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git pp

A (tiny) Git utility for auto-committing and concurrent pushing.

Powered by asyncio, with no dependency besides python>=3.10 and git.


  • Auto-stages and commits with custom or generated commit messages
  • Pushes to multiple or all remotes of a git repository concurrently with asyncio
  • Operates on any number of git repositories at the same time



In this demo, git pp did the following in ~/config and ~/gui repos:

  • (Concurrently) Auto staged all changes and commits with ISO-8601 timestamps as commit messages;
  • (Concurrently) Pushed the changes in the checked out branch to all of their remotes, in this case, they’re origin and lab.

Use cases and example usage

  • You have multiple remotes registered on a local git repository (or more) and want to push the changes to all or some of the remotes fast and efficiently.
# Use --push-only or -po

$ git pp --push-only # this pushes to all remotes of the current git repository, does not stages or commits
$ git pp --push-only --remote [one or more remotes] # only pushes to the specified remotes
$ git pp -po --timeout 10 # terminates pushing to one remotes if it takes more than 10 seconds
$ git pp -po -b dev ~/my-proj ~/my-proj2 # pushes the dev branch to all remotes in ~/my-proj and ~/my-proj2 repository
  • You're tired of using git add --all && git commit every time you make a little change and want to automate this across one or more repositories.
$ git pp # stages all files in the current git repository and commits with a timestamp as the commit message
$ git pp -m 'Initial commit' # custom commit message
$ git pp --no-status # don't show git status and git add outputs

And you can do both of the above (auto-commit and push) with --push:

# Use --push or -p

$ git pp --push # stages, commits and pushes to all remotes.
$ git pp --push --remote [one or more remotes]
$ git pp -p --timeout 10
$ git pp -p -b dev ~/my-proj ~/my-proj2


First make sure the git executable is installed and in your $PATH.

Note that non-UNIX systems are not officially supported.


This is the recommended installation method.

$ pipx install git-pp
$ pip install git-pp

For Archlinux.

$ yay -S python-git-pp


You can either invoke this tool with git-pp or git pp, --help is unsupported when using the latter.

$ git pp -h
usage: git pp [-h] [-m COMMIT_MESSAGE] [-v] [-so] [-p] [-po] [-r REMOTE [REMOTE ...]] [-b BRANCH] [-f] [-t TIMEOUT] [DIRS ...]

Git utility for auto-committing and concurrent pushing

positional arguments:
  DIRS                  Dirs to operate on (default: ['.'])

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m COMMIT_MESSAGE, --commit-message COMMIT_MESSAGE
                        commit message (default: None)
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -so, --status-only    Prints status only (default: False)
  -p, --push            Push to all remotes (default: False)
  -po, --push-only      Push to all remotes, without pre_pull (default: False)
  -r REMOTE [REMOTE ...], --remote REMOTE [REMOTE ...]
                        Remote name (default: None)
  -b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH
                        Branch name (default: None)
  -f, --force           Force push (default: False)
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for a single push (default: None)


$ git clone
$ cd git-pp
$ poetry install