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axolpy-lib, the Axolotl Library in Python


Code Quality




This is the library of the Axolotl series in Python. The implementation of it aims at providing a handy all-in-one package for writing useful applications.

PyPi project:

Install axolpy-lib

pip install axolpy-lib

Install dependencies

Since this package contains libraries for many areas, not all dependencies are configured as hard dependency and installed together with axolpy-lib. Therefore you can decide what to not install to save your space. However, if you want to use all features or develop on top of this package, you will have to install all dependencies.

Recommended way

You are recommended to use pyenv and pipenv to install the dependencies. To install all dependencies:

pipenv install

To install particlular package only:

pipenv install pyyaml


You can install dependencies with the old way by using requirements.txt.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run test

To run pytest:


To run test with coverage result:

coverage run -m pytest

To generate test coverage report:

coverage report -m

To generate test coverage report in html:

coverage html

Build axolpy-lib package

To build with wheel:

python -m build

You will see output like this:

* Creating venv isolated environment...
* Installing packages in isolated environment... (setuptools>=42, wheel)
* Getting dependencies for sdist...
Successfully built axolpy-lib-1.0.0.tar.gz and axolpy_lib-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl

Test report

Code Coverage graph

Code Coverage graph

See more

  1. axolpy-script for using Axolpy scripts


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