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GitHub Actions / Test Results (Integration tests) failed May 31, 2023 in 0s

2 fail, 27 pass in 26m 14s

  2 files  12 suites   26m 14s ⏱️
29 tests 27 ✔️ 0 💤 2
31 runs  29 ✔️ 0 💤 2

Results for commit 2a8dfd9.


Check warning on line 0 in /

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results (Integration tests)

1 out of 2 runs failed: Scenario: A message is sent directly between two FFI clients: tests/features/ChatFFI.feature:14:3

artifacts/junit-ffi-cucumber/cucumber-output-junit.xml [took 31s]
Raw output
Step panicked. Captured output: Contact 19552fcce111dc41f63a8c56f0 never came online, status is: NeverSeen
  Scenario: A message is sent directly between two FFI clients
   ✔  Given I have a seed node SEED_A
   ✔  When I have a chat FFI client CHAT_A connected to seed node SEED_A
   ✔  When I have a chat FFI client CHAT_B connected to seed node SEED_A
   ✔  When CHAT_A adds CHAT_B as a contact
   ✔  When CHAT_B adds CHAT_A as a contact
   ✘  When CHAT_A waits for contact CHAT_B to be online
      Step failed:
      Defined: tests/features/ChatFFI.feature:20:5
      Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
      Step panicked. Captured output: Contact 19552fcce111dc41f63a8c56f0 never came online, status is: NeverSeen
      Client {
          base_nodes: {
              "SEED_A": BaseNodeProcess {
                  name: "SEED_A",
                  port: 18399,
                  grpc_port: 18827,
                  identity: NodeIdentity {
                      public_key: 10ffb9346793bdb2f4e42d2e02e57563c34ba77b277cfe3a6762d20bedbba816,
                      node_id: NodeId(fe47dc0b3995b1bac78a431954),
                      public_address: RwLock {
                          data: [
                          poisoned: false,
                      secret_key: "<secret>",
                      identity_signature: Some(
                          IdentitySignature {
                              version: 0,
                              signature: SchnorrSignature {
                                  public_nonce: 262048b4f546390a2b34c1723b79f37fe3d49b84367dade19e3926c047b4c06c,
                                  signature: RistrettoSecretKey(***),
                                  _phantom: PhantomData<tari_crypto::signatures::schnorr::SchnorrSigChallenge>,
                              updated_at: 2023-05-31T07:09:14.070553181Z,
                  temp_dir_path: "/runner/_work/tari/tari/integration_tests/tests/temp/cucumber_20579/base_nodes/grpc_port_18827/SEED_A",
                  is_seed_node: true,
          blocks: {},
          miners: {},
          ffi_wallets: {},
          wallets: {},
          merge_mining_proxies: {},
          transactions: {},
          wallet_addresses: {},
          utxos: {},
          output_hash: None,
          pre_image: None,
          wallet_connected_to_base_node: {},
          seed_nodes: [
          wallet_tx_ids: {},
          errors: [],
          last_imported_tx_ids: [],
          last_merge_miner_response: Null,

Check warning on line 0 in /

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results (Integration tests)

1 out of 2 runs failed: Scenario: As a client I want to send a one-sided transaction: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:175:5

artifacts/junit-ffi-cucumber/cucumber-output-junit.xml [took 9m 3s]
Raw output
Step panicked. Captured output: Wallet RECEIVER failed to have at least num 1 txs with status 9, current status is 0
  Scenario: As a client I want to send a one-sided transaction
   ✔  Given I have a seed node SEED
   ✔  When I have a base node BASE1 connected to all seed nodes
   ✔  When I have wallet SENDER connected to base node BASE1
   ✔  And I have a ffi wallet FFI_WALLET connected to base node SEED
   ✔  When I have wallet RECEIVER connected to base node BASE1
   ✔  When I add contact with alias ALIAS1 and address of SENDER to ffi wallet FFI_WALLET
   ✔  When I add contact with alias ALIAS2 and address of RECEIVER to ffi wallet FFI_WALLET
   ✔  When I have mining node MINER connected to base node BASE1 and wallet SENDER
   ✔  When mining node MINER mines 10 blocks
   ✔  Then all nodes are at height 10
   ✔  Then I wait for wallet SENDER to have at least 129239250000 uT
   ✔  And I send 2400000 uT from wallet SENDER to wallet FFI_WALLET at fee 5
   ✔  And I send 2400000 uT from wallet SENDER to wallet FFI_WALLET at fee 5
   ✔  Then wallet SENDER has at least 2 transactions that are all TRANSACTION_STATUS_BROADCAST and not cancelled
   ✔  Then ffi wallet FFI_WALLET detects AT_LEAST 2 ffi transactions to be TRANSACTION_STATUS_BROADCAST
   ✔  When mining node MINER mines 10 blocks
   ✔  Then all nodes are at height 20
   ✔  Then ffi wallet FFI_WALLET detects AT_LEAST 2 ffi transactions to be TRANSACTION_STATUS_MINED
   ✔  Then I wait for ffi wallet FFI_WALLET to have at least 4000000 uT
   ✔  And I send 1000000 uT from ffi wallet FFI_WALLET to wallet RECEIVER at fee 5 via one-sided transactions
   ✔  Then ffi wallet FFI_WALLET detects AT_LEAST 3 ffi transactions to be TRANSACTION_STATUS_BROADCAST
   ✔  When mining node MINER mines 2 blocks
   ✔  Then all nodes are at height 22
   ✘  Then wallet RECEIVER has at least 1 transactions that are all TRANSACTION_STATUS_FAUX_UNCONFIRMED and not cancelled
      Step failed:
      Defined: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:205:9
      Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
      Step panicked. Captured output: Wallet RECEIVER failed to have at least num 1 txs with status 9, current status is 0
      Client {
          base_nodes: {
              "SEED": BaseNodeProcess {
                  name: "SEED",
                  port: 18029,
                  grpc_port: 18501,
                  identity: NodeIdentity {
                      public_key: 905987928b3b2fd8c16c0093e6bf1bc7b09c02be24a12159e9234de59219a340,
                      node_id: NodeId(4b30065bd5e56c268f77b00b5e),
                      public_address: RwLock {
                          data: [
                          poisoned: false,
                      secret_key: "<secret>",
                      identity_signature: Some(
                          IdentitySignature {
                              version: 0,
                              signature: SchnorrSignature {
                                  public_nonce: 04ff2c893efd502488a5411d54761964eb6be4df771bbdc791ea2de282b71b4f,
                                  signature: RistrettoSecretKey(***),
                                  _phantom: PhantomData<tari_crypto::signatures::schnorr::SchnorrSigChallenge>,
                              updated_at: 2023-05-31T07:11:50.556224531Z,
                  temp_dir_path: "/runner/_work/tari/tari/integration_tests/tests/temp/cucumber_20579/base_nodes/grpc_port_18501/SEED",
                  is_seed_node: true,
              "BASE1": BaseNodeProcess {
                  name: "BASE1",
                  port: 18473,
                  grpc_port: 18893,
                  identity: NodeIdentity {
                      public_key: 4ad05b58df924162bb4ac41a8d9f7d2fb1da4e7dc799938ba61f70b9156f5c49,
                      node_id: NodeId(9036e789bb6e0da1d444aaf78c),
                      public_address: RwLock {
                          data: [
                          poisoned: false,
                      secret_key: "<secret>",
                      identity_signature: Some(
                          IdentitySignature {
                              version: 0,
                              signature: SchnorrSignature {
                                  public_nonce: 40154f47baaff67a9fd30b525977b28dd3d26488d2b8b4c09abf725014abef74,
                                  signature: RistrettoSecretKey(***),
                                  _phantom: PhantomData<tari_crypto::signatures::schnorr::SchnorrSigChallenge>,
                              updated_at: 2023-05-31T07:11:51.309670647Z,
                  temp_dir_path: "/runner/_work/tari/tari/integration_tests/tests/temp/cucumber_20579/base_nodes/grpc_port_18893/BASE1",
                  is_seed_node: false,
          blocks: {},
          miners: {
              "MINER": MinerProcess {
                  name: "MINER",
                  base_node_name: "BASE1",
                  wallet_name: "SENDER",
                  mine_until_height: 100000,
          ffi_wallets: {
              "FFI_WALLET": WalletFFI {
                  name: "FFI_WALLET",
                  port: 18108,
                  wallet: Mutex {
                      data: Wallet {
                          ptr: 0x000055f3add65510,
                          liveness_data: Mutex {
                              data: {
                                  "f846a1a046024c0d2a5311abeabf606c2cc2c820ca53cce48df6d84bc00b145c41": ContactsLivenessData {
                                      ptr: 0x00007f4e30026090,
                              poisoned: false,
                          balance: CachedBalance {
                              available: 2400000,
                              time_locked: 0,
                              pending_incoming: 1399340,
                              pending_outgoing: 2400000,
                      poisoned: false,
          wallets: {
              "SENDER": WalletProcess {
                  config: WalletConfig {
                      override_from: None,
                      p2p: P2pConfig {
                          override_from: None,
                          public_addresses: MultiaddrList(
                          transport: TransportConfig {
                              transport_type: Tor,
                              tcp: TcpTransportConfig {
                                  listener_address: "/ip4/",
                                  tor_socks_address: None,
                                  tor_socks_auth: SocksAuthentication::None,
                              tor: TorTransportConfig {
                                  control_address: "/ip4/",
                                  socks_auth: SocksAuthentication::None,
                                  socks_address_override: None,
                                  control_auth: Auto,
                                  onion_port: 18141,
                                  proxy_bypass_addresses: [],
                                  proxy_bypass_for_outbound_tcp: false,
                                  forward_address: None,
                                  listener_address_override: None,
                                  identity: None,
                              socks: Socks5TransportConfig {
                                  proxy_address: "/ip4/",
                                  auth: SocksAuthentication::None,
                              memory: MemoryTransportConfig {
                                  listener_address: "/memory/0",
                          datastore_path: "peer_db/wallet",
                          peer_database_name: "peers",
                          max_concurrent_inbound_tasks: 4,
                          max_concurrent_outbound_tasks: 4,
                          dht: DhtConfig {
                              protocol_version: V2,
                              database_url: File(
                              outbound_buffer_size: 20,
                              num_neighbouring_nodes: 8,
                              num_random_nodes: 4,
                              broadcast_factor: 8,
                              propagation_factor: 4,
                              saf: SafConfig {
                                  msg_validity: 10800s,
                                  msg_storage_capacity: 100000,
                                  num_closest_nodes: 10,
                                  max_returned_messages: 50,
                                  low_priority_msg_storage_ttl: 21600s,
                                  high_priority_msg_storage_ttl: 259200s,
                                  max_message_size: 524288,
                                  auto_request: true,
                                  max_inflight_request_age: 120s,
                                  num_neighbouring_nodes: 8,
                              dedup_cache_capacity: 2500,
                              dedup_cache_trim_interval: 300s,
                              dedup_allowed_message_occurrences: 1,
                              discovery_request_timeout: 120s,
                              auto_join: false,
                              join_cooldown_interval: 600s,
                              connectivity: DhtConnectivityConfig {
                                  update_interval: 120s,
                                  random_pool_refresh_interval: 7200s,
                                  high_failure_rate_cooldown: 45s,
                                  minimum_desired_tcpv4_node_ratio: 0.1,
                              network_discovery: NetworkDiscoveryConfig {
                                  enabled: true,
                                  min_desired_peers: 50,
                                  idle_period: 1800s,
                                  idle_after_num_rounds: 10,
                                  on_failure_idle_period: 5s,
                                  max_sync_peers: 5,
                              ban_duration: 21600s,
                              ban_duration_short: 3600s,
                              allow_test_addresses: false,
                              flood_ban_max_msg_count: 100000,
                              flood_ban_timespan: 100s,
                              offline_peer_cooldown: 86400s,
                          allow_test_addresses: false,
                          listener_liveness_max_sessions: 0,
                          listener_liveness_check_interval: None,
                          listener_liveness_allowlist_cidrs: StringList(
                          user_agent: "",
                          auxiliary_tcp_listener_address: None,
                          rpc_max_simultaneous_sessions: 100,
                          rpc_max_sessions_per_peer: 10,
                      transaction_service_config: TransactionServiceConfig {
                          broadcast_monitoring_timeout: 30s,
                          chain_monitoring_timeout: 60s,
                          direct_send_timeout: 20s,
                          broadcast_send_timeout: 60s,
                          low_power_polling_timeout: 300s,
                          transaction_resend_period: 600s,
                          resend_response_cooldown: 300s,
                          pending_transaction_cancellation_timeout: 259200s,
                          num_confirmations_required: 3,
                          max_tx_query_batch_size: 20,
                          transaction_routing_mechanism: DirectAndStoreAndForward,
                          transaction_event_channel_size: 1000,
                          transaction_mempool_resubmission_window: 600s,
                      output_manager_service_config: OutputManagerServiceConfig {
                          prevent_fee_gt_amount: true,
                          event_channel_size: 250,
                          num_confirmations_required: 3,
                          tx_validator_batch_size: 100,
                          autoignore_onesided_utxos: false,
                          num_of_seconds_to_revalidate_invalid_utxos: 259200,
                      buffer_size: 50000,
                      buffer_rate_limit: 1000,
                      network: Esmeralda,
                      base_node_service_config: BaseNodeServiceConfig {
                          base_node_monitor_max_refresh_interval: 90s,
                          base_node_rpc_pool_size: 10,
                          event_channel_size: 250,
                      data_dir: "data/wallet",
                      db_file: "db/console_wallet.db",
                      db_connection_pool_size: 16,
                      password: None,
                      contacts_auto_ping_interval: 30s,
                      contacts_online_ping_window: 30,
                      command_send_wait_timeout: 300s,
                      command_send_wait_stage: Broadcast,
                      notify_file: None,
                      grpc_enabled: false,
                      grpc_address: None,
                      grpc_authentication: None,
                      custom_base_node: None,
                      base_node_service_peers: StringList(
                      recovery_retry_limit: 3,
                      fee_per_gram: 5,
                      num_required_confirmations: 3,
                      use_libtor: false,
                      identity_file: None,
                  grpc_port: 18674,
                  kill_signal: Shutdown(
                      OneshotTrigger {
                          sender: Mutex {
                              data: Some(
                                  Sender {
                                      complete: false,
                              poisoned: false,
                          signal: OneshotSignal {
                              inner: Shared {
                                  inner: Some(
                                  waker_key: 18446744073709551615,
                  name: "SENDER",
                  port: 18256,
                  temp_dir_path: "/runner/_work/tari/tari/integration_tests/tests/temp/cucumber_20579/wallets/grpc_port_18674/SENDER",
              "RECEIVER": WalletProcess {
                  config: WalletConfig {
                      override_from: None,
                      p2p: P2pConfig {
                          override_from: None,
                          public_addresses: MultiaddrList(
                          transport: TransportConfig {
                              transport_type: Tor,
                              tcp: TcpTransportConfig {
                                  listener_address: "/ip4/",
                                  tor_socks_address: None,
                                  tor_socks_auth: SocksAuthentication::None,
                              tor: TorTransportConfig {
                                  control_address: "/ip4/",
                                  socks_auth: SocksAuthentication::None,
                                  socks_address_override: None,
                                  control_auth: Auto,
                                  onion_port: 18141,
                                  proxy_bypass_addresses: [],
                                  proxy_bypass_for_outbound_tcp: false,
                                  forward_address: None,
                                  listener_address_override: None,
                                  identity: None,
                              socks: Socks5TransportConfig {
                                  proxy_address: "/ip4/",
                                  auth: SocksAuthentication::None,
                              memory: MemoryTransportConfig {
                                  listener_address: "/memory/0",
                          datastore_path: "peer_db/wallet",
                          peer_database_name: "peers",
                          max_concurrent_inbound_tasks: 4,
                          max_concurrent_outbound_tasks: 4,
                          dht: DhtConfig {
                              protocol_version: V2,
                              database_url: File(
                              outbound_buffer_size: 20,
                              num_neighbouring_nodes: 8,
                              num_random_nodes: 4,
                              broadcast_factor: 8,
                              propagation_factor: 4,
                              saf: SafConfig {
                                  msg_validity: 10800s,
                                  msg_storage_capacity: 100000,
                                  num_closest_nodes: 10,
                                  max_returned_messages: 50,
                                  low_priority_msg_storage_ttl: 21600s,
                                  high_priority_msg_storage_ttl: 259200s,
                                  max_message_size: 524288,
                                  auto_request: true,
                                  max_inflight_request_age: 120s,
                                  num_neighbouring_nodes: 8,
                              dedup_cache_capacity: 2500,
                              dedup_cache_trim_interval: 300s,
                              dedup_allowed_message_occurrences: 1,
                              discovery_request_timeout: 120s,
                              auto_join: false,
                              join_cooldown_interval: 600s,
                              connectivity: DhtConnectivityConfig {
                                  update_interval: 120s,
                                  random_pool_refresh_interval: 7200s,
                                  high_failure_rate_cooldown: 45s,
                                  minimum_desired_tcpv4_node_ratio: 0.1,
                              network_discovery: NetworkDiscoveryConfig {
                                  enabled: true,
                                  min_desired_peers: 50,
                                  idle_period: 1800s,
                                  idle_after_num_rounds: 10,
                                  on_failure_idle_period: 5s,
                                  max_sync_peers: 5,
                              ban_duration: 21600s,
                              ban_duration_short: 3600s,
                              allow_test_addresses: false,
                              flood_ban_max_msg_count: 100000,
                              flood_ban_timespan: 100s,
                              offline_peer_cooldown: 86400s,
                          allow_test_addresses: false,
                          listener_liveness_max_sessions: 0,
                          listener_liveness_check_interval: None,
                          listener_liveness_allowlist_cidrs: StringList(
                          user_agent: "",
                          auxiliary_tcp_listener_address: None,
                          rpc_max_simultaneous_sessions: 100,
                          rpc_max_sessions_per_peer: 10,
                      transaction_service_config: TransactionServiceConfig {
                          broadcast_monitoring_timeout: 30s,
                          chain_monitoring_timeout: 60s,
                          direct_send_timeout: 20s,
                          broadcast_send_timeout: 60s,
                          low_power_polling_timeout: 300s,
                          transaction_resend_period: 600s,
                          resend_response_cooldown: 300s,
                          pending_transaction_cancellation_timeout: 259200s,
                          num_confirmations_required: 3,
                          max_tx_query_batch_size: 20,
                          transaction_routing_mechanism: DirectAndStoreAndForward,
                          transaction_event_channel_size: 1000,
                          transaction_mempool_resubmission_window: 600s,
                      output_manager_service_config: OutputManagerServiceConfig {
                          prevent_fee_gt_amount: true,
                          event_channel_size: 250,
                          num_confirmations_required: 3,
                          tx_validator_batch_size: 100,
                          autoignore_onesided_utxos: false,
                          num_of_seconds_to_revalidate_invalid_utxos: 259200,
                      buffer_size: 50000,
                      buffer_rate_limit: 1000,
                      network: Esmeralda,
                      base_node_service_config: BaseNodeServiceConfig {
                          base_node_monitor_max_refresh_interval: 90s,
                          base_node_rpc_pool_size: 10,
                          event_channel_size: 250,
                      data_dir: "data/wallet",
                      db_file: "db/console_wallet.db",
                      db_connection_pool_size: 16,
                      password: None,
                      contacts_auto_ping_interval: 30s,
                      contacts_online_ping_window: 30,
                      command_send_wait_timeout: 300s,
                      command_send_wait_stage: Broadcast,
                      notify_file: None,
                      grpc_enabled: false,
                      grpc_address: None,
                      grpc_authentication: None,
                      custom_base_node: None,
                      base_node_service_peers: StringList(
                      recovery_retry_limit: 3,
                      fee_per_gram: 5,
                      num_required_confirmations: 3,
                      use_libtor: false,
                      identity_file: None,
                  grpc_port: 18591,
                  kill_signal: Shutdown(
                      OneshotTrigger {
                          sender: Mutex {
                              data: Some(
                                  Sender {
                                      complete: false,
                              poisoned: false,
                          signal: OneshotSignal {
                              inner: Shared {
                                  inner: Some(
                                  waker_key: 18446744073709551615,
                  name: "RECEIVER",
                  port: 18089,
                  temp_dir_path: "/runner/_work/tari/tari/integration_tests/tests/temp/cucumber_20579/wallets/grpc_port_18591/RECEIVER",
          merge_mining_proxies: {},
          transactions: {},
          wallet_addresses: {},
          utxos: {},
          output_hash: None,
          pre_image: None,
          wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
              "SENDER": "BASE1",
              "RECEIVER": "BASE1",
          seed_nodes: [
          wallet_tx_ids: {
              "f846a1a046024c0d2a5311abeabf606c2cc2c820ca53cce48df6d84bc00b145c41": [
              "98a77b17d94d7f8b5487724bd23c5e406991fbcf9e2c804ce56c9b16f3e578309a": [
          errors: [],
          last_imported_tx_ids: [],
          last_merge_miner_response: Null,

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results (Integration tests)

29 tests found

There are 29 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
Scenario: A message is propagated between clients via 3rd party: tests/features/ChatFFI.feature:7:3
Scenario: A message is sent directly between two FFI clients: tests/features/ChatFFI.feature:14:3
Scenario: As a client I want to receive a one-sided transaction: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:212:5
Scenario: As a client I want to receive contact liveness events: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:73:5
Scenario: As a client I want to retrieve a list of transactions I have made and received: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:96:5
Scenario: As a client I want to retrieve the mnemonic word list for a given language: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:24:5
Scenario: As a client I want to send a one-sided transaction: tests/features/WalletFFI.feature:175:5
Scenario: As a user I want to burn tari via command line: tests/features/WalletCli.feature:47:5
Scenario: As a wallet I want to submit a transaction: tests/features/WalletQuery.feature:18:3
Scenario: As a wallet send to a wallet connected to a different base node: tests/features/WalletTransfer.feature:9:3
Scenario: Clear out mempool: tests/features/Mempool.feature:46:3
Scenario: Create burn transaction: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:410:3
Scenario: Node rolls back reorg on invalid block: tests/features/Reorgs.feature:63:3
Scenario: Pruned mode simple sync: tests/features/Sync.feature:50:3
Scenario: Pruned node should handle burned output: tests/features/Sync.feature:61:3
Scenario: Pruned node should prune outputs: tests/features/Propagation.feature:92:3
Scenario: Simple block sync: tests/features/Sync.feature:26:3
Scenario: Simple propagation: tests/features/Propagation.feature:26:3
Scenario: Simple reorg to stronger chain: tests/features/Reorgs.feature:8:3
Scenario: Simple reorg with burned output: tests/features/Reorgs.feature:33:3
Scenario: Sync burned output: tests/features/Sync.feature:34:3
Scenario: Syncing node while also mining before tip sync: tests/features/Sync.feature:142:5
Scenario: Transactions are propagated through a network: tests/features/Mempool.feature:8:3
Scenario: Verify UTXO and kernel MMR size in header: tests/features/BlockTemplate.feature:8:1
Scenario: Wallet recovery with connected base node staying online: tests/features/WalletRecovery.feature:8:5
Scenario: Wallet sending and receiving one-sided stealth transactions: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:38:3
Scenario: Wallet sending and receiving one-sided transactions: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:8:3
Scenario: When a new node joins the network, it receives all peers: tests/features/Sync.feature:77:3
Scenario: Zero-conf transactions: tests/features/Mempool.feature:124:3