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Syngrisi Playwright Boilerplate

This boilerplate project provides a starting point for developing automation tests with visual regression capabilities using @syngrisi/playwright-sdk integrated with Playwright tests. It is designed to enable quick setup and easy adoption for test developers looking to implement visual regression testing in their workflow.


  1. Clone the boilerplate repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the cloned directory and install the dependencies using npm install.
cd syngrisi-playwright-boilerplate
npm install

Quick Start

1. Start the Syngrisi server

To start the Syngrisi server which provides the backend for visual regression testing, run:

npm run sy:start

Syngrisi comes with a pre-configured setup that works out of the box for demonstration purposes. However, you may need to adjust the configurations to match your test environment and requirements, for more details read the Syngrisi Documentation.

2. Execute Tests

To execute tests in all supported browsers:

npm test

To execute tests exclusively in the Chromium browser:

npm run test:chrome

To execute a specific test file in a designated browser (options include: chromium, firefox, webkit, or 'Mobile Chrome'), locate example test files in the test directory. Use the following command:

npx playwright test <path-to-test> --project=<browser-name>

For example, to run basic_example.spec.ts in Chromium:

npx playwright test tests/basic_example.spec.ts --project=chromium

To generate test code interactively:

npm run codegen

To view generated HTML report:

npm run report 

3. Review snapshots

After the tests finish, you need to go to the Syngrisi web interface and review them; by default: http://localhost:3000, after that you can run the tests again and evaluate the result.

Test examples

The ./tests/basic_example.spec.ts test suite demonstrates basic visual regression testing for element, viewport and full web page.

The ./tests/extended_example.spec.ts test suite performs more complex visual regression tests, including handling scenarios where the application may present different visual states, such as a broken graph or additional text. Tests may target different versions of an application by changing the URL query parameters to simulate visual changes or errors.

The Dynamic content - Footer countdown timer test demonstrates how to handle dynamic content using Playwright’s capabilities and Syngrisi’s Ignore regions feature.

Use of expect.soft allows for non-blocking assertions, which are useful for performing multiple visual checks in a single test run.

Understanding the Workflow

The sections below explain the workflow you'll follow when using this boilerplate project, including initializing your testing environment, running tests, and reviewing test results.

This boilerplate project includes a custom fixture defined in fixtures/syngrisi.fixture.ts, which extends the test and expect objects from @playwright/test. This fixture is written as an example, you can expand and change it to suit your needs.

The test object is extended to include a syngrisi property, which is an instance of the @syngrisi/playwright-sdk/PlaywrightDriver. This setup allows each test to initiate and terminate a test session with the Syngrisi server, ensuring that visual checks are appropriately started and stopped around test execution.

The expect object is extended to add a custom matcher toMatchBaseline. This matcher allows for comparing the current state of a page or element against a baseline image stored on the Syngrisi server. It can take a screenshot of the current page or element and then perform the comparison, handling new baselines, and reporting any differences.

Usage of the toMatchBaseline Matcher:

expect.soft(playwrightObject).toMatchBaseline(checkName, options)

playwrightObject - Page or Locator instances in other word the element or viewport object

checkName - the name of Syngrisi check

options - screenshot options, documentation: Page, Locator.

Here's what happens when you use the Syngrisi fixture:

  1. Initialization: Before each test begins, the PlaywrightDriver instance is created.
  2. Test Session Start: A test session starts with the Syngrisi server using the test's metadata and configuration parameters.
  3. Perform visual check: During test execution when used expect(object).toMatchBaseline(options) matcher is happening visual check: snapshot with metadata sent to Syngrisi server and handling on that side and report back the result which is verified by the toMatchBaseline matcher.
  4. Test Session End: After the test concludes, the session with the Syngrisi server is closed.

To use the syngrisi.fixture.ts in your tests, you need to import the extended test and expect objects into your test files. For example, in tests/basic_example.spec.ts, we demonstrate how to perform visual regression checks on both page viewport and individual elements:

💡Note: don't forget to put syngrisi and page parameters to the test's callback, they are needed to activate fixture and execute the toMatchBaseline matcher.

import { test, expect } from '../fixtures/syngrisi.fixture'

test.describe('Simple feature', () => {
    test(`Simple viewport and element visual test`, async ({ syngrisi, page }) => {
        await page.goto('');
        await expect.soft(page.locator('#graph')).toMatchBaseline(`Main graph`);
        await expect.soft(page).toMatchBaseline(`Main viewport`);
        await expect.soft(page).toMatchBaseline(`Full page`, { fullPage: true });


The syngrisi.config.ts file holds the configuration settings for the Syngrisi server, API keys, project information, and other relevant parameters that can be tailored to the needs of the test developer. The configuration includes:

  • baseUrl: The URL of the Syngrisi server.
  • apiKey: Your API key for authentication with the Syngrisi server.
  • project: The name of the project under test.
  • branch: The version control branch name.
  • runName and runIdent: Unique identifiers for the test run, which can be set manually via environment variables, hardcoded values or generated automatically if they not set.
export const config = {
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/',
    apiKey: 'your-api-key-here', // obtain your API key from your Syngrisi account settings.
    project: 'My Project',
    branch: 'main',

    runName: process.env.SYNGRISY_RUN_NAME,
    runIdent: process.env.SYNGRISY_RUN_INDENT,

For detailed Syngrisi server configuration see the Syngrisi Documentation.

CLI commands


npm test - start all tests npm test:ui - start all tests in UI mode npm test:debug - start all tests in debug mode npm test:chrome - start all tests in Chromium browser npm codegen - start Playwright code generator npm report - start Playwright HTML report


npm run sy:start - start the Syngrisi server in the daemon mode npm run sy:stop - stop the Syngrisi server npm run sy:status - show the Syngrisi server status npm run sy:log - show the Syngrisi server logs npm run sy - start Syngrisi in CLI mode


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.


Syngrisi Playwright Boilerplate







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