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JaehoNam edited this page Oct 31, 2019 · 2 revisions


Presentation Order

  1. Intro (1 min) (1 person)
  2. Show our scenarios (4 min) (1 person)
  3. QnA (3 min) (2 people)

What to implement before presentation (to what extent)

  • Almost everything except "Login, Recommendation"
    • Review feature
      • Review list
        • main list page
      • Review upload
      • Review detail
    • Friend feature
      • Add friend
      • Show friend's main page

What to show

(Assume the user is logged in)

Scenario 1 : Write and see the review

  1. write new review

    • upload food image
    • pick a restaurant location in the map
    • type menu name and comment
    • save review
  2. see the review at the main page

    • see the new review on the top
  3. see the review detail

    • click the review
    • see details

Scenario 2 : Surf friend's page

  1. add friend
  2. move to friend's main page

Target Coverage



  • Finish Sprint 3 : 11/2
  • Complete simple recommendation algorithm : 11/4
  • Prepare presentation scenarios : 11/5