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Merge pull request #1175 from tahoe-lafs/3867.mach-nix
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Switch Nix packaging to use mach-nix

Fixes: ticket:3867
  • Loading branch information
exarkun committed Jan 28, 2022
2 parents 6480e0c + 9ba17ba commit 210a0e7
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Showing 17 changed files with 529 additions and 444 deletions.
109 changes: 91 additions & 18 deletions .circleci/config.yml
Expand Up @@ -39,11 +39,13 @@ workflows:
- "centos-8":

- "nixos-19-09":
- "nixos":
name: "NixOS 21.05"
nixpkgs: "21.05"

- "nixos-21-05":
- "nixos":
name: "NixOS 21.11"
nixpkgs: "21.11"

# Test against PyPy 2.7
- "pypy27-buster":
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -441,20 +443,58 @@ jobs:
image: "tahoelafsci/fedora:29-py"
user: "nobody"

nixos-19-09: &NIXOS
description: >-
Reference the name of a niv-managed nixpkgs source (see `niv show`
and nix/sources.json)
type: "string"

# Run in a highly Nix-capable environment.
image: "nixorg/nix:circleci"
image: "nixos/nix:2.3.16"

NIX_PATH: "nixpkgs="
SOURCE: "nix/"
# CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN is manually set in the CircleCI web UI and
# allows us to push to CACHIX_NAME. We only need this set for
# `cachix use` in this step.
CACHIX_NAME: "tahoe-lafs-opensource"

- "run":
# The nixos/nix image does not include ssh. Install it so the
# `checkout` step will succeed. We also want cachix for
# Nix-friendly caching.
name: "Install Basic Dependencies"
command: |
nix-env \
--file<<parameters.nixpkgs>>.tar.gz \
--install \
-A openssh cachix bash
- "checkout"

- run:
name: "Cachix setup"
# Record the store paths that exist before we did much. There's no
# reason to cache these, they're either in the image or have to be
# retrieved before we can use cachix to restore from cache.
command: |
cachix use "${CACHIX_NAME}"
nix path-info --all > /tmp/store-path-pre-build
- "run":
name: "Build and Test"
# The Nix package doesn't know how to do this part, unfortunately.
name: "Generate version"
command: |
nix-shell \
-p 'python3.withPackages (ps: [ ps.setuptools ])' \
--run 'python update_version'
- "run":
name: "Build"
command: |
# CircleCI build environment looks like it has a zillion and a
# half cores. Don't let Nix autodetect this high core count
Expand All @@ -466,17 +506,50 @@ jobs:
# build a couple simple little dependencies that don't take
# advantage of multiple cores and we get a little speedup by doing
# them in parallel.
nix-build --cores 3 --max-jobs 2 "$SOURCE"
nix-build --cores 3 --max-jobs 2 --argstr pkgsVersion "nixpkgs-<<parameters.nixpkgs>>"
<<: *NIXOS
- "run":
name: "Test"
command: |
# Let it go somewhat wild for the test suite itself
nix-build --cores 8 --argstr pkgsVersion "nixpkgs-<<parameters.nixpkgs>>" tests.nix
# Note this doesn't look more similar to the 19.09 NIX_PATH URL because
# there was some internal shuffling by the NixOS project about how they
# publish stable revisions.
NIX_PATH: "nixpkgs="
SOURCE: "nix/py3.nix"
- run:
# Send any new store objects to cachix.
name: "Push to Cachix"
when: "always"
command: |
# Cribbed from
if [ -n "$CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER" ]; then
# I'm sure you're thinking "CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER must just be the
# number of the PR being built". Sorry, dear reader, you have
# guessed poorly. It is also conditionally set based on whether
# this is a PR from a fork or not.
echo "Skipping Cachix push for forked PR."
# If this *isn't* a build from a fork then we have the Cachix
# write key in our environment and we can push any new objects
# to Cachix.
# To decide what to push, we inspect the list of store objects
# that existed before and after we did most of our work. Any
# that are new after the work is probably a useful thing to have
# around so push it to the cache. We exclude all derivation
# objects (.drv files) because they're cheap to reconstruct and
# by the time you know their cache key you've already done all
# the work anyway.
# This shell expression for finding the objects and pushing them
# was from the Cachix docs:
# but they seem to have removed it now.
bash -c "comm -13 <(sort /tmp/store-path-pre-build | grep -v '\.drv$') <(nix path-info --all | grep -v '\.drv$' | sort) | cachix push $CACHIX_NAME"
Expand Down
115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
# sources.nix contains information about which versions of some of our
# dependencies we should use. since we use it to pin nixpkgs and the PyPI
# package database, roughly all the rest of our dependencies are *also*
# pinned - indirectly.
# sources.nix is managed using a tool called `niv`. as an example, to
# update to the most recent version of nixpkgs from the 21.11 maintenance
# release, in the top-level tahoe-lafs checkout directory you run:
# niv update nixpkgs-21.11
# or, to update the PyPI package database -- which is necessary to make any
# newly released packages visible -- you likewise run:
# niv update pypi-deps-db
# niv also supports chosing a specific revision, following a different
# branch, etc. find complete documentation for the tool at
sources = import nix/sources.nix;
pkgsVersion ? "nixpkgs-21.11" # a string which chooses a nixpkgs from the
# niv-managed sources data

, pkgs ? import sources.${pkgsVersion} { } # nixpkgs itself

, pypiData ? sources.pypi-deps-db # the pypi package database snapshot to use
# for dependency resolution

, pythonVersion ? "python37" # a string choosing the python derivation from
# nixpkgs to target

, extras ? [ "tor" "i2p" ] # a list of strings identifying tahoe-lafs extras,
# the dependencies of which the resulting package
# will also depend on. Include all of the runtime
# extras by default because the incremental cost of
# including them is a lot smaller than the cost of
# re-building the whole thing to add them.

, mach-nix ? import sources.mach-nix { # the mach-nix package to use to build
# the tahoe-lafs package
inherit pkgs pypiData;
python = pythonVersion;
# The project name, version, and most other metadata are automatically
# extracted from the source. Some requirements are not properly extracted
# and those cases are handled below. The version can only be extracted if
# ` update_version` has been run (this is not at all ideal but it
# seems difficult to fix) - so for now just be sure to run that first.
mach-nix.buildPythonPackage rec {
# Define the location of the Tahoe-LAFS source to be packaged. Clean up all
# as many of the non-source files (eg the `.git` directory, `~` backup
# files, nix's own `result` symlink, etc) as possible to avoid needing to
# re-build when files that make no difference to the package have changed.
src = pkgs.lib.cleanSource ./.;

# Select whichever package extras were requested.
inherit extras;

# Define some extra requirements that mach-nix does not automatically detect
# from inspection of the source. We typically don't need to put version
# constraints on any of these requirements. The pypi-deps-db we're
# operating with makes dependency resolution deterministic so as long as it
# works once it will always work. It could be that in the future we update
# pypi-deps-db and an incompatibility arises - in which case it would make
# sense to apply some version constraints here.
requirementsExtra = ''
# mach-nix does not yet support pyproject.toml which means it misses any
# build-time requirements of our dependencies which are declared in such a
# file. Tell it about them here.
# mach-nix does not yet parse environment markers correctly. It misses
# all of our requirements which have an environment marker. Duplicate them
# here.

# Specify where mach-nix should find packages for our Python dependencies.
# There are some reasonable defaults so we only need to specify certain
# packages where the default configuration runs into some issue.
providers = {
# Through zfec 1.5.5 the wheel has an incorrect runtime dependency
# declared on argparse, not available for recent versions of Python 3.
# Force mach-nix to use the sdist instead. This allows us to apply a
# patch that removes the offending declaration.
zfec = "sdist";

# Define certain overrides to the way Python dependencies are built.
_ = {
# Apply the argparse declaration fix to zfec sdist.
zfec.patches = with pkgs; [
(fetchpatch {
name = "fix-argparse.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "1md9i2fx1ya7mgcj9j01z58hs3q9pj4ch5is5b5kq4v86cf6x33x";

# Remove a click-default-group patch for a test suite problem which no
# longer applies because the project apparently no longer has a test suite
# in its source distribution.
click-default-group.patches = [];

passthru.meta.mach-nix = {
inherit providers _;
Empty file added newsfragments/3867.minor
Empty file.
34 changes: 0 additions & 34 deletions nix/autobahn.nix

This file was deleted.

20 changes: 0 additions & 20 deletions nix/cbor2.nix

This file was deleted.

19 changes: 0 additions & 19 deletions nix/collections-extended.nix

This file was deleted.

7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions nix/default.nix

This file was deleted.

31 changes: 0 additions & 31 deletions nix/eliot.nix

This file was deleted.

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