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Mi6::Helper - An aid for converting Raku modules to use App::Mi6


There is a serious bug in the current version: it is unable to to correctly handle a desired module name with mixed '::' and hyphens ('-'). An issue has been filed, but, unless a user needs it soon, a fix will be delayed. A work-around is to manually make the necessary changes after the failure message. Please comment in the issue entry (#11) if a fix is important for your current project.


use Mi6::Helper
$ mi6-helper new=Foo::Bar  # uses the 'provides' text in hidden file 
                           # '.Foo-Bar' (recommended method)

Easily create the template for a new Raku module repository for management by App::Mi6 with modifications including:

  • Published in the Zef Raku module ecosystem

  • User choice of the 'provides' text

  • file source removed from the base module and placed in a new docs/README.rakudoc file

  • Uses three separate OS tests in .github/workflows and shows results of each in the file

Special installation requirements

The user must install and have an account with fez to use this module.


Note this is API 2 and its approach has changed significantly since the author has had much more experience using App::Mi6. For example, accidentally using mi6 test in a non-mi6 module's base directory will corrupt an existing file!

CAUTION: Before using this tool on a real module repository, the user should ensure all contents have been comitted with Git to enable recovery from any unwanted changes.

This module installs a Raku executable named mi6-helper which is designed for two major modes of operation:


  • new=X dir=Y

    Creates a new module 'X' in parent directory 'Y' (default '.') using mi6 and then changes some of the files and directories to satisfy the 'docs' option and, optionally, substitute 'blah...' with the user's short description (if it is provided).

    Provides a final mi6 build and git commit -a -m"initial commit" so the new repository is ready to git push <remote> <branch> and mi6 release.

    CAUTION: If file dist.ini already exists in the parent directory, the program will abort unless the force option is used. Use the force option at your own risk!

NOTE: If one of the non-Linux OS tests fail, you can eliminate that test by doing the following two steps (for example, remove the macos test):

  • Move the macos.yml file out of the .github/workflows/ directory (the author uses a subdir name to hold such things).

  • Put a semicolon in the dist.ini file to comment out the line naming the macos.yml file



    Inspects an existing Git repository of a Raku module to help convert it to one that uses the App::Mi6 module with the Zef repository. Essentially all it does is add or modify the following files:

    • Changes

    • dist.ini


    • .github/workflows/*.yml

Modified files for mode new

Files with replaced, modified, or added lines:

    # The line that reads:
    filename = lib/Foo/Bar.rakumod
    # is changed to:
    filename = docs/README.rakudoc
    # the following App::Mi6 optional sections are added
    # if not found:
    #   PruneFiles
    #   MetaNoIndex
    #   AutoScanPackages
    #   RunBeforeBuild
    #   RunAfterBuild

    # The line that begins:
    "description": "blah blah blah",
    # is changed to:
    "description": "[text entered per the 'provides=X' option]

    # Move all lines following the first non-blank line
    # thus leaving:
    unit class Foo::Bar;

    # Create three new files to provide three separate test badges
    # Remove the original test.yml file

New directory and file:

  # new directory
    # new file:
    # This new file first gets all the lines removed from
    # 'lib/Foo/Bar.rakumod' resulting in a complete pod
    # document:
    =begin pod
    =end pod
    # Then, four lines are changed:

    # 1. The line that begins:
    Foo::Bar - blah blah blah
    # is changed to either:
    B<Foo::Bar> - [Foo::Bar is bolded, text entered per the 'provides=X' option]
    # or:
    B<Foo::Bar> - blah blah blah [Foo::Bar is bolded]

    # 2. The line that begins:
    Foo::Bar is ...
    # is changed to:
    B<Foo::Bar> is ...

    # 3. The line that begins:
    Copyright {current year} ...
    # is changed to:
    <copyright symbol> {current year} ...

    # 4. The line that reads:
    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.


Tom Browder


The very useful Raku modules used herein:

  • App::Mi6 by zef:skaji

  • File::Directory::Tree by github:labster

  • File::Temp by zef:rbt

  • Proc::Easier by zef:sdondley

  • File::Find by zef:raku-community-modules


© 2020-2023 Tom Browder

This library is free software; you may redistribute it or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.


An aid for converting Raku modules to App::Mi6







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