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This is CLI application which generate screen trantision diagram based on some yaml file.


You can check the actual generated svgs from the Sample folder.

This tool is specifically designed for the screen transition of mobile applications, so that a diagram is generated that covers screens that are transitioned from a single root screen.

How to use

manual setup

  1. $ git clone this repository
  2. $ cd this repository
  3. $ swift build
  4. $ ./.build/debug/y2p When executing this command, you need to have the "y2p.yaml" file in the directory where the command is being executed.


  1. $ brew tap takeshi-1000/y2p
  2. $ brew install y2p
  3. $ y2p or $ y2p -fileName {name of yaml file}


  • -fileName: specific yaml file which you like (e.g ./.build/debug/y2p -fileName test.yaml)
  • -o: output fileName, default is screen_transition_diagram.svg. (e.g ./.build/debug/y2p -o test.svg)
  • -d or -dump: dump svg text (this is only for svg, and now even if you add this option, svg file is created)


This tool is powered by:

Inspiration for this tool came from:


Contributions are always welcome. Please create an issue or pull request as needed.


Licensed under the MIT license