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Sprint 2: Inital Product

Past due by about 2 years 87% complete

Sprint 2 (4/20/22 - 5/03/22) - Initial Product
Team goal: Ability to lookup and add one class to CruzCal. The web application is more interactive
User Stories

  • (1) As a student, I want to generate a calendar scheduling all of my courses so I can easily track my class schedule in my personal calendar.
  • (2) As a student, I want to see a calendar add all of…

Sprint 2 (4/20/22 - 5/03/22) - Initial Product
Team goal: Ability to lookup and add one class to CruzCal. The web application is more interactive
User Stories

  • (1) As a student, I want to generate a calendar scheduling all of my courses so I can easily track my class schedule in my personal calendar.
  • (2) As a student, I want to see a calendar add all of my classes to CruzCal so that I can see it in a calendar view

Report due 5/03/22, let's aim to have a report ready by 5/02/22.


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