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fix(migrations): Switches to multiple passes to fix several reported …
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…bugs (angular#52592)

Rather than migrate all in one pass, this now migrates in a separate pass per control flow item plus one for templates at the end. This resolves issues with multiple control flow items on a single element as well as making sure ng-templates are fully migrated before being moved to new locations.

fixes: angular#52518
fixes: angular#52516
fixes: angular#52513

PR Close angular#52592
  • Loading branch information
thePunderWoman authored and tbondwilkinson committed Dec 6, 2023
1 parent bd72b87 commit fd39938
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Showing 7 changed files with 666 additions and 402 deletions.
181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions packages/core/schematics/ng-generate/control-flow-migration/fors.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at

import {visitAll} from '@angular/compiler';

import {ElementCollector, ElementToMigrate, MigrateError, Result} from './types';
import {calculateNesting, getMainBlock, getOriginals, hasLineBreaks, parseTemplate, reduceNestingOffset} from './util';

export const ngfor = '*ngFor';
export const commaSeparatedSyntax = new Map([
['(', ')'],
['{', '}'],
['[', ']'],
export const stringPairs = new Map([
[`"`, `"`],
[`'`, `'`],

* Replaces structural directive ngFor instances with new for.
* Returns null if the migration failed (e.g. there was a syntax error).
export function migrateFor(template: string): {migrated: string, errors: MigrateError[]} {
let errors: MigrateError[] = [];
let parsed = parseTemplate(template);
if (parsed === null) {
return {migrated: template, errors};

let result = template;
const visitor = new ElementCollector([ngfor]);
visitAll(visitor, parsed.rootNodes);
calculateNesting(visitor, hasLineBreaks(template));

// this tracks the character shift from different lengths of blocks from
// the prior directives so as to adjust for nested block replacement during
// migration. Each block calculates length differences and passes that offset
// to the next migrating block to adjust character offsets properly.
let offset = 0;
let nestLevel = -1;
let postOffsets: number[] = [];
for (const el of visitor.elements) {
let migrateResult: Result = {tmpl: result, offsets: {pre: 0, post: 0}};
// applies the post offsets after closing
offset = reduceNestingOffset(el, nestLevel, offset, postOffsets);

try {
migrateResult = migrateNgFor(el, result, offset);
} catch (error: unknown) {
errors.push({type: ngfor, error});

result = migrateResult.tmpl;
offset += migrateResult.offsets.pre;
nestLevel = el.nestCount;

return {migrated: result, errors};

function migrateNgFor(etm: ElementToMigrate, tmpl: string, offset: number): Result {
const aliasWithEqualRegexp = /=\s*(count|index|first|last|even|odd)/gm;
const aliasWithAsRegexp = /(count|index|first|last|even|odd)\s+as/gm;
const aliases = [];
const lbString = etm.hasLineBreaks ? '\n' : '';
const lbSpaces = etm.hasLineBreaks ? `\n ` : '';
const parts = getNgForParts(etm.attr.value);

const originals = getOriginals(etm, tmpl, offset);

// first portion should always be the loop definition prefixed with `let`
const condition = parts[0].replace('let ', '');
const loopVar = condition.split(' of ')[0];
let trackBy = loopVar;
let aliasedIndex: string|null = null;
for (let i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {
const part = parts[i].trim();

if (part.startsWith('trackBy:')) {
// build trackby value
const trackByFn = part.replace('trackBy:', '').trim();
trackBy = `${trackByFn}($index, ${loopVar})`;
// aliases
// declared with `let myIndex = index`
if (part.match(aliasWithEqualRegexp)) {
// 'let myIndex = index' -> ['let myIndex', 'index']
const aliasParts = part.split('=');
// -> 'let myIndex = $index'
aliases.push(` ${aliasParts[0].trim()} = $${aliasParts[1].trim()}`);
// if the aliased variable is the index, then we store it
if (aliasParts[1].trim() === 'index') {
// 'let myIndex' -> 'myIndex'
aliasedIndex = aliasParts[0].replace('let', '').trim();
// declared with `index as myIndex`
if (part.match(aliasWithAsRegexp)) {
// 'index as myIndex' -> ['index', 'myIndex']
const aliasParts = part.split(/\s+as\s+/);
// -> 'let myIndex = $index'
aliases.push(` let ${aliasParts[1].trim()} = $${aliasParts[0].trim()}`);
// if the aliased variable is the index, then we store it
if (aliasParts[0].trim() === 'index') {
aliasedIndex = aliasParts[1].trim();
// if an alias has been defined for the index, then the trackBy function must use it
if (aliasedIndex !== null && trackBy !== loopVar) {
// byId($index, user) -> byId(i, user)
trackBy = trackBy.replace('$index', aliasedIndex);

const aliasStr = (aliases.length > 0) ? `;${aliases.join(';')}` : '';

const {start, middle, end} = getMainBlock(etm, tmpl, offset);
const startBlock = `@for (${condition}; track ${trackBy}${aliasStr}) {${lbSpaces}${start}`;

const endBlock = `${end}${lbString}}`;
const forBlock = startBlock + middle + endBlock;

const updatedTmpl = tmpl.slice(0, etm.start(offset)) + forBlock + tmpl.slice(etm.end(offset));

const pre = originals.start.length - startBlock.length;
const post = originals.end.length - endBlock.length;

return {tmpl: updatedTmpl, offsets: {pre, post}};

function getNgForParts(expression: string): string[] {
const parts: string[] = [];
const commaSeparatedStack: string[] = [];
const stringStack: string[] = [];
let current = '';

for (let i = 0; i < expression.length; i++) {
const char = expression[i];
const isInString = stringStack.length === 0;
const isInCommaSeparated = commaSeparatedStack.length === 0;

// Any semicolon is a delimiter, as well as any comma outside
// of comma-separated syntax, as long as they're outside of a string.
if (isInString && current.length > 0 &&
(char === ';' || (char === ',' && isInCommaSeparated))) {
current = '';

if (stringPairs.has(char)) {
} else if (stringStack.length > 0 && stringStack[stringStack.length - 1] === char) {

if (commaSeparatedSyntax.has(char)) {
} else if (
commaSeparatedStack.length > 0 &&
commaSeparatedStack[commaSeparatedStack.length - 1] === char) {

current += char;

if (current.length > 0) {

return parts;
156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions packages/core/schematics/ng-generate/control-flow-migration/ifs.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at

import {visitAll} from '@angular/compiler';

import {ElementCollector, ElementToMigrate, MigrateError, Result} from './types';
import {calculateNesting, getMainBlock, getOriginals, hasLineBreaks, parseTemplate, reduceNestingOffset} from './util';

export const ngif = '*ngIf';
export const boundngif = '[ngIf]';
export const nakedngif = 'ngIf';

export const ifs = [

* Replaces structural directive ngif instances with new if.
* Returns null if the migration failed (e.g. there was a syntax error).
export function migrateIf(template: string): {migrated: string, errors: MigrateError[]} {
let errors: MigrateError[] = [];
let parsed = parseTemplate(template);
if (parsed === null) {
return {migrated: template, errors};

let result = template;
const visitor = new ElementCollector(ifs);
visitAll(visitor, parsed.rootNodes);
calculateNesting(visitor, hasLineBreaks(template));

// this tracks the character shift from different lengths of blocks from
// the prior directives so as to adjust for nested block replacement during
// migration. Each block calculates length differences and passes that offset
// to the next migrating block to adjust character offsets properly.
let offset = 0;
let nestLevel = -1;
let postOffsets: number[] = [];
for (const el of visitor.elements) {
let migrateResult: Result = {tmpl: result, offsets: {pre: 0, post: 0}};
// applies the post offsets after closing
offset = reduceNestingOffset(el, nestLevel, offset, postOffsets);

try {
migrateResult = migrateNgIf(el, result, offset);
} catch (error: unknown) {
errors.push({type: ngif, error});

result = migrateResult.tmpl;
offset += migrateResult.offsets.pre;
nestLevel = el.nestCount;

return {migrated: result, errors};

export function migrateNgIf(etm: ElementToMigrate, tmpl: string, offset: number): Result {
const matchThen = etm.attr.value.match(/;\s*then/gm);
const matchElse = etm.attr.value.match(/;\s*else/gm);

if (matchThen && matchThen.length > 0) {
return buildIfThenElseBlock(etm, tmpl, matchThen[0], matchElse![0], offset);
} else if (matchElse && matchElse.length > 0) {
// just else
return buildIfElseBlock(etm, tmpl, matchElse[0], offset);

return buildIfBlock(etm, tmpl, offset);

function buildIfBlock(etm: ElementToMigrate, tmpl: string, offset: number): Result {
// includes the mandatory semicolon before as
const lbString = etm.hasLineBreaks ? '\n' : '';
const condition = etm.attr.value.replace(' as ', '; as ');

const originals = getOriginals(etm, tmpl, offset);

const {start, middle, end} = getMainBlock(etm, tmpl, offset);
const startBlock = `@if (${condition}) {${lbString}${start}`;
const endBlock = `${end}${lbString}}`;

const ifBlock = startBlock + middle + endBlock;
const updatedTmpl = tmpl.slice(0, etm.start(offset)) + ifBlock + tmpl.slice(etm.end(offset));

// this should be the difference between the starting element up to the start of the closing
// element and the mainblock sans }
const pre = originals.start.length - startBlock.length;
const post = originals.end.length - endBlock.length;

return {tmpl: updatedTmpl, offsets: {pre, post}};

function buildIfElseBlock(
etm: ElementToMigrate, tmpl: string, elseString: string, offset: number): Result {
// includes the mandatory semicolon before as
const lbString = etm.hasLineBreaks ? '\n' : '';
const condition = etm.getCondition(elseString).replace(' as ', '; as ');

const originals = getOriginals(etm, tmpl, offset);

const elsePlaceholder = `#${etm.getTemplateName(elseString)}|`;
const {start, middle, end} = getMainBlock(etm, tmpl, offset);
const startBlock = `@if (${condition}) {${lbString}${start}`;

const elseBlock = `${end}${lbString}} @else {${lbString}`;

const postBlock = elseBlock + elsePlaceholder + `${lbString}}`;
const ifElseBlock = startBlock + middle + postBlock;

const tmplStart = tmpl.slice(0, etm.start(offset));
const tmplEnd = tmpl.slice(etm.end(offset));
const updatedTmpl = tmplStart + ifElseBlock + tmplEnd;

const pre = originals.start.length - startBlock.length;
const post = originals.end.length - postBlock.length;

return {tmpl: updatedTmpl, offsets: {pre, post}};

function buildIfThenElseBlock(
etm: ElementToMigrate, tmpl: string, thenString: string, elseString: string,
offset: number): Result {
const condition = etm.getCondition(thenString).replace(' as ', '; as ');
const lbString = etm.hasLineBreaks ? '\n' : '';

const originals = getOriginals(etm, tmpl, offset);

const startBlock = `@if (${condition}) {${lbString}`;
const elseBlock = `${lbString}} @else {${lbString}`;

const thenPlaceholder = `#${etm.getTemplateName(thenString, elseString)}|`;
const elsePlaceholder = `#${etm.getTemplateName(elseString)}|`;

const postBlock = thenPlaceholder + elseBlock + elsePlaceholder + `${lbString}}`;
const ifThenElseBlock = startBlock + postBlock;

const tmplStart = tmpl.slice(0, etm.start(offset));
const tmplEnd = tmpl.slice(etm.end(offset));

const updatedTmpl = tmplStart + ifThenElseBlock + tmplEnd;

const pre = originals.start.length - startBlock.length;
const post = originals.end.length - postBlock.length;

return {tmpl: updatedTmpl, offsets: {pre, post}};
Expand Up @@ -13,8 +13,11 @@ import {normalizePath} from '../../utils/change_tracker';
import {getProjectTsConfigPaths} from '../../utils/project_tsconfig_paths';
import {canMigrateFile, createMigrationProgram} from '../../utils/typescript/compiler_host';

import {migrateFor} from './fors';
import {migrateIf} from './ifs';
import {migrateSwitch} from './switches';
import {AnalyzedFile, MigrateError} from './types';
import {analyze, migrateTemplate} from './util';
import {analyze, processNgTemplates} from './util';

interface Options {
path: string;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +87,18 @@ function runControlFlowMigration(
for (const [start, end] of ranges) {
const template = content.slice(start, end);
const length = (end ?? content.length) - start;
const {migrated, errors} = migrateTemplate(template);

const ifResult = migrateIf(template);
const forResult = migrateFor(ifResult.migrated);
const switchResult = migrateSwitch(forResult.migrated);

const errors = [

const migrated = processNgTemplates(switchResult.migrated);

if (migrated !== null) {
update.remove(start, length);
Expand Down

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