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Kwite-operator is a Kubernetes operator pattern implementation for managing Kwites. The project uses the Kubebuilder framework, so understanding that particular operator framework is a good idea before really digging in to the code herein. A good way to learn that is by reviewing the Kubebuiler book.

Kwite-operator creates resources from a Kwite manifest. From such manifests, Kwite-operator creates a setup as depicted below with resource names consistent with the Kwite name as specified in the manifest.


The Service object provides appropriate access point for any Kwites created by the Replication Controller inherent to the Deployment. Scaling is managed by the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.

Kwite manifests contain the Go templates that back the URL (page) served by the Kwite. Those templates are used to create a ConfigMap, which is mounted into Kwite pods.

For details on Kwite customer resource manifests, see docs/

Try it out

To try out the operator, it must be built and executed in a suitable Kubernetes environment. Details are further below.


There are some basic requirements in order build and use the operator:

  1. A Kubernetes cluster sufficient to run the operator and the resources it creates;
  2. A metrics-server or similar to support the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler created by the controller for Kwite scaling;
  3. A container registry, such as Harbor and relevant credentials for pushing and pulling containers;
  4. A Concourse or similar setup, for example Argo CD, in order to run tests, build and deploy the operator.

Kubernetes Cluster

Running the operator targets a Kubernetes cluster, thus one must exist into which Kwite-operator deploys. The manifests do not specify a namespace, so it will run in the default namespace unless otherwise specified.

Metrics Server

Kwite pods are created, ultimately, via a Replication Controller generated by Kwite-operator. To scale the pods, Kwite-operator creates a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. In order for that to work, a Metrics Server is a necessary cluster resource.

NOTE: In many cases, when running the metrics server in Kind, be mindful of TLS issues. You may need to modify the deployment manifest in order to get the metrics data flowing properly.

Container Registry

In addition, as with any Kubernetes cluster, credentials should be setup. Secrets for pushing and pulling containers from the Docker registry should exist before building Kwite-operator. One way to add such credentials is as follows:

kubectl create secret docker-registry kwite-operator-registry-creds --docker-server=<your-registry-server> --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email>

Build and Run

Building the code involves very few steps and there are some CI/CD options to help out.

This project includes pipeline and related task declarations in the ci directory. Those can be used assuming Concourse is available. See the ci/README file for details. Adapt those as needed for your own CI/CD setup.

Run In-Cluster

So long as the pipeline runs successfully, the operator gets deployed automatically into the Kubernetes cluster specified in the pipeline setup. No other action is necessary, you can simply begin to deploy Kwites. For example, the following command would deploy the sample manifest provided in this project:

kubectl -n some-kwite-namespace create -f config/samples

Running Standalone

The operator will run standalone for testing. To do that just run:

make install

Running standalone has certain requirements regarding certificate availability for the webhooks. A good read of Kubebuilder deployments would be valuable before attempting this.


The Kwite-operator project team welcomes contributions from the community. Before you start working with Kwite-operator, please read our Developer Certificate of Origin. All contributions to this repository must be signed as described on that page. Your signature certifies that you wrote the patch or have the right to pass it on as an open-source patch. For more detailed information, refer to


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