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Jason Walonoski edited this page Sep 22, 2022 · 1 revision

RIF export ratios need adjustment:

  • ratio of types of claims overall
  • ratio of claim types per bene
  • ratio of lines per claim type
Claim Ratio = Claim of Type / Claim Total across all types
Synthea Total:  1,054,589,695
Actual Total:  23,195,755,891
Table Claim % (Synthea) Claim % (Actual) Notes
carrier 12.94 31.05 underrepresented in Synthea
dme 0.12 2.19 slightly underrepresented in Synthea
hha 2.13 0.43 slightly overrepresented in Synthea
hospice 0.21 0.17
inpatient 2.66 0.39 slightly overrepresented in Synthea
outpatient 25.26 6.13 largely overrepresented in Synthea
partd 56.38 59.48
snf 0.29 0.16
Table Average Line/Claim (Synthea) Average Line/Claim (Actual) Notes
carrier 9.46 2.03 overrepresented in Synthea
dme 1.00 1.78
hha 1.07 11.13 underrepresented in Synthea
hospice 51.95 21.12 largely overrepresented in Synthea
inpatient 1.98 17.21 largely underrepresented lines in Synthea
outpatient 1.18 7.15 underrepresented lines in Synthea
snf 103.6 8.02 vastly overrepresented proportions in Synthea
Source Claims per Beneficiary (avg)
Actual 278.87
Synthea 104.62

Synthea generation is underproducing claims/bene by 266%

This is across all years though, so it may be misleading.

"Actual" counts as of analysis time.

Table Count
beneficiaries 83,178,011
carrier_claims 7,203,110,966
carrier_claim_lines 14,634,334,226
dme_claims 508,634,611
dme_claim_lines 906,349,376
hha_claims 99,501,281
hha_claim_lines 1,107,370,953
hospice_claims 38,666,143
hospice_claim_lines 816,469,361
inpatient_claims 89,647,553
inpatient_claim_lines 1,543,093,724
outpatient_claims 1,422,291,392
outpatient_claim_lines 10,165,216,482
partd_events 13,797,179,329
snf_claims 36,724,616
snf_claim_lines 294,853,836
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