuing/queues/myQueue/0

having the payload in the request body. The queue must be locked to perform this operation, otherwise a statusCode 409 with the error message 'Queue must be locked to perform this operation' will be returned. When no queue item at the given index exists, a statusCode 404 with the error message 'Not Found' will be returned.

Delete single queue item

To delete a single queue item use

DELETE /queuing/queues/myQueue/0

The queue must be locked to perform this operation, otherwise a statusCode 409 with the error message 'Queue must be locked to perform this operation' will be returned. When no queue item at the given index exists, a statusCode 404 with the error message 'Not Found' will be returned.

Add queue item

To add a queue item (to the end of the queue) use

POST /queuing/queues/myQueue/

having the payload in the request body. When the request body is not a valid json object, a statusCode 400 with the error message 'Bad Request' will be returned.

Get all locks

To list all existing locks use

GET /queuing/locks/

Available url parameters are:

  • filter=: Filter the locks to return

The result will be a json object with a list of all locks like the example below

  "locks": [

Add lock

To add a lock use

PUT /queuing/locks/myQueue

having an empty json object {} in the body. The configured httpRequestHandlerUserHeader property will be used to define the user which requested the lock. If no header is provided, "Unknown" will be used instead.

Bulk add locks

To add multiple locks use

POST /queuing/locks

The payload must contain an array with the locks to add.


  "locks": [

Get single lock

To get a single lock use

GET /queuing/locks/queue1

The result will be a json object with the lock information like the example below

  "requestedBy": "someuser",
  "timestamp": 1478100330698

Delete single lock

To delete a single lock use

DELETE /queuing/locks/queue1

Bulk delete locks

To delete a custom subset of existing locks use

POST /queuing/locks?bulkDelete=true

The payload must contain an array with the locks to delete.


  "locks": [

The result will be a json object containing the number of deleted locks like the example below

  "deleted": 2

Delete all locks

To delete all existing locks use

DELETE /queuing/locks

The result will be a json object containing the number of deleted locks like the example below

  "deleted": 22

Get statistics information

The statistics information contains the active queues and their queue items count plus the current number of failures and delay times in ms. To get the monitor information use

GET /queuing/statistics

Available url parameters are:

  • limit: The maximum amount of queues to list
  • emptyQueues=true: Also show empty queues
  • filter=: Filter the queues to list or count

The result will be a json object with the statistics information like the example below.

    "queues": [
      "name": "queue_1",
      "size": 3,
      "failures": 0,
      "slowdownTime": 0,
      "backpressureTime": 0

Get queue speed

The speed evaluation collects and calculates the cumulated speed of all queues matchting the given filter. To get the speed information use

GET /queuing/speed

Available url parameters are:

  • filter=: Filter the queues for which the cumulated speed is evaluated

The result will be a json object with the speed of the last measurement period calculated over all queues matching the given filter regex. Additionally the used measurement time in seconds is returned (eg. 60 seconds by default)

  "speed": 42,
  "unitSec": 60

Semaphore Config

If you are running in a Hazelcast cluster, the semaphore default permit must set to 1.

SemaphoreConfig semaphoreConfig = new SemaphoreConfig().setInitialPermits(1).setJDKCompatible(false).setName("__vertx.*");


  • Starting from version 2.6.x redisques requires Java 11.

  • Redisques versions greater than 01.00.17 depend on Vert.x v3.2.0 and therefore require Java 8.


A highly scalable redis-persistent queuing system for vertx







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  • Java 98.8%
  • Groovy 1.1%
  • Shell 0.1%