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PL/Java 1.5.3 announced

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@jcflack jcflack released this 04 Oct 04:17
· 844 commits to master since this release

PL/Java brings functions, triggers, and types in Java. 1.5.3 adds support for PostgreSQL 12, and can now be built with Java versions later than 8.

Project site:
Release notes:

Selected changes

  • Rework of threading/synchronization management to eliminate Java object finalizers (long deprecated informally, and formally since Java 9). Fixes occasional hangs that could be seen when running on an OpenJ9 JVM.

  • Improvements to the java.sql.SQLXML type.

  • Includes an example that provides substantially complete implementations of the ISO SQL/XML functions XMLEXISTS, XMLQUERY, XMLTABLE, and XMLCAST (using the XQuery language as ISO SQL specifies, rather than XPath as used by the versions in core PostgreSQL), and the LIKE_REGEX, OCCURRENCES_REGEX, POSITION_REGEX, SUBSTRING_REGEX, and TRANSLATE_REGEX functions that apply XQuery regular expressions. As ordinary extension functions without special treatment in the SQL parser, these have to be called using slightly different syntax than ISO SQL provides. The optionally-built example relies on the Saxon XQuery library.

Please see the release notes for a more complete list of changes.


1.5.3 is available from GitHub as a source release, which builds quickly using Maven:

Release page:

This wiki page will add links to prebuilt packages that become available: