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taizan-hokuto edited this page Jan 13, 2020 · 8 revisions

Warning :

ReplayChatAsync is deprecated and will be removed.

This feature is already integrated into LiveChatAsync.

  • fetches past chat data of archived videos and stores them in buffer with aiohttp on asyncio context.
  • responds to user inquiries of get().
  • invokes callback function with processed chat data.
  • can retrieve chat data disabled by editing video.


from pytchat import ReplayChatAsync
chat = ReplayChatAsync("gb01h_eT0pw", seektime = 1000)

#constructor params

name type required remarks default value
video_id str * ID of youtube video. -
processor ChatProcessor DefaultProcessor
buffer Buffer buffer of chat data fetched background. Buffer(maxsize=20)
interruptable bool True
callback func [optional] function called from _listen() periodically. None
done_callback func [optional] function called when listener ends. None
direct_mode bool If True, invoke specified callback function without using buffer. False
seektime int seek time of chat (seconds). 0 (start of chat)


description return value
Get processed chat data from buffer. processed chat data


description return value
pause chat fetching to buffer. -


description return value
resume chat fetching to buffer. -


description return value
Check if chat stream is alive. bool


description return value
Terminate fetching chat. -