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Teleconference 26 27 May 2020

Niels Klazenga edited this page Jun 11, 2020 · 1 revision

The meeting was devoted to discussing ways to streamline the production of a usable standard for exchange of taxonomic data and to stay in adherence to the Vocabulary Maintenance Standard.


Steve Baskauf, Anne Fuchs, Jeff Gerbracht, Niels Klazenga, Johan Liljeblad, Rich Pyle, William Ulate


The following points were discussed:

  • The standard is going to replace TCS, rather than live alongside TCS. Therefore we think we are making a new version of TCS, rather than a new product.
  • New TDWG products require a Task Group appointed by the TDWG Executive and an external review process run by the TDWG Executive. As we are not creating a new product, we do not strictly have to do that.
  • Existing TDWG standards require a Maintenance Group. Changes and additions to the standard and the review process for these changes can be run by the Maintenance Group. It was decided to propose to the TDWG Executive that the TNC become the TCS Maintenance Group.
  • While not strictly required, we think it will be good to have a Task Group – with a more limited scope than the Interest Group – to create the next version of TCS. Task Groups have a limited life span and need to be approved by the TDWG Executive. We will submit a charter that will set a timeline and will tell exactly what is in scope and what is out of scope.
  • Also, while we are not working on a new TDWG product and therefore an external review is not required, this will be a big revision and to many people will look like a new product, so we might still want an external review. We tabled that discussion for later.
  • At the later meeting, which was attended by a subset of the people who were at the first meeting, we decided to close all open GitHub issues, as they have run their course for now.
  • Also at this later meeting, despite the limited success of the earlier hackathon, there was a request to have another hackathon, as it allows people to allocate time to working on TNC related matters.


  • Write charter for TCS Maintenance Group.
  • Write charter for TCS 2 Task Group (working name).
  • Organise hackathon.