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Stormwater network aware catchment delineation

Converts existing stormwater infrastucture GIS feature data (points and lines) into a networkx directed graph (DiGraph) object, then utilizes the DiGraph to incorporate subsurface flows into urban stormwater catchment delineation.

Dependencies of stormcatchments include:

Similar libraries/projects:


To install from PyPI:

pip install stormcatchments

Input data requirements

To utilize this package, you need both point and line spatial data, which could represent a network of catchbasins and stormlines. The file format does not matter as long as it can be successfully read into a geopandas.GeoDataFrame. The line data must connect to the points, and lines must have verticies snapped to the points.

This was initially developed for Vermont Agency of Natural Resources stormwater infrastructure dataset. However, the package is intended to generalize to any infrastructure dataset that meets these basic requirements.

Example Usage


import geopandas as gpd
import stormcatchments as sc

Read infrastructure data

storm_lines = gpd.read_file('tests/test_data/johnson_vt/storm_lines.shp')
storm_lines.set_index('OBJECTID', inplace=True)
storm_pts = gpd.read_file('tests/test_data/johnson_vt/storm_pts.shp')
storm_pts.set_index('OBJECTID', inplace=True)

Initialize Network object and resolve directions

# storm_pts contains a column "Type" with integer values describing what type of 
# structure each point represents
sinks = [2, 8] # Corresponds to catchbasins and culvert inlets
sources = [5, 9] # Corresponds to outfalls and culvert outlets

net = sc.Network(
  storm_lines, storm_pts, type_column='Type', sink_types=sinks, source_types=sources

Refer to Mapping flow sinks and sources below for more information on initializing a Network

Resolve flow directions of the Network

net.resolve_directions(method='from_sources', verbose=True)


Adding edges...
Succesfully resolved direction for 202 edges

Refer to Determining subsurface flow direction below for more information of resolving Network directions

Preprocess terrain data

grid, fdir, acc = sc.terrain.preprocess_dem('tests/test_data/johnson_vt/dem.tif')

Note that sc.terrain.preprocess_dem() uses default settings for pysheds. It's worth experimenting with this step to try and improve results with your DEM.

Initialize Delineate object and get a stormcatchment

grid_epsg = 6589
delin = sc.Delineate(net, grid, fdir, acc, grid_epsg)

# (x, y) coordinates in same CRS as grid
pour_pt = (484636, 237170)
# get stormcatchment using the default accumulation threshold
stormcatchment = delin.get_stormcatchment(pour_pt, acc_thresh=1000)

Also get the original catchment (network unaware) to compare results

catchment = sc.delineate.get_catchment(
  pour_pt, grid, fdir, acc, grid_epsg, acc_thresh=1000

Plot original catchment in blue and stormcatchment in orange

This uses the built-in net.draw() method, which adds a contextily basemap when add_basemap=True. Note that the orange stormcatchment incorporates a large hillside that pipes to the pour point.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 12))
stormcatchment.plot(ax=ax, ec='orange', fc='orange', alpha=0.5, linewidth=3)
catchment.plot(ax=ax, ec='blue', fc='blue', alpha=0.5, linewidth=3)
net.draw(ax=ax, add_basemap=True)

Plot of catchment and stormcatchment

Mapping flow sinks and sources

Flow sinks are where flow can enter a subsurface system (such as a catchbasin). Flow sources are where flow can exit a subsurface system (such as an outfall). Initializing the network.Network requires either:

  • Manually setting two bool columns in the point GeoDataFrame, named IS_SINK and IS_SOURCE that are set to True if a point falls into either category.
  • Defining a type_column in the point data, then supplying a list of sink_types and a list of source_types to lookup in the type_column. This will then be mapped onto two bool columns in the point data named IS_SINK and IS_SOURCE.

Determining subsurface flow direction

Resolving the flow direction of subsurface stormwater networks, which is done during network.Network.resolve_directions(), can be done in three ways:

  1. from_sources: This is the default. This method traces networks upstream from their discharge points. This assumes that subnetworks are comprised of one or more flow sinks that flow to a single flow source. If multiple flow sources are connected to a given flow sink, this method will run into issues since determining which flow source is the terminal node in the graph would need to incorporate pipe elevation data somehow.
  2. vertex_order: This defines the subsurface flow direction using the order of verticies in the line data (flowing from the first to last vertex).
  3. vertex_order_r: This is the same as above, but in reverse (flowing from last to first vertex).

Two other potential methods that are not yet implemented are:

  • Using surface elevation data as an analog for for subsurface pipe elevations. In flat urban settings this would likely have a lot of issues/inaccuracies.
  • Using pipe invert data from the attributes of point or line data. This would require manual preparation by the user but would be the most accurate method.

Validating network topology

Several functions are available in stormcatchments.topology to assist in validating the topology of your input data. These include:

  • find_floating_points: Returns points that aren't snapped to a line vertex. Floating points cannot be incorporated into the Network.
  • snap_points: Returns an altered copy of a stormcatchments.Network in which any floating points are snapped to the nearest vertex, within a specified snapping tolerance.
  • find_multi_outlet: Returns a GeoDataFrame containing geometry for subgraphs within a Network that have multiple flow sources (outlets). Delineation results may not be optimal in mutli-outlet subgraphs depending on how the directions are resolved within them. Having a single outlet ensures predictable delineation results.


Stormwater network aware catchment delineation







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