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Visual Robot Programming Application


The following software is needed to build and run the application:

  • wstool
  • rosdep
  • pip2

Real Hardware Only

Install the Intel Realsense SDK 2.0

Catkin Workspace Setup

  • Use wstool to download all the required repositories
     wstool init src src/visual_programming/.rosinstall
  • Use rosdep from the workspace top level directory to install all required debians
     rosdep install --from-path src --ignore-src
  • Install python dependencies, from the workspace top level directory run the following
     pip2 install -r src/visual_programming/python_dependencies.txt
  • (Real Hardware Only)
     wstool merge -t src src/visual_programming/.rosinstall_hardware

    Installs realsense ROS driver

Joystick Device Details

  • This demo uses a Fortune Tech Wireless VR30 gamepad in combination with a bluetooth receiver. However any other USB joystick should work
  • Fortune Tech Wireless VR30 gamepad only:
    • To connect go into the bluetooth menu and pair it to the Fortune Tech Wireless device

Joystick Device Test

  • Install the following package
    sudo apt-get install jstest-gtk
  • Run the jstest-gtk application and make sure that you can see your joystick. In addition to that take note of the joystick's device name (usually /dev/input/js0)
  • Run the rosrun joy joy_node _dev:=/dev/input/js0 command and echo the /joy topic to make sure that the ros driver publishes the joystick messages on button presses
  • (Optional) More info on configuring a joystick to work with ROS can be found at here

Run Application

This application allows adding/removing waypoints to a robot trajectory. Once a trajectory has been created,
the software will generate a correspoding robot joint path, preview and execute the path on the real
(or simulated) robot.

*Currently the Planning and execution capabilities are a work in progress.

  • If using Real Hardware, make sure that the joystick, robot and the camera are connected.

  • Run the setup launch file:

    • Simulation Mode:

      roslaunch vpr_tracking application_setup.launch

      In tracking simulation mode, Use the slider widgets in the TF Publisher window to set the pose of the wand

    • Hardware Mode:

      roslaunch vpr_tracking application_setup.launch sim_tracking:=False sim_robot:=False
  • Start the application: Run the application launch file as follows:

    roslaunch vpr_tracking application_run.launch
    • A text marker will show in rviz with the available actions:

      • MOVE HOME
    • Use the joystick's D-pad up and down directions to select an action. Then press the trigger button
      to execute the action.

    • Move the tracking tool while making sure it is in the view of the camera. Add a waypoint by using the ADD WAYPOINT action.

      As you add waypoints to the trajectory a green line Rviz Marker will show the connection between the active waypoints. The yellow line shows the waypoints that were recorded continuously.

    • After adding waypoints preview the robot path with the PREVIEW PATH action.

    • Then execute the trajection with the EXECUTE PATH action.

    *Note: All these command are context dependent so they may not be applicable all the time.


Application for robot programming using visual tracking






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