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An implementation of the iris flower classification using Keras on the iris dataset

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Implementing a Basic Fully Connected Neural Network in Flask Based on the Iris Dataset

This is the second project for the DSS course (CIS431) at JUST University (2nd semester, 2023).

It contains the guidelines and code necessary to help the students to carry out the project.

The following datasets have been used (for demonstration purposes):

  • Iris, the famous iris dataset; will be used for building an FCNN classifier, which will be deployed on Flask.
  • Animals-10, a dataset which contains 10 types/classes of animals in images; it will be used as an object recognition task for building a CNN architecture.

Note: The provided code based on these datasets is a mere reference for you; you are required to build and deploy a model based on another dataset (discussed in the objectives section).

Update (19/5/2023)

There is a missing layer in that might cause an ambiguity on what the input dimension is when loading the model; to mitigate this issue, you will have to add this line as the first layer in the neural network: Input(shape=(None, None, 3)).

As for predicting an already trained model, you will have to expand the dimensionality of the sample image before invoking the predict method; you can do this by calling np.expand_dims(your_image, axis=0).

Getting Started

Clone the project from GitHub

$ git clone

Make sure that you have Python installed.

No further configuration is required.

Note: If you do not know how to clone a repository, you can either directly download the project or read here.

Warning: You must install the packages in the exact version found in the requirements.txt file; you can use this command: pip install -r requirements.txt.

Project Structure

├──                                                 <- README file for developers using this project
├── requirements.txt                                          <- Contains the dependencies required to successfully run the project
├── dataset
│   │── animals-10                                            <- Store the dataset images of the animals-10
│   │── synthetic-asl-numbers                                 <- Store the dataset images of the synthetic-asl-numbers (your target dataset)
│   └── iris.csv                                              <- Store the iris dataset
├── out                                                       <- Store model weights/configuration/architecture/...
├── static
│   │── images                                                <- Store images for display in the frontend
│   │── scripts                                               <- Store Javascript for execution in the frontend
│   └── styles                                                <- Store CSS for styling the frontend
├── templates                                                 <- Store HTML files which are linked to Flask
├──                                                <- Handles Flask endpoints
├──                                            <- Handles the training of the animals-10 dataset using CNN
└──                                              <- Handles the training of the iris dataset using FCNN


Now that you have been provided with an example of how to build, export, and deploy a model, your task will be composed of:

  • Inspect the synthetic-asl-numbers dataset; note that this repository contains a modified version of the dataset. Please work ONLY on the dataset in the repository and do not download the dataset from Kaggle.
  • Building a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN or ConvNet)
    • Use the dataset in dataset/synthetic-asl-numbers/ as the target dataset.
    • Use the script and modify:
      • The dataset source (make it based on synthetic-asl-numbers)
      • The dataset labels
      • The model's architecture
      • Any fine-tuning (as necessary)
  • Export the trained model
  • Deploy the exported model on Flask
    • Frontend
      • Create a home page, which contains a form having:
        • Upload button (for images only)
        • Submit button
      • Create a prediction page; which displays the prediction to the user.
    • Backend
      • Add a default endpoint: /, which redirects the user to the home page.
      • Add a prediction endpoint: /predict, which does the following:
        • Properly read the uploaded image.
        • Pass the image into the model for prediction.
        • Fetch the prediction of the model.
        • Redirect the user to the prediction page while passing the prediction.
      • You can copy the script and modify it accordingly based on the given requirements.
  • Verify your work by uploading a test image.


You will need to submit the following files:

  • The code used for building and exporting the CNN model.
  • Basic performance indicators for your CNN model, which include:
    • Loss history plot.
    • Accuracy history plot.
    • Confusion plot.
    • *These plots are automatically exported to you as an image file in
  • The code used for deploying the CNN model (using Flask), which includes:
    • The front end used as an interface for the user, including, but not limited to:
      • Template folder (HTML files).
      • Static folder (JS, CSS, and raw images used as an asset).
    • The backend is used for processing the user's requests.

You should upload all these files to the e-learning; however, the Flask code should be on Replit. Upload a shareable link of that project to the e-learning.


The following points will dictate your grading:

Criterion Weight
CNN model is trained and exported 1 mark
CNN model returns acceptable loss/accuracy values 1 mark
The end-user can upload an image 1 mark
The backend can interpret "decode" the uploaded image 1 mark
The model returns a valid prediction 1 mark
The backend successfully redirects the prediction and displays it to the user 1 mark
The displayed prediction is in a textual form rather than numerical 1 mark
The website's visuals are appealing 1 mark
The web application is hosted on Replit 1 mark
The student understands how to construct a neural network 1 mark


Note: Do not return the numerical value (1, 2, 3) of the prediction directly to the user; instead, return a textual value (one, two, three).

Note: Your target dataset is the synthetic-asl-numbers, DO NOT BUILD A MODEL WHICH IS BASED ON ANOTHER DATASET.

Note: You are not allowed to add, modify, or delete the target dataset in any way.

Note: If your computational resources are limited (very long training times), use Colab instead of your local machine.

Note: You are expected to deliver a properly formatted website; this includes structuring and styling of the webpages.

Warning: Any form of cheating will result in zero for both parties.

Warning: If you were not able to defend your code or understand the general intuition of the project, you will get zero.

Warning: Late submissions are not allowed. No exceptions!

Useful Links

CNN intuition (IBM topic)

Minimal CNN Code using Keras (Official TensorFlow Docs)

Official Flask Docs

Creating a Flask project on Replit

Rand's Video

Rand's Replit Project


An implementation of the iris flower classification using Keras on the iris dataset







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