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v1.0.0 / 2014 Sep 2

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@ptaoussanis ptaoussanis released this 02 Sep 13:49
· 486 commits to master since this release

This is a MAJOR release with a bunch of improvements, most notably efficiency improvements. It is BREAKING if-and-only-if you read from the client-side :ch-recv channel directly.

  • NEW: Added chsk-destroy! client-side API fn.
  • NEW [#60]: Several transfer format efficiency improvements (faster, less bandwidth use).
  • NEW [#12], [#59], [#66], [#67]: Added :packer option to client+server-side make-channel-socket! fns. This can be used to plug in an arbitrary de/serialization format. The default continues to be edn (which gives the best common-case performance and doesn't require any extra dependencies). An experimental Transit-based packer is included which allows manual + smart (automatic) per-payload format selection. See the updated reference example for details. Big thanks to @ckarlsen for getting the work started on this!
  • DEPRECATED: start-chsk-router-loop!->start-chsk-router! (both client + server-side). There's a new event-handler format that's consistent between the client + server, and that makes componentizing Sente considerably easier. See the updated reference example for details. Big thanks to @hugoduncan for his work & input on this!
  • CHANGE: Client-side router now traps+logs errors like the server-side router.
  • CHANGE: General code improvements/refactoring, stuff I'd been meaning to do forever and wanted to get in before a v1 release.
  • CHANGE: Further improvements to the reference example to make it play better with LightTable.
  • BREAKING: the client-side :ch-recv channel now receives event-msg (maps) rather than event (vectors). (:event <event-msg>) will return the event-msg's event.
[com.taoensso/sente "1.0.0"]