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GSQ is about simplicity, quick prototyping, creating something that can be easily shared while maintaining an agnostic stance on your favorite frameworks. Bundled in GSQ are a a few modern build tools and a couple npm scripts.

Included Build Tools

For JS: Babel and Browserify (with the help of babelify) compile the code

For CSS: PostCSS with a few plugins to let you write future spec today: [ "postcss-import", "autoprefixer", "postcss-nesting", "postcss-custom-media", "postcss-css-variables", "postcss-css-variables", "postcss-discard-comments", "postcss-reporter" ]

Getting Started

To install with git:

$ git clone
$ cd gsq
$ rm -r .git && rm .gitignore
$ mv lib/package-template.json ./package.json
$ npm install

To install with npm:

$ npm install --global gsq
$ cd path/to/project
$ gsq

Included npm scripts

  • test: run eslint on your source files.
  • build: run all of the following files
    • build:css: run postcss compiler
    • build:html: copy all src/**/*.html files into htdocs/
    • build:js: run the browserify compiler.
  • watch: run all of the following watches
    • watch:css: watch src/css/ for file changes, run npm build:css on file changes.
    • watch:html: watch src/**/*.html for file changes, run npm build:html on file changes.
    • watch:js: watch src/js/ for file changes, run npm build:js on file changes.
  • watch:start: run npm run watch as well as npm start. Watch all files and start browser-sync.
  • start: start browser-sync.