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Project for AP CSA, Unit 3: A Quaint little text adventure game dubbed "The Quest For Java"

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               )  ,
              (    )
            \__________/ \
|                                   |
|     T H E   Q U E S T   F O R     |
|  ._____.                          |
|  |_. ._|  __ _   __   __   __ _   |
|    | |   / _` |  \ \ / /  / _` |  |
|    | |  | (_| |   \ V /  | (_| |  |
|   _/ |   \__,_|    \_/    \__,_|  |
|  |__/                             |
|                                   |
 A mini text adventure by Ben Sykes.

========= BACKSTORY & TL;DR =========


You, the player are magically placed
in a large dungeon. Through careful
observation (and maybe a hint from a
note placed near you), you discover
that you have been teleported to the

Your goal is defeat the math-hungry
monsters littered around the dungeon,
reach the goal, and escape. You have
3 lives, each which can be lost in
battle. Good luck!

======== SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ========

       It has to be playable...

"Woah! A game this simple has system
requirements?" you may ask, & indeed
it does. All you need is a compatible
version of the Java runtime, and an
ANSI-compliant console to run the game
in. For the best experience, make
sure the color scheme of your console
has dark background colors and bright
foreground colors.

============ USER INPUT =============

         This is your friend.

Since you can't really play a game
without interacting with it, it's
important to know when the game is
prompting you to do something. When
you see the greater-than symbol, the
game is prompting you to enter some
information, usually an answer to a
question posed just before the prompt

=========== THE PLAYFIELD ===========

     | @] |    |    |    |    |
     |    |    |    |  ! |    |
     |    |  $ |    |  $ |  $ |
     |    |    |    |  $ |  $ |
     |    |    |    |    |  $ |
       This is the playfield.

The most important part of playing
TWFJ is the playfield. This critical
element displays where you, monsters,
and the goal are with these symbols:

          @       $       !

Pay attention to these symbols and
where they are while planning out the
most efficient way to beat the game.

============ SPAWN POINT ============

           It begins here.

At the start of each game, you spawn
at the spawn point, represnted by the
right square bracket. This is a safe
zone where no monsters can spawn.

============ THE PLAYER =============

            This is you!

You are represnted by the AT symbol.
When prompted, you can move up, down,
left, right, or stay simply by typing
in just that. If you are a shorthand
kind of person, you can also type in
just the first letter of where you
would like to go.

============= MONSTERS ==============

          These are evil.

Monsters are represnted with dollar
signs. When you move into a room with
one, a "battle" will be initiated. In
order to defeat the monster and make
it disappear, you must answer their
question correctly. If you fail to do
so, you will be defeated, resulting
in a life being lost and you being
sent back to spawn. If you lose all
3 lives, you will be killed an the
game will end.

============= THE GOAL ==============

          Get here & win.

The goal, represnted by a bang (aka
an exclamation mark), does what it
says on the box. After defeating all
monsters on the playfield, come here
to claim your victory and beat the

=========== OTHER GOALS ============

       The clock is ticking.

If your looking to take on another
challenge, why not pit yourself
against time itself? Each round is
timed, and that time is displayed
when it ends.

============= COMPILING =============

       if (!developer) skip();

The following information only
pertains to developers or users who
did not recieve a precompiled JAR.

Being a Java application, this should
be easy to compile on any platform
through use of the included Makefile.
Simple run "make" and a JAR file
should be compiled.

(C)2020 - Ben Sykes


Project for AP CSA, Unit 3: A Quaint little text adventure game dubbed "The Quest For Java"







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