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An eggdrop Tcl script that acts as a Twitter client/bridge on IRC. Also includes an OAuth library for authenticating with Twitter, and a Twitter library


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Twitter libraries and client scripts in Tcl.

The original purpose of these scripts was to provide an Eggdrop script to show tweets on IRC channels. The repository includes libraries to assist with this and other related tools.

The libraries/tools in this repository are:

  • twitoauth.tcl - A library to integrate with Twitter's OAuth.
  • twitlib.tcl - Twitter API client library.
  • twitter.tcl - An Eggdrop IRC bot client/gateway script. Running this on a bot will output Twitter home timeline statuses to IRC channels. You can also do things like tweet from IRC and follow/unfollow users.
  • twitter_poll - A script that polls a Twitter home timeline for tweets and inserts them into a PostgreSQL database.
  • test_oauth.tcl - A script to test authentication with OAuth. This can also be used to build the tokens/keys needed for OAuth.


  • tcllib
  • Tcl (8.5+)
  • twitter_poll depends on Pgtcl

twitter.tcl Usage information

Usage notes

  • Depends on twitoauth.tcl and twitlib.tcl.
  • We store state in the value of the variable $state_file file in the eggdrop root directory
  • The default time between tweet fetches is 10 minutes. You can alter the "bind time" option below to change to a different setting. Note you may not be able to use the 1 minute option if you are polling both the home and the mentions timeline as this can exceed Twitter's API limits.
  • Requires +o on the bot to issue !commands. This is different from having operator status in the channel. It means you must be recognized as a user with +o permission by the bot in its user records. If the bot does not respond to any of the commands in a channel set +twitter, then the bot may not recognize you.
  • You can set multiple channels that the bot outputs and accepts commands on by setting each channel .chanset #channel +twitter


  • Load twitoauth.tcl, twitlib.tcl, and twitter.tcl on to your bot. You should ensure they load in this order as the first two are libraries that the latter depends on. Like other eggdrop scripts, you can place them in a scripts subdirectory, and source them as usual in your eggdrop configuration file.
  • Register for a consumer key/secret at by creating an application. This is used for authentication.
  • Make sure your application is set to have Read and Write permission. If you don't, then you will not be able to do things like follow people or tweet. There is a 3rd permission level where you can access direct messages, so if you want to be able to do that, you should enable that too. The permission settings are under the application's Permissions tab (at the time of writing).
  • Find your consumer key (API key) and consumer secret (API secret) for the application you registered. At the time of writing, this is under the Keys and Access Tokens tab for your application.
  • .chanset #channel +twitter to provide access to !commands in #channel. These channels also receive status update output. You issue this command in the eggdrop's partyline which you can reach either through telnet or DCC chat. How you get on to this depends on your configuration.
  • Say !twit_request_token in a channel you set +twitter. You will be given instructions on what to do after (calling !twit_access_token, etc). The bot should respond to you in the channel. If it does not, confirm the channel is +twitter and that it recognizes you as a +o user. See usage notes above.
  • Alter the variables at the top of twitlib.tcl and twitter.tcl to change various options.


  • Error Update retrieval (mentions) failed: OAuth not initialised. in partyline.
    • This means you need to complete the OAuth authentication. To do this, see the setup points above. TL;DR: Issue !twit_request_token in a channel set +twitter. The bot should answer you.
  • No status updates show.
    • Ensure that poll_home_timeline at the top of twitter.tcl is set 1.
  • How do I change the Twitter account used by the bot?
    • Use the !twit_request_token command.

Authentication notes

  • To begin authentication on an account use !twit_request_token.
  • To change which account the script follows use !twit_request_token. Make sure you are logged into Twitter on the account you want and visit the authentication URL (or login to the account you want at this URL) and do !twit_access_token as before.
  • Changing account / enabling OAuth resets tweet tracking state so you will likely be flooded by up to max_updates tweets.

IRC Commands

This list may be non-exhaustive. Refer to the trigger section of the script for the canonical list.

  • !twit / !tweet - Send a tweet
  • !twit_msg - Send a private message
  • !twit_trends
  • !follow
  • !unfollow
  • !twit_updates
  • !twit_msgs
  • !twit_search
  • !followers
  • !following
  • !retweet
  • !twit_searchusers
  • !update_interval

IRC OAuth commands

  • !twit_request_token <consumer_key> <consumer_secret>
  • !twit_access_token <oauth_token> <oauth_token_secret> <PIN from authentication url of !twit_request_token>

twitoauth.tcl Usage information

Setup for users

Library usage

  • You can store oauth_token / oauth_token_secret from ::twitoauth::get_access_token and use them indefinitely. Thus the setup (below) need only be done once by storing and reusing these.
  • Start with ::twitoauth::get_request_token.
  • Usage: ::twitoauth::get_request_token $consumer_key $consumer_secret
  • Returns dict including oauth_token / oauth_token_secret for
  • Going to this URL, logging in, and allowing will give a PIN e.g. 1021393.
  • Then use the pin as the value for oauth_verifier in ::twitoauth::get_access_token.
  • Usage: ::twitoauth::get_access_token $consumer_key $consumer_token $oauth_token $oauth_token_secret $pin
  • Also use oauth_token / oauth_token_secret from get_request_token here.
  • Returns dict including new oauth_token & oauth_token_secret (access token).
  • Afterwards use oauth_token / oauth_token_secret from get_access_token in ::twitoauth::query_api to make API calls.
  • Usage: ::twitoauth::query_api $url $consumer_key $consumer_secret $http_method $oauth_token $oauth_token_secret $key:value_http_query
  • The $key:value_http_query is such that you would pass to ::http::formatQuery e.g. status {this is a tweet}.
  • Example call: puts [::twitoauth::query_api <key> <secret> POST $oauth_token_done $oauth_token_secret_done [list status "does it work?"]]


An eggdrop Tcl script that acts as a Twitter client/bridge on IRC. Also includes an OAuth library for authenticating with Twitter, and a Twitter library







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