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Shea4 edited this page May 27, 2019 · 5 revisions


• Added suggestion stats. Shows the current settings of suggestions in the current server.
• Added prefix self add. Adds specified prefixes to your current personal prefixes.
• Added prefix self remove. Removes specified prefixes from your current personal prefixes.
• Added prefix self reset. Resets your personal prefixes.
• Added prefix server add Adds specified prefixes to the current servers prefixes.
• Added prefix server remove Removes specified prefixes from the current servers prefixes.
• Added prefix server reset. Resets the current servers prefixes.
• Added reset warnings. Resets a specified users warnings, this will set their warnings to 0 and remove all their stored reasons.
• Added welcomer format. Shows all the variables you can use for your welcomer message.
• Added leaver format. Shows all the variables you can use for your leaver message.
• Added the variable {user.stayed.length} to the leaver, shows how long a user stayed in the server before leaving.
• Added antiinvite whitelist. Whitelist a role, user or channel so it isn't affected by antiinvite.
• Added antiinvite blacklist. Unwhitelists a role, user or channel so it is affected by antiinvite.
• Added antilink whitelist. Whitelist a role, user or channel so it isn't affected by antilink. • Added antilink blacklist. Unwhitelists a role, user or channel so it is affected by antilink.


• When a permission failure occurs for a user the permission(s) they are missing will show.
• You can no longer view others users reminders in reminder list.
• When you are trying to create an emote with create emote it'll no longer ask for an emote name if it cannot find one and instead name the emote Unnamed_Emote.
permissions now accepts a user or a role argument.
• If you have a channel override that is now taken into account when the bot checks through your permissions.
• Providing no text argument for announce will now just mention the role.
prune and clear are now merged you can provide either a user or a number argument.
• Improved the syntax when getting ranges from an argument, you can now provide 15-20,110-120 and it'll return [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120].
• When updating modlog cases they now silently go through ones you do not own/cannot be found.
• You can only update 100 modlog cases at one time now.
• Commands are now case insensitive apart from ban so you can still do your fake bans with a capital b.
• Unbans and unmutes no longer count as offences.
• Any command which involves mass deletion of data will now prompt you before you make the decision to make sure it's the right one.
• In reminder add you can now use reminder at dd/mm/yy hh:mm as a format, with an option of adding a timezone after it to adapt to a specified timezone.
• You can put reset as an argument for logs channel to reset the channel.
• Changed the syntax of trade again, everything will now be split by a comma and a number is no longer required when specifying an item.
• When using vote and having referred someone through the vote the bot will now show how much that user has made from their referrals.
• You can now view yours or another users reputation by using the option amount on the command rep.
• You can now craft axes.
craft has been split into pickaxe craft, rod craft and axe craft.
upgrade pickaxe is now pickaxe upgrade, upgrade rod is now rod upgrade and upgrade axe is now axe upgrade to be more consistent.
repair pickaxe is now pickaxe repair, repair rod is now rod repair and repair axe is now axe repair to be more consistent.
upgrade list has been split into rod upgrades, pickaxe upgrades and axe upgrades.
• Love percentages for ship will be different, random seeds are different between two different languages.
• When using give, russian roulette and slot, you can now provide a percentage to give a certain percentage of your current money or you can provide all (100%), full (100%), half (50%), quarter (25%) and eighth (12.5%).
• When using fish, mine or chop you will now be warned when your tool will break the next time it is used.
• You can now put an option of --server on any leaderboard command so it only shows people in the current server.
• There is now a separate command for leave messages from welcomer called leaver you can set a channel for the leave message which can be different to the welcome message and you will now have to toggle the leave message on if you want it to be sent aswell as set the channel.
antiinvite and antilink will no longer use admintoggle, modtoggle or bottoggle but instead will use a whitelisting feature so you can whitelist a channel, role or user. People with administrator permissions will not be affected regardless of whitelists and your togglechannel data will be ported over.
• You can now blacklist and whitelist categories.
• When a user is kicked and the kick isn't made by the bot it'll now be logged through modlogs.


• If you had a lot of miners and used miner collect depending on how many miners it could take a few seconds to process, now no matter how many miners you have it should never take more than 50ms, this does remove some of the randomness hence why it's not implemented into crates but there is still a little bit of randomness just not as much as before.
• Less requests are made to rethink per command/event.
• Overall improved descriptions across all commands.
• Improved the way the odds are handled in slot.
welcomer preview and leaver preview now give you warnings to notify you if there could be issues with your welcomer/leaver.
image welcomer banner now supports images from the gif tab on discord, and any other image hosting site where the url isn't an image but embeds on discord. I still don't recommend using this as tenor seems to have a png version of the gif in the embed even though it displays as a gif.
set height now supports centimetres.
• reminders, mutes and giveaways will now be finish at a much more precise time.


• Removed invitegenerator.
• Removed dblowners.
• Removed dbltag.
• Removed servercount, there's alternatives which show these figures such as stats and shard info.
• Removed userid.
• Removed roleid.
• Removed channelid.
• Removed serverid.
• Removed miner repair from the economy system anyone who had any have been given refunds.
• Removed the variable {user.created.length} from the leaver.
• Removed massdivorce, you can now do divorce all.
• Removed autorole fix, the bot now fixes all autoroles it missed on start.
• Removed antiinvite togglebot, antiinvite admintoggle, antiinvite modtoggle and antiinvite togglechannel. antiinvite whitelist is the better alternative.
• Removed antilink togglebot, antilink admintoggle, antilink modtoggle and antilink togglechannel. antilink whitelist is the better alternative.

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