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taizan-hokuto edited this page Jan 17, 2021 · 21 revisions

LiveChatAsync object

  • fetches chat data and stores them in buffer with aiohttp on asyncio context.
  • responds to user inquiries of get().
  • invokes a callback function with processed chat data.
  • can replay archived chat data (when the specified video is not live broadcasting).


from pytchat import LiveChatAsync
import asyncio

async def main():
  livechat = LiveChatAsync("uIx8l2xlYVY", callback = func)
  while livechat.is_alive():
    await asyncio.sleep(3)
    #other background operation.

  # If you want to check the reason for the termination, 
  # you can use `raise_for_status()` function.
  except pytchat.ChatDataFinished:
    print("Chat data finished.")
  except Exception as e:
    print(type(e), str(e))

#callback function is automatically called periodically.
async def func(chatdata):
  for c in chatdata.items:
    print(f"{c.datetime} [{}]-{c.message} {c.amountString}")
    await chatdata.tick_async()

if __name__=='__main__':
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
  except asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError:

constructor params

name type required remarks default value
video_id str * ID of youtube video, or youtube URL that includes ID. -
processor ChatPrcessor DefaultProcessor
buffer Buffer buffer of chat data fetched background. Buffer(maxsize=20)
interruptable bool Allows keyboard interrupts. Set this parameter to False if your own threading program causes the problem. True
callback func function called from _listen() periodically. None
done_callback func function called when listener ends. None
exception_handler func function called when exceptions occur. None
direct_mode bool If True, invoke specified callback function without using buffer. False
seektime int start position of fetching chat (seconds). This option is valid for archived chat only. If negative value, fetches chatdata which is posted before start broadcasting. This parameter is not working well. We'll deal with it as soon as possible. 0
force_replay bool force to fetch archived chat data, even if specified video is live. False
topchat_only bool If True, get only top chat. False
replay_continuation str continuation parameter(archived chat only) None


The continuation parameter of recent chat data.
This parameter can be used for retrieving chat data of any timing by specifying in the constructor as replay_continuation.
(This parameter is valid only archived chat data.)

await get()

description return value
Get processed chat data from buffer. processed chat data


description return value
Check if livechat stream is alive. bool


pause fetching chat (*callback mode only)


resume fetching chat (*callback mode only)


Finish getting the chat.


Raise internal excetion after is_alive() becomes False. By this function, you can check the reason for the termination.