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Demo Mods

szapp edited this page May 24, 2024 · 21 revisions

To get a feel for GFA and its features, it is available as enhancement to original Gothic games. These demo modifications incorporate GFA with its standard configuration and are available with German, English, Polish and Russian localization.


These packaged modifications have not been maintained since 2017 and use an outdated version of Gothic Free Aim. To get a better feel for GFA, use the Free Aiming Patch instead!


Gothic - Freies Zielen           Gothic II - Freies Zielen


Gothic - Free Aiming           Gothic II - Free Aiming


Gothic - Wolne Celowanie           Gothic II - Wolne Celowanie


Gothic - Свободное прицеливание           Gothic II - Свободное прицеливание

The links lead to the release threads in the World of Gothic Forum, where they can be downloaded. All modifications are also available in the Spine Mod-Manager.

It is worth mentioning, that the feature to collect and re-use shot projectiles introduces a balancing issue (details). This issue has been completely fixed in the demo mods. The script, that fixes this issue in the demo mods can be found here and may be used freely.