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AWS Service Health Dashboard monitoring Template

Daisuke Ikeda edited this page Aug 18, 2016 · 3 revisions

This is AWS Service Health Dashboard monitoring Template.

AWS Service Health Dashboard


Operation has been confirmed under the following environments.

  • CentOS7.2 or Amazon Linux 2016.3
  • Python 2.7
  • feedparser
    • please install module.(pip install feedparser)
  • python-dateutil
    • If boto3 is not installed, please install this module.(pip install python-dateutil)
  • Zabbix 2.2 or 3.0


How to use

Only 3 steps.

  1. Download and set a python script
  2. Import template
  3. Register hosts

Download and set a python script

Please download scripts/ on your Zabbix Server (External Scripts directory). And please set exec permission to Zabbix Server user(default: zabbix).

Import template

Please import templates/3.0/AWS_Service_Health_Dashboard_template.xml at Zabbix WebGUI ([Configuration]->[Templates]->Import). (In case of Zabbix 2.2: templates/2.2/AWS_Service_Health_Dashboard_template.xml)

Register hosts

Please register Zabbix hosts for each region blocks(North America, South America, Europe, Asia Pacific).

In case of an Asia Pacific block:

  • Host name: AP (This name is very important)
  • Templates: Template AWS Service Health Dashboard

You can ...

  • Monitoring the status of each services in each Regions.
    • Service is operating normally
    • Performance issues
    • Service disruption
    • Informational message
  • Detecting the above error status by Zabbix triggers.


If you want to monitor the status of few services you use, you can set LLD macro filtering.

This template script return the following LLD json format.

  { "{#REGION}":"ap-northeast-1", "{#SERVICE.NAME}":"ec2"   },
  { "{#REGION}":"ap-northeast-1", "{#SERVICE.NAME}":"s3"   },
  { "{#REGION}":"ap-southeast-1", "{#SERVICE.NAME}":"ec2"   },
  { "{#REGION}":"ap-southeast-1", "{#SERVICE.NAME}":"s3"   },
  { "{#REGION}":"", "{#SERVICE.NAME}":"cloudfront"   },