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🍽 A production-ready boilerplate for React+TypeScript applications. Features supported include Typescript, React Router, Redux Toolkit along with Webpack, Babel, ESLint, Prettier and Husky to name a few.



Repository files navigation

react ts redux react-router

This is a solid React + Typescript Boilerplate, using Webpack and Babel, with CSS Modules, SASS and traditional CSS stylesheets. Supports React-Router and Redux-Toolkit too!

This boilerplate also uses a webapck dashboard provided by FormidableLabs, which makes you feel like you work at NASA! :neckbeard:

🌟 Features

This boilerplate has a lot of features, some worth mentioning are:

‡️ Installation

  • Install the boilerplate using the following command:
  npx degit my-app

Please note that you'll need the degit package pre-installed on your system. If you do not have it installed beforehand, it automatically prompts you to install the package when you run the above command.

  • You'll need to install the dependencies as well:
  #for yarn users
  #for npm users
  npm i

πŸ”¬ Usage

If you do not want to install the template using a third party package, you can do so by downloading this boilerplate manually from here. Here's how to do so:

  • Clone the repository
  git clone my-app
  • Run the following command
  #for yarn users
  #for npm users
  npm i

🚧 Development

To run the development server, run the following command:

  #for yarn users
  yarn start
  #for npm users
  npm run start

This serves the app on localhost:3000 via the webpack-dev-server package.

πŸš€ Build

  • Run the following command to build your project for production:
  #for yarn users
  yarn build
  #for npm users
  npm run build
  #for yarn users
  yarn build:info
  #for npm users
  npm run build:info

Bundle info will be shown on localhost:3001. This will open automatically in your preferred browser when you run the above command(s).

  • To see the app in prodution mode, navigate to the build/ folder that is generated after running the above command. This will serve the production ready app to localhost:5000.
  cd build/;
  npx serve

🐳 Docker

If you wish to dockerise your project, and make it available as a docker image at docker hub, you can do so with a few simple commands!


To test the application as a docket container in development mode, we need to simply run the following command(s):

  • To create a docker image that will run a container, use:
  docker-compose build
  • Once the above command completes it's execution, we can now run either of the following commands:

    • No-strings-attached dev server:
      docker-compose up
      # Or, to run in detached mode (i.e, in the background)
      docker-compose up -d
    • To see the cool webpack-dashboard:
      docker-compose run -p 3000:3000 dev
    • To peform cleanup:
      docker-compose down

Deploy on Docker Hub

To deploy or push your project docker image to the docker hub, use the following set of command(s):

  docker build -t <username>/<repository>:<tag> .
  docker tag <username>/<repository>:<tag> <username>/<repository>:latest
  docker push <username>/<repository>:<tag>

  # It might look something like this:
  docker build -t user/app:v1.0.0 .
  docker tag user/app:v1.0.0 user/app:latest
  docker push user/app:v1.0.0

If all went well, your image will now be live on Docker Hub and it will be easy to share.

Next Steps

At this point, I can see that my application is running from a docker container locally, and I have that image on Docker Hub, so that's a big portion of the battle. From here, there are two more issues to cover:

  • Setting up a continuous integration tool to test and deploy code
  • Setting up a production server to receive and serve code (maybe change it from Firebase to DigitalOcean?)

🚧 This is still a Work-In-Progress. Please refer to this issue for more details.

πŸ“œ License

License: MIT


🍽 A production-ready boilerplate for React+TypeScript applications. Features supported include Typescript, React Router, Redux Toolkit along with Webpack, Babel, ESLint, Prettier and Husky to name a few.








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