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Merge bitcoin#22089: test: MiniWallet: fix fee calculation for P2PK a…
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…nd check tx vsize

d6d2ab9 test: MiniWallet: fix fee calculation for P2PK and check tx vsize (Sebastian Falbesoner)
ce024b1 test: MiniWallet: force P2PK signature to have fixed size (71 bytes) (Sebastian Falbesoner)

Pull request description:

  This PR is a follow-up to bitcoin#21945. It aims to both fix the fee calculation for P2PK mode transactions and enable its vsize check. Currently, the latter assumes a fixed tx length, which is fine for anyone-can-spend txs but doesn't apply to P2PK output spends due to varying DER signature size; the vsize check is therefore disabled for P2PK mode on master branch.

  Creating one million DER signatures with MiniWallet shows the following distribution of sizes (smart people with better math skills probably could deduce the ratios without trying, but hey):

  | DER signature size [bytes]  | #occurences (ratio) |
  | ------------- | ------------- |
  | 71  | 498893 (49.89%) |
  | 70 | 497244 (49.72%) |
  | 69 | 3837 (0.38%) |
  | 68 | 22 (0.0022%) |

  Note that even smaller signatures are possible (for smaller R and S values with leading zero bytes), it's just that the probability decreases exponentially.     Instead of choosing a large vsize check range and hoping that smaller signatures are never created (potentially leading to flaky tests), the proposed solution is ~~to limit the signature size to the two most common sizes 71 and 70 (>99.6% probability) and then accordingly only check for two vsize values; the value to be used for fee calculation is a decimal right between the two possible sizes (167.5 vbytes) and for the vsize check it's rounded down/up integer values are used.~~ to simply grind the signature to a fixed size of 71 bytes (49.89% probability, i.e. on average each call to `sign_tx()`, on average two ECC signing operations are needed).

  ~~The idea of grinding signatures to a fixed size (similar to bitcoin#13666 which grinds to low-R values) would be counter-productive, as the signature creation in the test suite is quite expensive and this would significantly slow down tests that calculate hundreds of signatures (like e.g.

  For more about transaction sizes on different input/output types, see the following interesting article:

ACKs for top commit:
    Concept ACK d6d2ab9

Tree-SHA512: 011c70ee0e4adf9ba12902e4b6c411db9ae96bdd8bc810bf1d67713367998e28ea328394503371fc1f5087a819547ddaea56c073b28db893ae1c0031d7927f32
  • Loading branch information
MarcoFalke authored and jagdeep sidhu committed Jun 24, 2021
1 parent 448f334 commit fbdbdc0
Showing 1 changed file with 15 additions and 7 deletions.
22 changes: 15 additions & 7 deletions test/functional/test_framework/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,12 +88,20 @@ def scan_tx(self, tx):
if out['scriptPubKey']['hex'] == self._scriptPubKey.hex():
self._utxos.append({'txid': tx['txid'], 'vout': out['n'], 'value': out['value']})

def sign_tx(self, tx):
def sign_tx(self, tx, fixed_length=True):
"""Sign tx that has been created by MiniWallet in P2PK mode"""
assert self._priv_key is not None
(sighash, err) = LegacySignatureHash(CScript(self._scriptPubKey), tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL)
assert err is None[0].scriptSig = CScript([self._priv_key.sign_ecdsa(sighash) + bytes(bytearray([SIGHASH_ALL]))])
# for exact fee calculation, create only signatures with fixed size by default (>49.89% probability):
# 65 bytes: high-R val (33 bytes) + low-S val (32 bytes)
# with the DER header/skeleton data of 6 bytes added, this leads to a target size of 71 bytes
der_sig = b''
while not len(der_sig) == 71:
der_sig = self._priv_key.sign_ecdsa(sighash)
if not fixed_length:
break[0].scriptSig = CScript([der_sig + bytes(bytearray([SIGHASH_ALL]))])

def generate(self, num_blocks):
"""Generate blocks with coinbase outputs to the internal address, and append the outputs to the internal list"""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,7 +142,10 @@ def create_self_transfer(self, *, fee_rate=Decimal("0.003"), from_node, utxo_to_
"""Create and return a tx with the specified fee_rate. Fee may be exact or at most one satoshi higher than needed."""
self._utxos = sorted(self._utxos, key=lambda k: k['value'])
utxo_to_spend = utxo_to_spend or self._utxos.pop() # Pick the largest utxo (if none provided) and hope it covers the fee
vsize = Decimal(96)
if self._priv_key is None:
vsize = Decimal(96) # anyone-can-spend
vsize = Decimal(168) # P2PK (73 bytes scriptSig + 35 bytes scriptPubKey + 60 bytes other)
send_value = satoshi_round(utxo_to_spend['value'] - fee_rate * (vsize / 1000))
fee = utxo_to_spend['value'] - send_value
assert send_value > 0
Expand All @@ -159,10 +170,7 @@ def create_self_transfer(self, *, fee_rate=Decimal("0.003"), from_node, utxo_to_
tx_info = from_node.testmempoolaccept([tx_hex])[0]
assert_equal(mempool_valid, tx_info['allowed'])
if mempool_valid:
# TODO: for P2PK, vsize is not constant due to varying scriptSig length,
# so only check this for anyone-can-spend outputs right now
if self._priv_key is None:
assert_equal(tx_info['vsize'], vsize)
assert_equal(tx_info['vsize'], vsize)
assert_equal(tx_info['fees']['base'], fee)
return {'txid': tx_info['txid'], 'wtxid': tx_info['wtxid'], 'hex': tx_hex, 'tx': tx}

Expand Down

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