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Switcher API Kubernetes Helm Charts

Release Charts License: MIT Slack: Switcher-HQ

Switcher API Helm Charts

Deploy Switcher API using switcherapi/switcher-api Helm Charts.


Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.

Once Helm is set up properly, follow the steps below:

Install MongoDB

helm repo add bitnami
helm install db bitnami/mongodb \
    --namespace=switcherapi --create-namespace \
    --set auth.enabled=false

Install Switcher API

helm repo add switcherapi
helm install switcherapi switcherapi/switcher-api \
    --namespace=switcherapi --create-namespace

Uninstall Switcher API

helm uninstall switcherapi --namespace switcherapi

API parameters

Name Description Value
api.image.tag Switcher API Image tag latest
api.service.port API Service port 3000
Name Description Value
api.env.sslSecretName API SSL Secret Name (enable HTTPS) ``
api.env.resourceSecret API Swagger (user: admin) admin
api.env.switcherApiLogger API log true
api.env.historyActivated API Change Log record true
api.env.metricsActivated (*) API Metrics record true
api.env.permissionCacheActivated API Permission Cache true
api.env.googleSkipAuth Skip Google ReCaptcha validation true
api.env.metricsMaxPage Metrics: max logs per page 50
api.env.strategyMaxOperation Strategy: max operation entries 100
api.env.relayBypassHttps Relay: Bypass HTTPS validation false
api.env.relayBypassVerification Relay: Bypass Verification false
api.env.regexMaxTimeout (*) Regex Validator: max timeout in ms 3000
api.env.regexMaxBlacklist (*) Regex Validator: max blacklist entries 50
api.env.maxRequestPerMinute (*) API max Request per minute 0 (unlimited)
api.env.jwtAdminTokenRenewInterval User token renew interval 5m
api.env.jwtClientTokenExpTime (*) Component token renew interval 5m
api.env.mongoUri API Database URI < see values.yml >
api.env.bitbucketClientId Bitbucket Client Id ``
api.env.bitbucketClientSecret Bitbucket Client Secret ``
api.env.githubClientId GitHub Client Id ``
api.env.githubClientSecret GitHub Client Secret ``
api.env.googleRecaptchaSecret Google ReCaptcha Secret ``
api.env.switcherSlackJwtSecret Switcher Slack Secret ``

(*) - Deprecated parameters will be removed in future versions. Those are now managed by the Resolver API.

Resolver API parameters

Name Description Value
resolver.image.tag Switcher Resolver Image tag latest
resolver.service.port API Service port 3001
Name Description Value
resolver.env.sslSecretName API SSL Secret Name (enable HTTPS) ``
resolver.env.resourceSecret API Swagger (user: admin) admin
resolver.env.switcherApiLogger API log true
resolver.env.metricsActivated API Metrics record true
resolver.env.relayBypassHttps Relay: Bypass HTTPS validation false
resolver.env.relayBypassVerification Relay: Bypass Verification false
resolver.env.regexMaxTimeout Regex Validator: max timeout in ms 3000
resolver.env.regexMaxBlacklist Regex Validator: max blacklist entries 50
resolver.env.maxRequestPerMinute API max Request per minute 0 (unlimited)
resolver.env.jwtClientTokenExpTime Component token renew interval 5m
resolver.env.mongoUri API Database URI < see values.yml >

Management parameters

Name Description Value
management.image.tag Switcher Management Image tag latest
management.service.port Management Service port 8080
Name Description Value
management.env.switcherApiUrl Switcher API URL http://localhost:3000
management.env.switcherManagementUrl Management callback URL http://localhost:8080
management.env.switcherSlackUrl Switcher Slack App URL http://localhost:5000
management.env.allowHomeView Allow Home View false
management.env.googleRecaptcha Google ReCaptcha Public Key ``
management.env.bitbucketClientId Bitbucket Client Id ``
management.env.githubClientId GitHub Client Id ``


Validate Chart from local Values

helm install -f charts/switcher-api/values.yaml switcherapi ./charts/switcher-api/ \
    --namespace=switcherapi --create-namespace

SSL Enabled

helm install -f charts/switcher-api/values.yaml switcherapi ./charts/switcher-api/ \
    --namespace=switcherapi --create-namespace \
    --set api.env.sslSecretName="[CHANGE_ME]" \
    --set management.env.switcherApiUrl="https://localhost:3000" \
    --set management.env.switcherManagementUrl="https://localhost:8080"

Switcher Slack App Helm Charts

Deploy Switcher Slack App using switcherapi/switcher-slack-app Helm Charts.


Follow the Switcher Slack App instructions to create a Slack App before installing this Chart.

Install Switcher Slack App

helm repo add switcherapi
helm install switcherslackapp switcherapi/switcher-slack-app \
    --namespace=switcherapi --create-namespace \
    --set app.env.slackClientId="" \
    --set app.env.switcherManagementUrl="" \
    --set app.env.switcherAPIUrl="" \
    --set app.env.slackSigningSecret="" \
    --set app.env.slackClientSecret=""

Uninstall Switcher Slack App

helm uninstall switcherslackapp --namespace switcherapi

App parameters

Name Description Value
app.image.tag Switcher Slack App Image tag latest
app.service.port App Service port 5000
Name Description Value
app.env.slackClientId Slack Client Id ``
app.env.switcherManagementUrl Switcher Management URL for callback auth ``
app.env.switcherAPIUrl Switcher API URL ``
app.env.slackSigningSecret Slack Signing Secret ``
app.env.slackClientSecret Slack Client Secret ``
app.env.sslSecretName App SSL Secret Name (enable HTTPS) ``


Validate Chart from local Values

helm install -f charts/switcher-slack-app/values.yaml switcherslackapp ./charts/switcher-slack-app/ \
    --namespace=switcherapi --create-namespace \
    --set app.env.slackClientId="[CHANGE_ME]" \
    --set app.env.switcherManagementUrl="" \
    --set app.env.switcherAPIUrl="" \
    --set app.env.slackSigningSecret="[CHANGE_ME]" \
    --set app.env.slackClientSecret="[CHANGE_ME]"