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Configuration ...

The configuration file is located at %ROOT%/conf/

# Binding IP address. For servers with more than one IP address, this property specifies which
# address will be used for listening on the specified ports.
# By default, ports will be used on all IP addresses associated with the server. =

# SVN Search listening port.
# The default value is 80.
infinitum.web.port = 80

# The web context must start with a forward slash (for example /svnsearch).
# The default value is root context ('/'). 
infinitum.web.context = /

# The maximum amount of search results.
# The default value is 100.
svn.index.maxSearchResults = 100

# The amount of search results displayed on a page.
# The default value is 10.
svn.index.searchResultsPerPage = 10

# The path the local index should be stored.
# For example: D:/svnsearch/data/index
svn.index.path = 

# The address of the svn repository which should be indexed.
# For example:
svn.index.repository = 

# The username and password for an authenticated access to the svn repository.
#svn.index.username = 
#svn.index.password = 

# The size of the chunks the revisions should be fetched. 
#svn.index.batchSize = 5000

# Files to be excluded by multiple regular expressions based on they're name.
svn.index.excludeFiles.0 = .*.exe

# Alternatively: 
# Files to be excluded by multiple regular expressions based on they're path (full qualified name).
# You can also filter file by name using this exclude mechanism it is just a little bit slower than
# using the above configuration in case u just want to filter by file name (or file extension).
#svn.index.excludePaths.0 = 

Something like ...

During the developement of this project I found some projects with similar goals.