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Releases: syl20bnr/spacemacs

erlang-elixir layer, magit-gh-pulls, tweaks and fixes

30 Nov 05:05
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  • Fix #177: (error "Package elixir-mix-' is unavailable")` !
  • New contribution layer for Erlang and Elixir languages. Those packages were originaly in spacemacs layer.
  • Add package magit-gh-pulls into spacemacs layer. This magit extension is very handy to manage your PRs.
  • company-mode layer has now support for Yasnippet! (thanks to trishume)
  • company should be less annoying in some languages (see #174) (thanks to trishume)
  • Improvement in .spacemacs template. Should more readable and straight-forward for new comers.
  • Lower the guide-key delay to 0.4 by default. This variable has its own dotspacemacs variable for easy tweak: dotspacemacs-guide-key-delay
  • Add support for system trash which should work on Windows, Linux distros and OS X. System trash is enabled by default in spacemacs. Documentation here.
  • Inactive modeline (in unfocused windows) is now much simpler: flycheck, minor modes and battery info are now disabled.
  • syl20bnr has been moved in usr category. o-blog submodule has been removed from this layer.

RESTclient, default theme support, fixes and tweaks

28 Nov 06:33
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  • New contrib layer restclient (thanks to CestDiego)
  • Add support for custom theme with a new variable dotspacemacs-default-theme for .spacemacs, see documentation.
  • helm-projectile-ag support (thanks to rphillips)
  • new helm bindings <SPC> h r to resume the last helm buffer.
  • Fix <SPC> p D binding for projectile-dired
  • New key bindings for hl-anything and move .hl-save file to .cache directory.
  • Fix directory structure for org-repo-todo layer (thanks to CestDiego)
  • Smarter smartparens (thanks to trishume)
  • Fix projectile-persp-bridge init of perspectives layer (thanks to CestDiego)

Up to date evil-org and fixes

27 Nov 16:09
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  • Fix #163. Now term faces should be correct when the spacemacs theme is changed to monokai or zenburn (and potentially other themes).
  • Fix #165. Now use the MELPA version of evil-org and improve key bindings support.
  • Better looking key sequences in documentation.

Paradox tweak

27 Nov 05:36
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Add evil-search support to paradox packages list buffer.

Paradox packages list, tweaks and fixes

27 Nov 05:11
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  • New contrib layer paradox with hjkl navigation support in emacs state (like Magit) (thanks to CestDiego)
  • New contrib layer org-repo-todo (thanks to CestDiego)
  • Auto-highlight of TODOs in Python (thanks to danielwuz)
  • <SPC> m d in Python is now for anaconda documentation lookup (pylookup is now on <SPC> m D) (thanks to valrus)
  • perspectives layer is now lazy loaded.
  • Disable fancy-narrow mode because it breaks a lot of other packages
  • Remove undo-tree cache configuration ((setq undo-tree-auto-save-history t)) because it randomly prevents the user from undoing more than a few steps.

Perspectives, Prefix command names, helm-projectile

26 Nov 05:52
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  • perspectives contribution layer (prefix <SPC> P) (thanks to CestDiego)
  • relative-linum on <SPC> t r (thanks to nadavspi)
  • <SPC> t L to toggle visual lines (thanks to mooglinux)
  • Prefix command names which make guide-key buffer much more readable.
  • Fix void variable spacemacs-config-layer
  • Reenable all helm-projectile commands (changes)
  • Add documentation about private layers management
  • Fix private directory readme (thanks to valrus)

fancy-battery integration, better projectile key-bindings, update toggles and buffer key bindings

24 Nov 04:52
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  • use <SPC> t m b to toggle battery info in mode-line. Or activate it on startup by putting (fancy-battery-mode) in your dotspacemacs/config
  • projectile key bindings improvements: projectile-commander binding has been replaced by explicit key bindings. It better integrates within spacemacs (see changes).
  • Various tweaks to buffers and toggles bindings (see buffer key bindings and toggles).
  • Adds dummy core tests and a makefile to launch the tests outside of emacs.

Better readme, better configuration layer creation for new users.

22 Nov 06:08
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Revamp of the README and improve configuration layer creation
Should be easier for new users to get the important information to get started.

  • has been split. It contains only an introduction and quick start kind of information. The huge old README content is now in
  • Simplify the notion of configuration layers (see types of configuration layers)
  • contribsys.el has been renamed to config-system.el
  • new directory private ignored by Git. This is the recommended place to put private configuration layers.
  • new functions:
    • dotspacemacs/install to install the dotfile
    • config-system/create-layer to easily create a new layer in the private directory.


  • new packages in trishume contrib: hungry-delete and aggresive-indent (thanks to trishume)
  • better no indent for Python contrib, only : does not auto-indent (thanks to danielwuz)


  • Fix face update bug when loading a theme from ~/.spacemacs
  • <SPC> s b put point on the last searched occurrence of auto-highlight-symbol, the micro-state is also enabled.

Hotfix for error 'evil-define-union-move is void' in evil-little-word

19 Nov 05:30
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evil-plugins is excluded for now, waiting for the fix to be merged upstream.

Magit fix and tweaks

19 Nov 03:46
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  • Fixes <SPC> leader in Magit buffers
  • hjkl navigation is now fully working in Magit buffers (before only jk was working). Corresponding Magit key bindings on hjkl have been set on HJKL.
  • Remove nested use-packages in spacemacs/init-evil, now all evil packages have their own init-xxx function, so they can be excluded separately.
  • init functions in spacemacs/packages.el have been sorted in alphabetical order.