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popen module #1248

TarantoolBot opened this issue Apr 20, 2020 · 0 comments

popen module #1248

TarantoolBot opened this issue Apr 20, 2020 · 0 comments
feature A new functionality reference [location] Tarantool manual, Reference part server [area] Task relates to Tarantool's server (core) functionality


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Tarantool supports execution of external programs similarly to well
known Python's `subprocess` or Ruby's `Open3`. Note though the `popen`
module does not match one to one to the helpers these languages provide
and provides only basic functions. The popen object creation is
implemented via `vfork()` system call which means the caller thread is
blocked until execution of a child process begins.

Module functions

The `popen` module provides two functions to create that named popen
object: `` which is the similar to libc `popen` syscall and
`` to create popen object with more specific options.

`[, mode]) -> handle, err`

Execute a shell command.

@param command  a command to run, mandatory
@param mode     communication mode, optional
                'w'    to use ph:write()
                'r'    to use ph:read()
                'R'    to use ph:read({stderr = true})
                nil    inherit parent's std* file descriptors

Several mode characters can be set together: 'rw', 'rRw', etc.

This function is just shortcut for{command}, opts)
with opts.{shell,setsid,group_signal} set to `true` and
and opts.{stdin,stdout,stderr} set based on `mode` parameter.

All std* streams are inherited from parent by default if it is
not changed using mode: 'r' for stdout, 'R' for stderr, 'w' for

Raise an error on incorrect parameters:

- IllegalParams: incorrect type or value of a parameter.

Return a popen handle on success.

Return `nil, err` on a failure.
@see for possible reasons.


 | local popen = require('popen')
 | -- Run the program and save its handle.
 | local ph ='date', 'r')
 | -- Read program's output, strip trailing newline.
 | local date = ph:read():rstrip()
 | -- Free resources. The process is killed (but 'date'
 | -- exits itself anyway).
 | ph:close()
 | print(date)

Execute 'sh -c date' command, read the output and close the
popen object.

Unix defines a text file as a sequence of lines, each ends
with the newline symbol. The same convention is usually
applied for a text output of a command (so when it is
redirected to a file, the file will be correct).

However internally an application usually operates on
strings, which are NOT newline terminated (e.g. literals
for error messages). The newline is usually added right
before a string is written to the outside world (stdout,
console or log). :rstrip() in the example above is shown
for this sake.

`[, opts]) -> handle, err`

Execute a child program in a new process.

@param argv  an array of a program to run with
             command line options, mandatory;
             absolute path to the program is required
             when @a is false (default)

@param opts  table of options

@param opts.stdin   action on STDIN_FILENO
@param opts.stdout  action on STDOUT_FILENO
@param opts.stderr  action on STDERR_FILENO

File descriptor actions:

    popen.opts.INHERIT  (== 'inherit') [default]
                        inherit the fd from the parent
    popen.opts.DEVNULL  (== 'devnull')
                        open /dev/null on the fd
    popen.opts.CLOSE    (== 'close')
                        close the fd
    popen.opts.PIPE     (== 'pipe')
                        feed data from/to the fd to parent
                        using a pipe

@param opts.env  a table of environment variables to
                 be used inside a process; key is a
                 variable name, value is a variable
                 - when is not set then the current
                   environment is inherited;
                 - if set to an empty table then the
                   environment will be dropped
                 - if set then the environment will be

@param            (boolean, default: false)
       true                  run a child process via
                             'sh -c "${opts.argv}"'
       false                 call the executable directly

@param opts.setsid           (boolean, default: false)
       true                  run the program in a new
       false                 run the program in the
                             tarantool instance's
                             session and process group

@param opts.close_fds        (boolean, default: true)
       true                  close all inherited fds from a
       false                 don't do that

@param opts.restore_signals  (boolean, default: true)
       true                  reset all signal actions
                             modified in parent's process
       false                 inherit changed actions

@param opts.group_signal     (boolean, default: false)
       true                  send signal to a child process
                             group (only when opts.setsid is
       false                 send signal to a child process

@param opts.keep_child       (boolean, default: false)
       true                  don't send SIGKILL to a child
                             process at freeing (by :close()
                             or Lua GC)
       false                 send SIGKILL to a child process
                             (or a process group if
                             opts.group_signal is enabled) at
                             :close() or collecting of the
                             handle by Lua GC

The returned handle provides :close() method to explicitly
release all occupied resources (including the child process
itself if @a opts.keep_child is not set). However if the
method is not called for a handle during its lifetime, the
same freeing actions will be triggered by Lua GC.

It is recommended to use opts.setsid + opts.group_signal
if a child process may spawn its own childs and they all
should be killed together.

Note: A signal will not be sent if the child process is
already dead: otherwise we might kill another process that
occupies the same PID later. This means that if the child
process dies before its own childs, the function will not
send a signal to the process group even when opts.setsid and
opts.group_signal are set.

Use os.environ() to pass copy of current environment with
several replacements (see example 2 below).

Raise an error on incorrect parameters:

- IllegalParams: incorrect type or value of a parameter.
- IllegalParams: group signal is set, while setsid is not.

Return a popen handle on success.

Return `nil, err` on a failure. Possible reasons:

- SystemError: dup(), fcntl(), pipe(), vfork() or close()
               fails in the parent process.
- SystemError: (temporary restriction) the parent process
               has closed stdin, stdout or stderr.
- OutOfMemory: unable to allocate the handle or a temporary

Example 1:

 | local popen = require('popen')
 | local ph ={'/bin/date'}, {
 |     stdout = popen.opts.PIPE,
 | })
 | local date = ph:read():rstrip()
 | ph:close()
 | print(date) -- Thu 16 Apr 2020 01:40:56 AM MSK

Execute 'date' command, read the result and close the
popen object.

Example 2:

 | local popen = require('popen')
 | local env = os.environ()
 | env['FOO'] = 'bar'
 | local ph ={'echo "${FOO}"'}, {
 |     stdout = popen.opts.PIPE,
 |     shell = true,
 |     env = env,
 | })
 | local res = ph:read():rstrip()
 | ph:close()
 | print(res) -- bar

It is quite similar to the previous one, but sets the
environment variable and uses shell builtin 'echo' to
show it.

Example 3:

 | local popen = require('popen')
 | local ph ={'echo hello >&2'}, { -- !!
 |     stderr = popen.opts.PIPE,              -- !!
 |     shell = true,
 | })
 | local res = ph:read({stderr = true}):rstrip()
 | ph:close()
 | print(res) -- hello

This example demonstrates how to capture child's stderr.

Example 4:

 | local function call_jq(input, filter)
 |     -- Start jq process, connect to stdin, stdout and stderr.
 |     local jq_argv = {'/usr/bin/jq', '-M', '--unbuffered', filter}
 |     local ph, err =, {
 |         stdin = popen.opts.PIPE,
 |         stdout = popen.opts.PIPE,
 |         stderr = popen.opts.PIPE,
 |     })
 |     if ph == nil then return nil, err end
 |     -- Write input data to child's stdin and send EOF.
 |     local ok, err = ph:write(input)
 |     if not ok then return nil, err end
 |     ph:shutdown({stdin = true})
 |     -- Read everything until EOF.
 |     local chunks = {}
 |     while true do
 |         local chunk, err = ph:read()
 |         if chunk == nil then
 |             ph:close()
 |             return nil, err
 |         end
 |         if chunk == '' then break end -- EOF
 |         table.insert(chunks, chunk)
 |     end
 |     -- Read diagnostics from stderr if any.
 |     local err = ph:read({stderr = true})
 |     if err ~= '' then
 |         ph:close()
 |         return nil, err
 |     end
 |     -- Glue all chunks, strip trailing newline.
 |     return table.concat(chunks):rstrip()
 | end

Demonstrates how to run a stream program (like `grep`, `sed`
and so), write to its stdin and read from its stdout.

The example assumes that input data are small enough to fit
a pipe buffer (typically 64 KiB, but depends on a platform
and its configuration). It will stuck in :write() for large
data. How to handle this case: call :read() in a loop in
another fiber (start it before a first :write()).

If a process writes large text to stderr, it may fill out
stderr pipe buffer and stuck in write(2, ...). So we need
to read stderr in a separate fiber to handle this case.

Handle methods

`popen_handle:read([opts]) -> str, err`

Read data from a child peer.

@param handle        handle of a child process
@param opts          an options table
@param opts.stdout   whether to read from stdout, boolean
                     (default: true)
@param opts.stderr   whether to read from stderr, boolean
                     (default: false)
@param opts.timeout  time quota in seconds
                     (default: 100 years)

Read data from stdout or stderr streams with @a timeout.
By default it reads from stdout. Set @a opts.stderr to
`true` to read from stderr.

It is not possible to read from stdout and stderr both in
one call. Set either @a opts.stdout or @a opts.stderr.

Raise an error on incorrect parameters or when the fiber is

- IllegalParams:    incorrect type or value of a parameter.
- IllegalParams:    called on a closed handle.
- IllegalParams:    opts.stdout and opts.stderr are set both
- IllegalParams:    a requested IO operation is not supported
                    by the handle (stdout / stderr is not
- IllegalParams:    attempt to operate on a closed file
- FiberIsCancelled: cancelled by an outside code.

Return a string on success, an empty string at EOF.

Return `nil, err` on a failure. Possible reasons:

- SocketError: an IO error occurs at read().
- TimedOut:    @a timeout quota is exceeded.
- OutOfMemory: no memory space for a buffer to read into.
- LuajitError: ("not enough memory"): no memory space for
               the Lua string.

`popen_handle:write(str[, opts]) -> str, err`

Write data to a child peer.

@param handle        a handle of a child process
@param str           a string to write
@param opts          table of options
@param opts.timeout  time quota in seconds
                     (default: 100 years)

Write string @a str to stdin stream of a child process.

The function may yield forever if a child process does
not read data from stdin and a pipe buffer becomes full.
Size of this buffer depends on a platform. Use
@a opts.timeout when unsure.

When @a opts.timeout is not set, the function blocks
(yields the fiber) until all data is written or an error

Raise an error on incorrect parameters or when the fiber is

- IllegalParams:    incorrect type or value of a parameter.
- IllegalParams:    called on a closed handle.
- IllegalParams:    string length is greater then SSIZE_MAX.
- IllegalParams:    a requested IO operation is not supported
                    by the handle (stdin is not piped).
- IllegalParams:    attempt to operate on a closed file
- FiberIsCancelled: cancelled by an outside code.

Return `true` on success.

Return `nil, err` on a failure. Possible reasons:

- SocketError: an IO error occurs at write().
- TimedOut:    @a timeout quota is exceeded.

`popen_handle:shutdown(opts) -> true`

Close parent's ends of std* fds.

@param handle        handle of a child process
@param opts          an options table
@param opts.stdin    close parent's end of stdin, boolean
@param opts.stdout   close parent's end of stdout, boolean
@param opts.stderr   close parent's end of stderr, boolean

The main reason to use this function is to send EOF to
child's stdin. However parent's end of stdout / stderr
may be closed too.

The function does not fail on already closed fds (idempotence).
However it fails on attempt to close the end of a pipe that was
never exist. In other words, only those std* options that
were set to popen.opts.PIPE at a handle creation may be used
here (for 'r' corresponds to stdout, 'R' to stderr
and 'w' to stdin).

The function does not close any fds on a failure: either all
requested fds are closed or neither of them.


 | local popen = require('popen')
 | local ph ='sed s/foo/bar/', 'rw')
 | ph:write('lorem foo ipsum')
 | ph:shutdown({stdin = true})
 | local res = ph:read()
 | ph:close()
 | print(res) -- lorem bar ipsum

Raise an error on incorrect parameters:

- IllegalParams:  an incorrect handle parameter.
- IllegalParams:  called on a closed handle.
- IllegalParams:  neither stdin, stdout nor stderr is choosen.
- IllegalParams:  a requested IO operation is not supported
                  by the handle (one of std* is not piped).

Return `true` on success.

`popen_handle:terminate() -> ok, err`

Send SIGTERM signal to a child process.

@param handle  a handle carries child process to terminate

The function only sends SIGTERM signal and does NOT
free any resources (popen handle memory and file

@see popen_handle:signal() for errors and return values.

`popen_handle:kill() -> ok, err`

Send SIGKILL signal to a child process.

@param handle  a handle carries child process to kill

The function only sends SIGKILL signal and does NOT
free any resources (popen handle memory and file

@see popen_handle:signal() for errors and return values.

`popen_handle:signal(signo) -> ok, err`

Send signal to a child process.

@param handle  a handle carries child process to be signaled
@param signo   signal number to send

When opts.setsid and opts.group_signal are set on the handle
the signal is sent to the process group rather than to the
process. @see for details about group

Note: The module offers popen.signal.SIG* constants, because
some signals have different numbers on different platforms.

Raise an error on incorrect parameters:

- IllegalParams:    an incorrect handle parameter.
- IllegalParams:    called on a closed handle.

Return `true` if signal is sent.

Return `nil, err` on a failure. Possible reasons:

- SystemError: a process does not exists anymore

               Aside of a non-exist process it is also
               returned for a zombie process or when all
               processes in a group are zombies (but
               see note re Mac OS below).

- SystemError: invalid signal number

- SystemError: no permission to send a signal to
               a process or a process group

               It is returned on Mac OS when a signal is
               sent to a process group, where a group leader
               is zombie (or when all processes in it
               are zombies, don't sure).

               Whether it may appear due to other
               reasons is unclear.

`popen_handle:info() -> res`

Return information about popen handle.

@param handle  a handle of a child process

Raise an error on incorrect parameters:

- IllegalParams: an incorrect handle parameter.
- IllegalParams: called on a closed handle.

Return information about the handle in the following

        pid = <number> or <nil>,
        command = <string>,
        opts = <table>,
        status = <table>,
        stdin = one-of(
     (== 'open'),
   (== 'closed'),
        stdout = one-of(
     (== 'open'),
   (== 'closed'),
        stderr = one-of(
     (== 'open'),
   (== 'closed'),

`pid` is a process id of the process when it is alive,
otherwise `pid` is nil.

`command` is a concatenation of space separated arguments
that were passed to execve(). Multiword arguments are quoted.
Quotes inside arguments are not escaped.

`opts` is a table of handle options in the format of `opts` parameter. `opts.env` is not shown here,
because the environment variables map is not stored in a

`status` is a table that represents a process status in the
following format:

        state = one-of(
            popen.state.ALIVE    (== 'alive'),
            popen.state.EXITED   (== 'exited'),
            popen.state.SIGNALED (== 'signaled'),

        -- Present when `state` is 'exited'.
        exit_code = <number>,

        -- Present when `state` is 'signaled'.
        signo = <number>,
        signame = <string>,

`stdin`, `stdout`, `stderr` reflect status of parent's end
of a piped stream. When a stream is not piped the field is
not present (`nil`). When it is piped, the status may be
one of the following:

-    (== 'open')
-  (== 'closed')

The status may be changed from 'open' to 'closed'
by :shutdown({std... = true}) call.

Example 1 (tarantool console):

 | tarantool> require('popen').new({'/usr/bin/touch', '/tmp/foo'})
 | ---
 | - command: /usr/bin/touch /tmp/foo
 |   status:
 |     state: alive
 |   opts:
 |     stdout: inherit
 |     stdin: inherit
 |     group_signal: false
 |     keep_child: false
 |     close_fds: true
 |     restore_signals: true
 |     shell: false
 |     setsid: false
 |     stderr: inherit
 |   pid: 9499
 | ...

Example 2 (tarantool console):

 | tarantool> require('popen').shell('grep foo', 'wrR')
 | ---
 | - stdout: open
 |   command: sh -c 'grep foo'
 |   stderr: open
 |   status:
 |     state: alive
 |   stdin: open
 |   opts:
 |     stdout: pipe
 |     stdin: pipe
 |     group_signal: true
 |     keep_child: false
 |     close_fds: true
 |     restore_signals: true
 |     shell: true
 |     setsid: true
 |     stderr: pipe
 |   pid: 10497
 | ...

`popen_handle:wait() -> res`

Wait until a child process get exited or signaled.

@param handle  a handle of process to wait

Raise an error on incorrect parameters or when the fiber is

- IllegalParams:    an incorrect handle parameter.
- IllegalParams:    called on a closed handle.
- FiberIsCancelled: cancelled by an outside code.

Return a process status table (the same as ph.status and @see popen_handle:info() for the format
of the table.

`popen_handle:close() -> ok, err`

Close a popen handle.

@param handle  a handle to close

Basically it kills a process using SIGKILL and releases all
resources assosiated with the popen handle.

Details about signaling:

- The signal is sent only when opts.keep_child is not set.
- The signal is sent only when a process is alive according
  to the information available on current even loop iteration.
  (There is a gap here: a zombie may be signaled; it is
- The signal is sent to a process or a grocess group depending
  of opts.group_signal. (@see lbox_popen_new() for details of
  group signaling).

Resources are released disregarding of whether a signal
sending succeeds: fds are closed, memory is released,
the handle is marked as closed.

No operation is possible on a closed handle except
:close(), which always successful on closed handle

Raise an error on incorrect parameters:

- IllegalParams: an incorrect handle parameter.

The function may return `true` or `nil, err`, but it always
frees the handle resources. So any return value usually
means success for a caller. The return values are purely
informational: it is for logging or same kind of reporting.

Possible diagnostics (don't consider them as errors):

- SystemError: no permission to send a signal to
               a process or a process group

               This diagnostics may appear due to
               Mac OS behaviour on zombies when
               opts.group_signal is set,
               @see lbox_popen_signal().

               Whether it may appear due to other
               reasons is unclear.

Always return `true` when a process is known as dead (say,
after ph:wait()): no signal will be send, so no 'failure'
may appear.

Handle fields

- popen_handle.command
- popen_handle.opts
- popen_handle.status
- popen_handle.stdin
- popen_handle.stdout
- popen_handle.stderr

See popen_handle:info() for description of those fields.

Module constants

- popen.opts
  - INHERIT (== 'inherit')
  - DEVNULL (== 'devnull')
  - CLOSE   (== 'close')
  - PIPE    (== 'pipe')

- popen.signal
  - SIGTERM (== 9)
  - SIGKILL (== 15)
  - ...

- popen.state
  - ALIVE    (== 'alive')
  - EXITED   (== 'exited')
  - SIGNALED (== 'signaled')

  - OPEN    (== 'open')
  - CLOSED  (== 'closed')

(cherry picked from commit 34c2789b48eadd36da742f7f761a998889e70544)
Requested by @Totktonada in tarantool/tarantool@6d1c5ff.

@lenkis lenkis added 2.4 feature A new functionality reference [location] Tarantool manual, Reference part server [area] Task relates to Tarantool's server (core) functionality labels Apr 21, 2020
pgulutzan added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 27, 2020
Totktonada added a commit to tarantool/tarantool that referenced this issue May 18, 2020
killpg() on Mac OS may don't deliver a signal to a process: it seems
that there is a race when a process is just forked. It means that
popen_handle:close() may leave a process alive, when `opts.setsid` and
`opts.group_signal` are set.

There is simple reproducer, which does not leave alive `sleep 120`
processes on Linux, but does it on Mac OS (within three-four runs in

 | #include <signal.h>
 | #include <unistd.h>
 | #include <fcntl.h>
 | int
 | main()
 | {
 | 	char *child_argv[] = {
 | 		"/bin/sh",
 | 		"-c",
 | 		"sleep 120",
 | 		NULL,
 | 	};
 | 	pid_t pid;
 | 	int fd[2];
 | 	pipe(fd);
 | 	fcntl(fd[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
 | 	fcntl(fd[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
 | 	if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
 | 		/* Child. */
 | 		close(fd[0]);
 | 		setpgrp();
 | 		for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
 | 			/* Proceed with killpg. */
 | 			if (i == 5)
 | 				close(fd[1]);
 | 			if (fork() == 0) {
 | 				/* Child. */
 | 				execve("/bin/sh", child_argv, NULL);
 | 			}
 | 		}
 | 	} else {
 | 		/* Parent. */
 | 		close(fd[1]);
 | 		char c;
 | 		read(fd[0], &c, 1);
 | 		killpg(pid, SIGKILL);
 | 	}
 | 	return 0;
 | }

Compile it (`cc test.c -o test`) and run several times:

$ for i in $(seq 1 1000); do                     \
    echo $i;                                     \
    ./test                                       \
    && ps -o pid,pgid,command -ax | grep [s]leep \
    && break;                                    \

This is the reason why `sleep 120` process may be alive even when the
whole test passes.

test-run captures stdout and stderr of a 'core = app' test and waits EOF
on them. If a child process inherit one of them or both, the fd is still
open for writing and so EOF situation will not appear until `sleep 120`
will exit.

This commit doesn't try to overcome the root of the problem, but close
stdout and stderr for the child process that may not be killed / exited
in time.

Aside of this, updated found Mac OS peculiars in API comments of C and
Lua popen modules.

Fixes #4938

@TarantoolBot document
Title: popen: add note re group signaling on Mac OS

Copyed from the popen_handle:signal() updated description:

> Note: Mac OS may don't deliver a signal to a process in a group when
> opts.setsid and opts.group_signal are set. It seems there is a race
> here: when a process is just forked it may be not signaled.

Copyed from the popen_handle:close() updated description:

> Details about signaling:
> <...>
> - There are peculiars in group signaling on Mac OS,
>   @see popen_handle:signal() for details.

Follows up tarantool/doc#1248
kyukhin pushed a commit to tarantool/tarantool that referenced this issue May 20, 2020
killpg() on Mac OS may don't deliver a signal to a process: it seems
that there is a race when a process is just forked. It means that
popen_handle:close() may leave a process alive, when `opts.setsid` and
`opts.group_signal` are set.

There is simple reproducer, which does not leave alive `sleep 120`
processes on Linux, but does it on Mac OS (within three-four runs in

 | #include <signal.h>
 | #include <unistd.h>
 | #include <fcntl.h>
 | int
 | main()
 | {
 | 	char *child_argv[] = {
 | 		"/bin/sh",
 | 		"-c",
 | 		"sleep 120",
 | 		NULL,
 | 	};
 | 	pid_t pid;
 | 	int fd[2];
 | 	pipe(fd);
 | 	fcntl(fd[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
 | 	fcntl(fd[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
 | 	if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
 | 		/* Child. */
 | 		close(fd[0]);
 | 		setpgrp();
 | 		for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
 | 			/* Proceed with killpg. */
 | 			if (i == 5)
 | 				close(fd[1]);
 | 			if (fork() == 0) {
 | 				/* Child. */
 | 				execve("/bin/sh", child_argv, NULL);
 | 			}
 | 		}
 | 	} else {
 | 		/* Parent. */
 | 		close(fd[1]);
 | 		char c;
 | 		read(fd[0], &c, 1);
 | 		killpg(pid, SIGKILL);
 | 	}
 | 	return 0;
 | }

Compile it (`cc test.c -o test`) and run several times:

$ for i in $(seq 1 1000); do                     \
    echo $i;                                     \
    ./test                                       \
    && ps -o pid,pgid,command -ax | grep [s]leep \
    && break;                                    \

This is the reason why `sleep 120` process may be alive even when the
whole test passes.

test-run captures stdout and stderr of a 'core = app' test and waits EOF
on them. If a child process inherit one of them or both, the fd is still
open for writing and so EOF situation will not appear until `sleep 120`
will exit.

This commit doesn't try to overcome the root of the problem, but close
stdout and stderr for the child process that may not be killed / exited
in time.

Aside of this, updated found Mac OS peculiars in API comments of C and
Lua popen modules.

Fixes #4938

@TarantoolBot document
Title: popen: add note re group signaling on Mac OS

Copyed from the popen_handle:signal() updated description:

> Note: Mac OS may don't deliver a signal to a process in a group when
> opts.setsid and opts.group_signal are set. It seems there is a race
> here: when a process is just forked it may be not signaled.

Copyed from the popen_handle:close() updated description:

> Details about signaling:
> <...>
> - There are peculiars in group signaling on Mac OS,
>   @see popen_handle:signal() for details.

Follows up tarantool/doc#1248
kyukhin pushed a commit to tarantool/tarantool that referenced this issue May 20, 2020
killpg() on Mac OS may don't deliver a signal to a process: it seems
that there is a race when a process is just forked. It means that
popen_handle:close() may leave a process alive, when `opts.setsid` and
`opts.group_signal` are set.

There is simple reproducer, which does not leave alive `sleep 120`
processes on Linux, but does it on Mac OS (within three-four runs in

 | #include <signal.h>
 | #include <unistd.h>
 | #include <fcntl.h>
 | int
 | main()
 | {
 | 	char *child_argv[] = {
 | 		"/bin/sh",
 | 		"-c",
 | 		"sleep 120",
 | 		NULL,
 | 	};
 | 	pid_t pid;
 | 	int fd[2];
 | 	pipe(fd);
 | 	fcntl(fd[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
 | 	fcntl(fd[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
 | 	if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
 | 		/* Child. */
 | 		close(fd[0]);
 | 		setpgrp();
 | 		for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
 | 			/* Proceed with killpg. */
 | 			if (i == 5)
 | 				close(fd[1]);
 | 			if (fork() == 0) {
 | 				/* Child. */
 | 				execve("/bin/sh", child_argv, NULL);
 | 			}
 | 		}
 | 	} else {
 | 		/* Parent. */
 | 		close(fd[1]);
 | 		char c;
 | 		read(fd[0], &c, 1);
 | 		killpg(pid, SIGKILL);
 | 	}
 | 	return 0;
 | }

Compile it (`cc test.c -o test`) and run several times:

$ for i in $(seq 1 1000); do                     \
    echo $i;                                     \
    ./test                                       \
    && ps -o pid,pgid,command -ax | grep [s]leep \
    && break;                                    \

This is the reason why `sleep 120` process may be alive even when the
whole test passes.

test-run captures stdout and stderr of a 'core = app' test and waits EOF
on them. If a child process inherit one of them or both, the fd is still
open for writing and so EOF situation will not appear until `sleep 120`
will exit.

This commit doesn't try to overcome the root of the problem, but close
stdout and stderr for the child process that may not be killed / exited
in time.

Aside of this, updated found Mac OS peculiars in API comments of C and
Lua popen modules.

Fixes #4938

@TarantoolBot document
Title: popen: add note re group signaling on Mac OS

Copyed from the popen_handle:signal() updated description:

> Note: Mac OS may don't deliver a signal to a process in a group when
> opts.setsid and opts.group_signal are set. It seems there is a race
> here: when a process is just forked it may be not signaled.

Copyed from the popen_handle:close() updated description:

> Details about signaling:
> <...>
> - There are peculiars in group signaling on Mac OS,
>   @see popen_handle:signal() for details.

Follows up tarantool/doc#1248

(cherry picked from commit 0afba95)
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