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Releases: syl20bnr/spacemacs

Version 0.105.6

09 Jan 18:28
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  • Fix shadowed TAB (C-i) key in terminal (thanks to StreakyCobra)

Version 0.105.5

09 Jan 04:44
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Hot fixes


  • Fix unavailable major mode leader keys in evilified buffers
    (thanks to justbur)
  • Fix b key binding on home buffer (thanks to justbur)

Layer changes


  • Bind evil-jumper/forward to <C-i> to make it work when
    dotspacemacs-distinguish-gui-tab is non nil (thanks to TheBB)


  • Add ~/.spacemacs.d/snippets directory to the snippet sources of
  • Don't enter evil-insert-state after aya-expand when holy-mode is active
    (thanks to abaw)

Version 0.105.4

07 Jan 05:26
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Hot fixes


  • Fix home buffer obfuscating opened file when Emacs starts (thanks to justbur)

Ruby layer

  • Fix rbenv loading (thanks to TheBB)

Spacemacs layouts

  • Fix jumping to last layout when the last layout is the default layout
    (thanks to TheBB)


  • Fix and improve yasnippet loading (thanks to TheBB)

Version 0.105.3

06 Jan 06:41
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Hot fixes

Emacs lisp layer

  • Fix wrong hook for adding evil text objects (thanks to justbur)

Ledger layer

  • Fix missing major mode key bindings (thanks to travisbhartwell)

Ocaml layer

  • Fix smartparens configuration (thanks to edwintorok)

Layer changes


  • Improve robustness of spacemacs/toggle-transparency function
    (thanks to justbur)

Other improvements

  • Fix layer install section in all layers READMEs to be more explicit
    and remove a source of confusion for new comers (thanks to mattbaker)
  • Typos and documentation improvements (thanks to d12frosted)

Version 0.105.2

05 Jan 17:55
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  • Fix empty mode-line when a new Spacemacs version is available
    (thanks to TheBB)

Version 0.105.1

05 Jan 07:06
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Hot fixes

  • Fix and improve support for GUI clients using a server started with
    emacs --daemon:
  • Fix font
  • Fix graphical Spaceline separator
  • Fix theme colors (most of them)
  • Fix Spacemacs logo in home buffer
  • Add support for graphical Nyan Cat

Spacemacs layer

  • Fix broken evil-escape-mode when toggling holy-mode (emacs style)

Bépo layer

  • Fix support for Magit (thanks to StreakyCobra)

Magit layer

  • Fix TAB key bindings to expand/collapse sections (thanks to justbur)

Scala layer

  • Fix a typo in function name scala-auto-insert-asterisk-in-comments
    (thanks to lunaryorn)

Layer changes


  • New key binding SPC h n to browse the Emacs news (thanks to lunaryorn)

Themes megapack

  • Add monokai theme (thanks to jonboiser)

Other improvements

  • Typos and documentation improvements (thanks to mjs2600, person808,
    robbyoconnor, StreakyCobra, TheBB and xfq)

Version 0.105.0

04 Jan 07:32
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IMPORTANT - Breaking changes

  • SPC l for avy-goto-line is now under SPC y. SPC l is for
    spacemacs layouts.
  • SPC a p is now for list-processes and SPC a P for proced,
    paradox is now on SPC a k.
  • SPC s l is now used to bring back last search buffer and SPC s j
    is for jumping into a file using imenu.
  • In home buffer, jumping to bookmark list is now on b.
  • Projectile: caching is now disabled by default, while it should not
    break anything if you have some functions relying on caching being
    enabled be sure to activate it explicitly in your dotfile with
    (setq projectile-enable-caching t).
  • Git: new key bindings scheme using evil-magit package. If you want
    to continue to use the old evilified bindings add evil-magit package
    to the dotspacemacs-excluded-packages variable of your dotfile.
  • Ruby: the default major mode is now the Emacs built-in ruby-mode.
    If you want to continue to use enh-ruby-mode set the layer variable
    ruby-enable-enh-ruby-mode to t.

Hot new features

  • Spacemacs layouts under SPC l with eyebrowse integration
    (thanks to CestDiego, bmag and TheBB)
  • Revamped Magit key bindings thanks to evil-magit which provides
    a faithful port of Magit UX using Vim key bindings (thanks to justbur)
  • Brand new website on with readthedocs documentation pages
    (thanks to bobbyangelov, nashamri and TheBB)
  • New command line parameters for emacs:
  • --timed-requires, --profile and --adv-timers [n] to profile and

benchmark Emacs initialization (thanks to justbur)

  • --insecure to disable https when fetching ELPA packages.
  • --debug-init (built-in Emacs parameter) now enable Spacemacs verbose
    messages when Emacs is loading.

Other important notes

  • All extensions directories have been renamed to local. extensions
    directories will be deprecated in 0.106.0.
  • The evil-leader functions evil-leader/set-key and
    evil-leader/set-key-for-mode are now obsolete and will be deprecated
    in a future version.

New conventions

  • Commit and abort commands conventions:
  • SPC m ,~ and ~SPC m c to Valid/Confirm
  • SPC m a and SPC m k to Abort/Discard

(thanks to StreakyCobra)

  • Update evilified state rebinding conventions:
    SPC to ', / to \ and : to |

New Layers

  • bepo in keyboard-layouts (thanks to StreakyCobra)
  • command-log in tools (thanks to bmag)
  • elfeed in tools (thanks to d12frosted)
  • evil-cleverparans (thanks to justbur)
  • geolocation (thanks to Gogs)
  • mu4e in email (thanks to darkfeline)
  • octave in lang (thanks to izahn)
  • selectric in fun (thanks to algernon)
  • spacemacs-layouts (thanks to CestDiego)
  • speed-reading (thanks to AdrieanKhisbe)
  • swift in lang (thanks
  • theming (thanks to TheBB)
  • typography (thanks to lunaryorn)
  • vimscript in lang (thanks to ralesi)

Dotfile changes

  • New variable dotspacemacs-elpa-https if non nil use HTTPS otherwise
    use HTTP. Default is t.
  • New variable dotspacemacs-elpa-timeout, default is 5 seconds
  • New variable dotspacemacs-check-for-update to toggle check for Spacemacs
    updates at startup, default is t (thanks to tenthousandfailures)
  • New variable dotspacemacs-default-layout-name to set the name of the
    default Spacemacs layout.
  • New variable dotspacemacs-display-default-layout to toggle display
    of the name of the default layout in the mode-line, default is nil.
  • New variable dotspacemacs-auto-resume-layouts to resume automatically
    the last layout when Emacs starts.
  • New variable dotspacemacs-max-rollback-slots to set the maximum number
    of rollback slots to keep in the cache.
  • New variable dotspacemacs-line-numbers to enable line numbers
    globally, possible values are relative, t or nil.
    Default is nil (thanks to StreakyCobra)
  • New variable dotspacemacs-distinguish-gui-tab, if non nil then TAB
    and C-i are distinct using GUI Emacs, default is nil (thanks to justbur)
  • New variable dotspacemacs-startup-recent-list-size to configure the
    number of recent files to display in the home buffer (thanks to bmag)
  • New variable dotspacemacs-whitespace-cleanup to enable automatic
    cleanup of whitespace on save. Possible values are all, trailing,
    changed or nil. Default is changed (thanks to nixmaniack)
  • Remove dotspacemacs-verbose-loading, it is now enabled automatically
    with the command line parameter --debug-init

Distribution layer changes

  • New key binding SPC * to search for current selection or symbol under point
    in the current project. SPC / is similar but does not auto-fill the search
    pattern. This new behavior mimics * and / keys of Vim
    (thanks to StreakyCobra)
  • New key binding SPC h d F to describe a face, by default the face under
    point is selected (thanks to TheBB)
  • New key binding SPC h k to display the top level of key bindings
    (thanks to justbur)
  • New key binding SPC h d K to describe a keymap (thanks to justbur)
  • New key binding SPC h SPC for helm-spacemacs (SPC f e h is still
    available) (thanks to StreakyCobra)
  • New key binding SPC f E to edit a file with sudo (thanks to cpaulik)
  • New key binding SPC q r to restart Emacs (thanks to nixmaniack)
  • New key binding SPC c q to close compilation window (thanks to joehillen)
  • New key binding SPC c k to kill current compilation (thanks to jb55)
  • New key binding SPC x o to open URLs with avy (thanks to StreakyCobra)
  • New key binding backtab to go up a directory in helm (thanks to justbur)
  • New key binding SPC b s to switch to *sratch* buffer (thanks to StreakyCobra)
  • New key bindings in help-mode buffers to navigate links:
  • g b or [ to go back (same as clicking on [back] button)
  • g f or ] to go forward (same as clicking on [forward] button)
  • g h to go to help for symbol under point

(thanks to AdrieanKhisbe)

  • New key bindings under SPC i l to insert lorem ipsum text to a buffer
    (thanks to lunaryorn)
  • New key bindings for local and directory variables:
  • SPC f v d to add a directory variable,
  • SPC f v f to add a local variable to the current file,
  • and SPC f v p to add a local variable to the first line of the current file

(thanks to lunaryorn)

  • New key bindings C-q in helm buffers to jump to a candidate using avy
    (thanks to ralesi)
  • Bind g and G in helm micro-state (thanks to dsdshcym)
  • TAB now correctly jump between links in help buffers with motion state
    (thanks to justbur)
  • SPC t n now toggle line numbers locally instead of globally
    (thanks to StreakyCobra)
  • SPC a p is now for list-processes (thanks to calebmeyer)
  • SPC f J now open junk file using helm (thanks to nixmaniack)
  • Move toggle for vi-tidle-fringe to SPC T ~
  • Move paradox to SPC a k (thanks to calebmeyer)
  • Move proced to SPC a P (thanks to calebmeyer)
  • Add `space-...
Read more

Version 0.104.8

16 Dec 06:44
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  • Revert removal of custom fancy battery mode-line indicator.

Version 0.104.7

15 Dec 06:00
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Distribution layer changes


  • Remove fancy battery custom mode-line (moved to spaceline) (thanks to TheBB)

Layers changes


  • Eyebrowse doesn't have a lighter anymore (thanks to myrjola)


  • Replace obsolete function haskell-process-load-or-reload (thanks to
  • Fix renamed command hindent-reformat-decl (thanks to lunaryorn)


  • Add support for flycheck-pos-tip-mode (thanks to StreakyCobra, TheBB and

Version 0.104.6

27 Nov 05:59
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  • Fix void variable error smartparens-strict-mode (thanks to TheBB)