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TMDb App (React + TypeScript + Vite)

The app shows top movies for each year and users can filter by genre, the app also loads top movies from previous / next years as the user scrolls through the list.

How to run the app:

  • The default branch is master.
  • Clone the respository in your local using git clone <git-url>
  • Run npm install to install all the dependencies
  • Run npm run dev
  • Open localhost:5173 in any browser of your choice

Things which are covered:

  • The application is written in TypeScript
  • The app uses infinite scrolling to load movies using Intersection Observer API
  • The app is capable of fetching both previous and next year's movies
  • The app uses the concept of props to communicate between the Header and the MovieList component
  • The app is responsive in terms of styling (written completely in native CSS in separate modules)
  • Throttling and debouncing are enabled to avoid expensive network calls

Things not covered:

  • The app is built using React and not React Native
  • The app does not have individual movie pages as most of the information are displayed on to the cards

Additional points to note:

  • A CSS pre-processor could have been used but more preferences are given to the logic building section than styling
  • Some of the properties like cast and director are not displayed on the cards as they are not directly available in the API response
  • No global state management flow like Redux has been used as the requirements are fairly straightforward and the the require use case does not require a complex state management flow
  • Since there are only two major components - Header and MovieList, only the concept of props and states have been used for data flow. For a slightly more nested application, we could go with Context API or Redux
  • The API used fetches movies by year and not all movies at once thereby reducing unnecessary network calls