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Teleconference 30 June 1 July 2020

Niels Klazenga edited this page Jul 13, 2020 · 1 revision
  • Meeting 1: Tuesday, 30 June, 21:00 UTC
  • Meeting 2: Wednesday, 1 July, 21:00 UTC


Anne Fuchs (2nd meeting), Jeff Gerbracht (2nd), Niels Klazenga, Johan Liljeblad, Rich Pyle (2nd), William Ulate (2nd) Cam Webb, Greg Whitbread


Steve Baskauf, Jonathan Rees

1. Agenda

The agenda was the same for both meetings. Cam took notes at the first meeting and Anne at the second.

2. TCS Maintenance Group charter

In the first meeting some items from the draft Maintenance Group charter were moved to the Task Group charter and vice versa. After the second meeting only the first paragraph of the Strategy and scope section needs to be reworded and some more information needs to be added to the History and context section. In the meantime, Rich has already done the latter. People are asked to add their affiliations after their name in the Core members section. The Maintenance Group charter will be submitted to the TDWG Executive in the next couple of weeks.

3. TCS 2 Task Group charter

We discussed the Output, outcomes and goals (first meeting) and the Motivation and scope sections, which resulted in some rewriting during the meetings and some that still needs to be done. Disagreements about the scope appear not so much about the scope per se, but on how to formulate it. We will not submit the Task Group charter before the Maintenance Group has been approved, so we have some time to finish it and it will be on the agenda for the next meeting in four weeks.

4. Next meeting

The next meeting will be in four weeks’ time. We’ll do the same format of two meetings on consecutive days, Tuesday 28 July at 21:00 UTC and Wednesday 29 July at 21:00 UTC.


Action Who
Add affiliation to MG charter All
Complete MG charter Niels
Work on Use cases document All